糖尿病康复 > 感染性滴度 infectious titer英语短句 例句大全

感染性滴度 infectious titer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-29 02:18:51


感染性滴度 infectious titer英语短句 例句大全

感染性滴度,infectious titer

1)infectious titer感染性滴度


1.Development of A Method for Determination of Infectious Titer of Murine Minute Virus and Preparation of The Virus鼠细小病毒感染性滴度测定方法的建立及病毒制备

2.A low titre of coproantigen were found in feces ofter experimentally infection of dogs and elevated markedly at the 21th day.用细粒棘球蚴原头节感染家犬后,粪抗原呈低滴度阳性,至21天后迅速升高。

3.Analysis of correlation between maternal antibody titers and resistance to reticuloendotheliosis virus infections in young chickens雏鸡母源抗体滴度与抗禽网状内皮增生病病毒感染间的相关性分析

4.Trichomonas vaginalis is a parasite that can cause an painful infection, Trichomoniasis, in both men and women.阴道毛滴虫是能够感染男女两性的寄生虫,受感染者会得滴虫病,十分痛苦。

5.Determination of purity of basic dye by two phase titration两相滴定法测定三苯甲烷类碱性染料的纯度

6.Antibody Study of Tularemia Patients in Twenty Years;感染土拉弗氏菌患者二十后血清抗体滴度的研究

7.A Novel Method for the Determination of Recombinant Lentiviral Titer and Infectivity by qRT-PCR应用荧光实时定量PCR方法检测重组慢病毒滴度及其感染效率

8.Results PAP is more sensitive than IIF,the titre of PAP is 10~640 times as high as IIF.结果PAP法敏感性高于IIF法,滴度是IIF法的10~640倍。

9.Single Tube Nested PCR for Detection of Trichomonas Vaginalis in STD Patients;单管巢氏聚合酶链反应检测性病患者阴道毛滴虫感染的研究

10.Reduning Injection Nose Drip Treat Children Virus Upper Respiratory Tract Infection热毒宁注射液滴鼻治疗小儿病毒性上呼吸道感染

11.Correlation between Subgingival Infections and Co-infections of HCMV or EBV in Human Chronic Periodontitis and Periodontal Pathogenic Severity;慢性牙周炎龈下HCMV感染及其和EBV混合感染与牙周病变程度的关系

12.Clinical assessment of Pranoprofen eyedrops on postoperative inflammation of cataract extraction and non infection inflammation of the anterior segments of the eye普拉洛芬滴眼液治疗白内障术后炎症和非感染性眼前段炎症的临床评价

13.Trichomoniasis is a contagious, venereal disease of cattle characterized by sterity, pyometra and abortion.滴虫病是牛的一种接触传染的性

14.Trichomonad is helminth, have certain infectivity.滴虫是寄生虫,具有一定的传染性。

15.Survey of infectious status of Trichomonas vaginalis among patients in department of gynecology in Xi"an西安市妇科门诊病人阴道毛滴虫感染情况调查

16.Clinical Investigation and Research on Sexual Satisfaction of Female Patients with HIV Infected男性HIV感染患者性满意度的临床调查研究

17.Clinical Investigation and Research on Sexual Satisfaction of Female Patients with HIV Infection女性HIV感染患者性满意度的临床调查研究

18.Effects of Methoxychlor on Female Gonad Toxicities and Possible Mechanisms in Rats;甲氧滴滴涕染毒对雌性SD大鼠的性腺毒性及其机制研究


trichomonas infection毛滴虫感染

3)trichomonas vaginitis infection阴道滴虫感染

1.OBJECTIVE To explore the risk factors oftrichomonas vaginitis infections in married women in rural area and to provide evidences for medical intervention.目的探讨农村已婚妇女阴道滴虫感染危险因素,为实施干预措施提供依据。


1.Objective To explore the effect of combined therapy of artesunate and praziquantel for differentinfectiosity of Schistosoma japonicum in rabbits.目的探讨青蒿琥酯和吡喹酮联用对日本血吸虫不同感染度家兔的治疗效果。

5)Infection intensity感染强度

1.5%, the mean infection intensity was 16.20 0 3年 3~ 9月 ,以内蒙古自治区根河市敖鲁古雅鄂温克民族乡作为试验基地 ,对 82 9只驯鹿进行了鹿狂蝇幼虫感染率、感染强度和寄生部位的调查。

2.To study microcosmic infection of computer viruses,based on reseaching infectious mechanism of viruses and operating system characteristics,establishes and analyses the model of computer viruses random infection,which concludes that the number of virus infection increase linearly with steady infection intensity on single-process operating.得出结论:在单进程操作系统环境下,病毒的感染数量呈线性增长,感染强度相对稳定;在多进程操作系统环境下,病毒的感染数量和感染强度都呈e的指数级增长。

3.100 wild Macaca mulattas samples were collected from Mianyang area to monitor the infection rate and the infection intensity of intestinal parasites by saturate saline flotation and eggs precipitate collection method respectively.对四川绵阳地区野生猕猴抽样100只,分别采用饱和食盐水漂浮法和沉淀集卵法检查粪便中寄生虫卵,监测肠道寄生虫的感染率和感染强度。

6)intensity of infection感染强度

1.Changes with seasons in breadth and overlapping of niche of the three kinds of parasite, Acanthocephala, Digenea and Capillaria in the digestive tube of Monopterus albus, and its relation ship with theintensity of infection correlation were investigated.为探明寄生虫对黄鳝的危害,对黄鳝消化道内三大类寄生虫棘头虫门、复殖吸虫纲和毛细线虫属的生态位宽度和生态位重叠随季节的变化及其与寄生虫感染强度的关系进行了研究。

2.It is discovered that the species of helminthes parasitizing in the finless eels are much the same, but the rate and theintensity of infection of the parasitized host are quite different.剖检采自黄州陶店乡黄鳝60尾,新河乡黄鳝101尾,发现两地黄鳝体内寄生蠕虫种类的差别不大,但其感染率、感染强度有差别,两地黄鳝体内寄生蠕虫优势种均为隐藏新棘虫,常见种均为鳗鲡独孤吸虫及幼旋尾线虫未定种,稀有种均为大型多钩槽绦虫,隐藏新棘虫与幼旋尾线虫、隐藏新棘虫与鳗鲡独孤吸虫共染比例较高



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