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《清史稿艺文志拾遗》 Qing shi gao yi wen zhi shi yi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-22 18:13:16


《清史稿艺文志拾遗》 Qing shi gao yi wen zhi shi yi英语短句 例句大全

《清史稿艺文志拾遗》,Qing shi gao yi wen zhi shi yi

1)Qing shi gao yi wen zhi shi yi《清史稿艺文志拾遗》


ments on the shortcomings of Complement to Bibliography of History of Qing Dynasty;浅谈《清史稿艺文志拾遗》的美中不足

2.<Qingshigao Yiwenzhi Military Strategists Category> Complementary Research of Bingshu from Shunzhi to Jiaqing Years;《清史稿·艺文志·兵家类》及补顺治至嘉庆间兵书考释

3.Relation Studies of the Qingshigaoyiwenzhi and the Baqianjuanloushumu《清史稿藝文志》与《八千卷楼书目》关系研究

4.The Supplement to Literature and Art Records of Official History by the Scholars of Qing Dynasty清代学者对正史艺文(经籍)志的增补

5.History of Literature and Art: An Enlightenment ofEcological Succession;文学艺术史:生态演替的启示——《生态文艺学》论稿

6.A Corrigendum of the Biography Part in History of Ming Dynasty,Essays《明史·艺文志》“史部”勘误一则

7.Li(Case) Supporting Lv,Not Replacing Lv--The Partial of Study on the Relationship between Li(Case) and Lv in Paper of Qing Dynasty History,Criminal Law;例以辅律 非以代律——谈《清史稿·刑法志》律例关系之说的片面性

8.On Stylistic Features of Shi Yi Ji杂史杂传为体,地理博物为用——论《拾遗记》的文体特征

9.Survey of Tianjin Literature and Art and the Celebrities in Tianjin Cultural Circles《天津艺文志》与天津历史文化名人——写在《天津艺文志》编后

10.The Study of Addendum to Tales from A Carefree Studio;《得月簃丛书》之《聊斋志异拾遗》考

11.The history of painting was full of artists who had earned nothing at all.绘画史上到头来不名分文穷愁潦倒的艺术家俯拾皆是。

12.The Collecting Notes of Ming Novels Appeared in Yiwenzhi of the History of Ming;《明史·艺文志》著录30部小说集解

13.The Collecting Notes of South Song Novels Appeared in Yiwenzhi of the History of Song;《宋史·艺文志》著录南宋小说集解

14.The Collecting Notes of Some North Song Novels Appeared in Yiwenzhi of the History of Song;《宋史·艺文志》著录北宋部分小说集解

15.Reasons Why Books only in that Dynasty Recorded in Records of Art and Literature of Ming History试析《明史·艺文志》专记一代著述的原因

16.Textual Research into"Biography of Zheng Chenggong"--about the different records between Draft of Qing Dynasty and Biographies in Qing Dynasty;《清史稿》、《清史列传》之《郑成功传》考异七则

17.A History of Modern Chinese Fiction: Constructs Pattern, Viewpoint of the History of Literature and Criticism Standards;论夏志清《中国现代小说史》的文学史建构方式、文学史观和批评标准

18.Historical Inspection of Our Lost Property Legal System;我国拾得遗失物法律制度的历史考察


The Index of the Addition to the Records of Art and Literature in Qing Dynasty《清史稿艺文志拾遗索引》

1.The Academic Problems of the Edition of Traditional Index and Its Significance in the New Era——The Recall and Thought of the Edition ofThe Index of the Addition to the Records of Art and Literature in Qing Dynasty;传统索引编制的学术性及其在新时期的意义——《清史稿艺文志拾遗索引》编纂工作的回顾与思考

3)"the Chronicle of Disasterand Monstrosity of the Manuscripts of the History of the Qing Dynasty《清史稿·灾异志》

4)Compilation of Literary Work补史艺文志

5)History of Ming Dynasty·Art VolumeP明史艺文志

6)"Yiwenzhi"of the History of Song宋史·艺文志


起文1.撰文;撰稿。 2.向上级呈报文件。

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