糖尿病康复 > 迈之灵 aescuven forte英语短句 例句大全

迈之灵 aescuven forte英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-13 17:21:29


迈之灵 aescuven forte英语短句 例句大全

迈之灵,aescuven forte

1)aescuven forte迈之灵

1.Clinical therapy of retinal vein occlusion withaescuven forte;迈之灵治疗视网膜静脉阻塞

2.The curative effect of Heparinoid and Aescuven forte to acute incarcerated hemorrhoid;喜疗妥、迈之灵治疗急性嵌顿痔疗效观察

3.Aescuven forte treatment after clinical observation of varicose veins迈之灵治疗静脉曲张术后的临床观察


1.Aescuven forte treatment after clinical observation of varicose veins迈之灵治疗静脉曲张术后的临床观察

2.Clinical Study of Aesscuven Forte in Treatment of Limbs Swelling and Haemorhoids迈之灵治疗肢体肿胀性疾病及痔疮的临床研究

3.The Clinical Study of Treatment for Central Retinal Vein Occlusion by Krypton Laser and Aescuven Fort氪激光联合药物迈之灵治疗视网膜中央静脉阻塞的临床研究

4.Effect of extract of horse chestnut seeds(Aescuven forte) on limb trauma马粟树籽提取物(迈之灵)治疗肢体创伤的临床研究

5.Halloween night, Elliott and Michael dressed E. T. in a sheet… like a ghost.万圣节之夜,艾略特和迈克尔给e.t.套了块儿白布……像个幽灵似的。

6.His ear grew dull of hearing from old age.他的听觉因年迈而变得不灵。

7.World Advance Soccer Road to Win世界足球-迈向胜利之路

8.Diligence is the gate to success.勤奋是迈向成功之路。

9.Spirit Dancing in the Arcadia--On Wordsworth’s Michael田园中跳动着的精灵——论华兹华斯的《迈克尔》

10.President of Friends of the Everglades Mike Chenoweth said.""大沼泽地之友"会长迈克·切诺韦思说。

11.Before you jump in with both feet find out more.在你迈出双脚之前多考虑一些吧。

12.He stepped forward, hit foot sand into the ooze.他向前一迈步,脚陷进了淤泥之中。

13.In short, Mrs Miles is a loose fish.总之,迈儿斯先生是个浪荡子。

14.They have often raised a man from mediocrity to success.它们常常使一个平凡之辈迈向成功。

15.Choosing international brand5- star hotel, heading towards success.选择国际五星起步,迈向职业成功之路。

16.The success that Michael Flatley enjoys today did not come easily.迈克尔?弗拉特利今天的成功来之不易。

17.After his divorce, Mike became a drunk down on skid row.离婚之后,迈克尔沦落为贫民街的酒鬼。

18.The dances of minority nationalities using weapons as stage props always appear brave and heroic.各民族的兵器之舞,刀光剑影,英勇豪迈;


Chen zhimai陈之迈

3)bold and unconstrained papers豪迈雄健之文


1.Results of long-term toxicic test ofFuzhiling on rat.;服之灵对大鼠的长期毒性试验

5)the Medicine to Construct Spiritual Beings灵魂之药

1.Words asthe Medicine to Construct Spiritual Beings——Analyzing the significance to a writer after his construction of characters in a fiction by reading《Unterm Rad》;以文字熔炼灵魂之药——由《轮下》分析小说中人物生成对作者的救赎意义

6)The Home of the Ghost《幽灵之家》

1.Desire and Damage——On the Theme ofThe Home of the Ghost;欲望与损害——评《幽灵之家》主题



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