糖尿病康复 > PBL教学 PBL teaching英语短句 例句大全

PBL教学 PBL teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-22 12:06:21


PBL教学 PBL teaching英语短句 例句大全

PBL教学,PBL teaching

1)PBL teachingPBL教学

1.Application of opening laboratory andPBL teaching method in the experiment teaching of medical laboratory sciences;开放实验室及PBL教学在医学检验学实验教学中应用的探讨

2.Evolving and practicingPBL teaching to set up new mode of oral histopathologic teaching;创建口腔组织病理学PBL教学新模式

3.Application ofPBL teaching model in neurology clinical teaching;PBL教学法在神经内科见习中的应用


1.Application of PBL in medical chemistry experimental teaching医学化学实验教学中PBL教学法的应用

2.Appliance of PBL instruction mode in stomatological teaching;PBL教学模式在口腔医学教学中的应用

3.Application of problem-based learning in clinical medical teaching;在临床医学教学中应用PBL教学法

4.About the Usage of the PBL Method in the Pathogeny Biology Teaching;PBL教学在《病原生物学》教学中的运用

5.The application of PBL teaching mode to the t eaching of epidemiologyPBL教学模式在流行病学教学中的应用

6.The Application of Problem-Based Learningin Nuclear Medicine Theoretical TeachingPBL教学法在核医学理论教学中的应用

7.PBL Teaching Method in Teaching Human AnatomyPBL教学法在人体解剖学教学中的应用

8.Idea of Applying PBL Method in Teaching Chinese Materia Medical Chemistry《中药化学》教学中应用PBL教学法的设想

9.PBL in the Teaching of Nursing ManagementPBL教学法与《护理管理学》教学

10.Application of problem-based learning(PBL) in physiology teachingPBL教学法在生理学教学中的应用

11.Practice of PBL Teaching Method in Clinic Medical TeachingPBL教学法在临床医学教学的实践

12.Exploration of problem based learning in the experiment teaching of PharmacologyPBL教学法在《药理学》实验教学中的探索

13.Application of PBL teaching mode in laboratory diagnosis teachingPBL教学法在实验诊断学教学中的应用

14.The application of the PBL teaching method in regional anatomyPBL教学法在局部解剖学教学中的应用


16.Study on PBL in pharmaceutics teachingPBL教学法在药剂学教学中的应用探讨

17.The application of Problem-based learning for scene teaching in "Surgery"PBL教学法在《外科学》场景教学中的应用

18.A Thought on Adult Teaching Reform by Using PBL Teaching Mode;借鉴PBL教学模式改革成人教学的思考


problem-based learningPBL教学

1.Successful use ofproblem-based learning in medical microbiology course;医学微生物学PBL教学方案设计及效果评价

2.Use ofproblem-based learning in community health nursing Curriculum;社区护理学课程中开展PBL教学初探

3.Problem-Based Learning is a teaching method in which problems act as the starting poit and navigation of learning.以问题为导向的PBL教学方法,将问题作为学习的起点,有助于提高学生解决问题的能力。


1.Application of problem-based learning(PBL) in clinical practice of pediatric medicine;PBL教学法在儿科临床见习中的应用体会

2.Application and discussion ofPBL teaching in medical microbiology of seven-year medical program;PBL教学法在七年制医学微生物学授课中的应用与体会

3.Application of problem-based learning(PBL) in endocrinology clinical practicePBL教学法在内分泌见习教学中的应用

4)problem based learningPBL教学

1.To explore the application ofproblem based learning(PBL) teaching model in disinfection,students from grade of hygienic analysis were selected for evaluation as test group on chemical disinfection.为了探讨PBL教学模式在医学消毒学教学中的应用,选取了化学消毒法内容在级卫生检验专业学生中进行尝试,并与采取传统教学模式的2001级和2002级同专业的学生比较,期末成绩两者并无明显差异,但有关化学消毒法内容的得分两者存在显著性差异;同时对教学效果的调查显示,这种方法受到学生的欢迎,学习的积极性、主动性大为提高。

2.In reform of PBL(problem based learning)_teaching in single courses,a prominent problem was which was the central link,the problem or the knowledge.以单门课程为基础的PBL教学改革存在着突出问题———以问题还是以知识为中心。

5)PBL teachingPBL教学法

1.Evaluation of effect onPBL teaching in course of general practice(GP) for clinical medical undergraduates;PBL教学法在全科医学理论教学中的效果分析

2.PBL teaching is an international popular didactical paradigm,but there is seldom practical experience in local higher medical education.PBL教学法目前已成为国际上较为流行的教学模式。

3.With two-year effort of teaching practice,the authors make a success of the establishment of research teaching system in the course of Advanced Development in Pharmaceutics which aims at training graduates′ innovative abilities with adoption of Seminar teaching andPBL teaching methods.该体系以培养及激发研究生创新能力为主导思想,采用了sem inar教学法、PBL教学法等国外常用的教学方法。

6)Problem-based learningPBL教学法

1.Applying problem-based learning (PBL) to teaching of regional anatomy;PBL教学法应用于局部解剖学教学的初探

2.Objective To explore the effect of problem-based learning(PBL) in improving clinical trainees thinking and comprehensive practical ability in clinical teaching of orthodontics.目的探讨PBL教学法在口腔正畸科临床教学中的应用对提高临床实习生的思维和综合应用知识能力的影响。



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