糖尿病康复 > 增产增糖 increasing root and sugar yield英语短句 例句大全

增产增糖 increasing root and sugar yield英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-30 21:23:16


增产增糖 increasing root and sugar yield英语短句 例句大全

增产增糖,increasing root and sugar yield

1)increasing root and sugar yield增产增糖


1.Mechanism of ethephon on increasing cane yield and sucrose % cane in sugarcane甘蔗应用乙烯利增产增糖的机理研究

2.Study on the Mechanism of High Yield and High Sucrose Content of Sugarcane Sprayed with Rare Earth Solution Ⅴ.Study on Cane Yield and Quality and the Composite Factors of yield甘蔗喷施稀土增产增糖机理的研究(续完)——Ⅴ、产量构成因素、产量和品质的研究

3.Effect of Cane-sugar Promoter on Sugarcane Yield and Sugar Content in Guangxi增糖增产剂对广西甘蔗产量和糖分的影响

4.sugar-bearing crops around 87 million tons, up 15 percent;糖料总产量8700万吨左右,增产约15%;

5.Output of sugar was 97.65 million tons, up 4.0 percent over the previous year, or an increase of 3.79 million tons.糖料产量9765万吨,比上年增加379万吨,增长4.0%。

6.Growth was seen in the output of oil-bearing crops, sugar, tea and fruits.油料、糖料、茶叶和水果等作物产品产量有所增长。

7.Effects of Sucrose-yield Promoter Released by Buried Drip Irrigation on Sugarcane Physiology应用地埋式滴灌施放增糖增产剂对甘蔗生理生化特性的影响

8.Sugar production rose 150 per cent compared to the first eight months of1976.和1976年头8个月相比,糖产量增加了百分之150%。

9.Except for very few products, such as steel, sugar and automobiles, other major import products increased across the board.除个别产品如钢材、食糖、汽车等以外,其它主要进口产品则全面增长。

10.diabetic proliferative retinopathy糖尿病增殖性视网膜病

11.The production of foodstuff increased by 50 percent.粮食产量增长50%。

12.6. We should lose no time in increasing production and economizing.六、抓紧增产节约。

13.Promoting Stable and Increase Output of Grain by Carrying out the Increasing Grain Output Project实施粮食增产工程 促进粮食稳产增产

14.Study on Behaviour Mechanism of Increasing Production and Sugar of Cane Caused by Silicon Ⅳ. Effect of Silicon on Distribution of Nutritive Elements in Sugarcane硅元素对甘蔗增产和增糖作用机理的研究 Ⅳ.硅元素对甘蔗中营养元素分布的影响

15.Study on Behaviour Mechanism of Increase Production and Sugar of Cane Caused by Silicon Ⅴ. Effect of Silicon on Photosynthesis Strength of Sugarcane硅元素对甘蔗增产和增糖作用机理的研究 Ⅴ.硅元素对甘蔗光合作用强度的影响研究

16.Role of Peroxisome Proliferators Activated Receptorγ in Mediating Proliferation of Rat Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells Induced by Advanced Glycation End Products;过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体γ对糖基化终产物诱导大鼠血管平滑肌细胞增殖的作用

17.In still higher concentrations it crystallizes and adds brittleness as in hard candies.在浓度更高时可产生结晶,增加体系脆性,比如硬糖。

18.Preparation and Solubilization of Rice Dreg Protein Concentrates from By-Products of Starch Syrups;淀粉糖副产品制备米渣浓缩蛋白及酶法增溶技术的研究


Sucrose-Yield Promoter for Sugarcane甘蔗增糖增产剂

1.Demonstration trial of foliar spray ofSucrose-Yield Promoter for Sugarcane (the product of Guangxi University) was conducted with A2C Super-Light Aircraft in total 2134 hm2 of sugarcane in Shangsi County, Guangxi, China, in October, .为了探讨用飞机大面积喷施甘蔗增糖增产剂的可行性,在上思县人民政府的大力支持及各部门积极配合下,我们于10月在上思县蔗区用飞机喷施甘蔗增糖增产剂2134 hm2。


1.Acidizing is common applied instimulation in oil and water well.酸化是油水井常用的增产增注措施。

4)stimulation of production and injection well增注增产

5)increasing of quality and production增产增质

6)increase production and efficiency增产增效


阿卡波糖 ,拜糖平,拜糖苹药物名称:拜糖平英文名:Acarbose别名: 阿卡波糖 ,拜糖平,拜糖苹适应症: 本品是一种安全平稳的新型糖尿病治疗药。配合饮食治疗糖尿病。可单用或与其他降血糖药合用。 用量用法: 口服:开始每日150mg(指含阿卡波糖)、随后增至每日300~600mg。剂量可在1~2周内增加(平均剂量每日300mg)、饭前服或与头几口食物嚼服才有效。服用疗程没有限制。 注意事项: 无全身性副反应、无低血糖反应、不影响体重。常有胀气、肠鸣;偶有腹泻、腹痛等。18岁以下的患者、乳妇不宜用。 规格: 50mg/片,100mg/片(含阿卡波糖)。 类别:胰岛激素及影响血糖药

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