糖尿病康复 > 目痛 pain of eye英语短句 例句大全

目痛 pain of eye英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-11 12:29:06


目痛 pain of eye英语短句 例句大全

目痛,pain of eye

1)pain of eye目痛

2)visual analogous scale (VAS)目测类比疼痛评分法

1.Objective To study the characteristic of the hospital costs in rehabilitation of patients with low back pain, costs of major resource items were compared, and study the relation of the hospital costs and length of stay and visual analogous scale (VAS).目的研究康复科腰痛患者住院费用的特点并了解目测类比疼痛评分法(VAS)对住院费用的预测。

3)Visual Analogus Scale疼痛的目测类比定级


1.Changes of NOS activity in dorsal horn of spinal cord during formalin induced inflammatorypain and hyperalgesia in rats;福尔马林炎症痛诱导的大鼠脊髓后角一氧化氮合酶的变化

2.Objective:To observe the relationship between reactive neurons and astrocytes (ASs) in the Sp5C following nocuouspain stimulation induced by formalin injection.HGJ表现为两侧膜增厚 ,Cx4 3阳性物质和Cx32阳性金颗粒分别位于星形细胞和神经元一侧 ,痛刺激后HGJ数量明显增加。


1.Intense longing or grief.悲痛、惨痛极度悲哀,痛念

2.To feel bitter anguish or grief.痛苦感到痛苦或沉痛

3.I have a headache and a sore throat.我头也痛、喉也痛。

4.Gout, especially of the big toe.痛风,足痛风痛风,尤指大脚趾的痛风

5.and made a night of it.又痛痛快快玩了一夜。

6.I"ve had a bad stomach-ache and a terrible headache for two days.我腹痛和头痛已两天了。

7.To cause a tingling or pricking sensation in.刺痛使在其中感到刺痛

8.Sharp, spasmodic pains in the bowels.肠绞痛肠内痉挛性剧痛

9."He has a headache, aching Bones and joints. "他头痛,骨头、关节也痛。

10.Headache: Pain in the upper portion of the head头痛: 头颅上部的疼痛。

11.Pain in the stomach or bowels.肚子痛胃或肠道疼痛

12.excruciating spasms of neuralgia;极为痛苦的神经痛痉挛;

13.To become irritated, chafed, or sore.变得肿痛、擦伤或疼痛

14.He doubled over his back because his wound hurt again.伤痛发作,他痛弯了腰。

15.Better a finger off than aye wagging.〔谚语〕长痛不如短痛。

16.exquisite pain, agony, etc剧烈的疼痛、痛苦等.

17.thrash a person soundly重 [痛] 打某人

18.To be the cause of pain.使痛苦成为疼痛、痛苦的原因


visual analogous scale (VAS)目测类比疼痛评分法

1.Objective To study the characteristic of the hospital costs in rehabilitation of patients with low back pain, costs of major resource items were compared, and study the relation of the hospital costs and length of stay and visual analogous scale (VAS).目的研究康复科腰痛患者住院费用的特点并了解目测类比疼痛评分法(VAS)对住院费用的预测。

3)Visual Analogus Scale疼痛的目测类比定级


1.Changes of NOS activity in dorsal horn of spinal cord during formalin induced inflammatorypain and hyperalgesia in rats;福尔马林炎症痛诱导的大鼠脊髓后角一氧化氮合酶的变化

2.Objective:To observe the relationship between reactive neurons and astrocytes (ASs) in the Sp5C following nocuouspain stimulation induced by formalin injection.HGJ表现为两侧膜增厚 ,Cx4 3阳性物质和Cx32阳性金颗粒分别位于星形细胞和神经元一侧 ,痛刺激后HGJ数量明显增加。

5)itai-itai disease痛痛病

6)Has your pain passed off yet?还痛不痛?


目痛目痛 目痛 证名。见《神农本草经》卷三。一般日间痛属阳;夜间痛属阴。痛而烦闷为气实;痛而恶寒为气虚。隐隐作痛,时作时止,为阴虚火动;痛如针刺,持续无间,为火邪有余。痛而干涩不适,为津液耗损或水亏血虚;赤痛而多分泌物,眵泪胶粘,为凤热壅盛。二便清利,目微赤痛为虚火上浮;二便不利,目赤痛甚为实火内燔。痛而拒按,喜冷敷为实;痛而喜按,热烫则舒为虚。眼痛连及巅顶、前额,是足太阳膀胱经受邪;痛连前额、鼻、颊、牙齿,为足阳明胃经受邪;痛连颞颥者,乃足少阳经受邪。《证治准绳·杂病》认为:“目痛有二,一谓目眦白眼痛,一谓目珠黑眼痛。盖目眦白眼疼属阳,故昼则疼甚,点苦寒药则效。经所谓白眼赤脉法于阳故也。目珠黑眼疼属阴,故夜则疼甚,点苦寒则反剧。经所谓瞳子黑眼法于阴故也。”

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