糖尿病康复 > 相对表达量 Relative expression英语短句 例句大全

相对表达量 Relative expression英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-11 22:45:48


相对表达量 Relative expression英语短句 例句大全

相对表达量,Relative expression

1)Relative expression相对表达量

1.To detect the relative expression of sBD-1 mRNA in the cultured epithelial cell of fallopian tubes of Mongolian sheep,a real-time PCR with SYBR GreenⅠ was performed.以β-Actin基因为内参基因,对sBD-1 mRNA进行均一化处理,利用荧光阈值(Ct值)计算sBD-1 mRNA的相对表达量。

2.To detect the relative expression of sBD-1-mRNA in female reproductive tract of Mongolian sheep,RT-PCR with SYBR Green Ⅰ was performed.为了利用SYBR GreenⅠ实时荧光定量PCR技术对蒙古绵羊雌性生殖道β-防御素基因表达水平进行相对定量测定,建立蒙古绵羊β-防御素基因相对表达水平的实时荧光定量PCR方法,试验根据GenBank中羊β-防御素基因序列设计合成引物,进行实时荧光定量PCR,同时以β-Actin为内参基因对β-防御素基因进行均一化处理,利用荧光阈值(C t值)计算β-防御素基因的相对表达量。


1.The Relationship between Relative Quantity of Gene Expression Related to Cotton Fiber Development and Quality棉花纤维发育相关功能基因相对表达量和品质关系的研究

2.Relationship between the Contents of Soybean Isoflavanones and Relative Expression Quantity of PAL Gene大豆叶片异黄酮含量与PAL基因相对表达量的关系

3.Effects of Kangliyin on N Gene Relative Expression in the Infectious Bronchitis Virus Infected Model抗戾饮对IBV感染模型组织中N基因相对表达量的影响

4.Relative and Absolute Quantification-Expression Analysis of CsSAMDC Gene As a Case相对定量和绝对定量—以CsSAMDC基因表达分析为例

5.Reflectance: The relative amount of reflected light of a surface. May be expressed in percentage.反射度:一个表面的相对反射量。可用百分率表达。

6.Intratumoral relative perfusion rate and the relation between MVD and expression of VEGF assessed with power Doppler imaging:in bladder carcinoma能量多普勒检测膀胱癌血流相对灌注率及其与MVD、VEGF表达的相关性

7.Effects of Energy Sources and Levels in Diet on Oocyte Quality and Gene Expression in Gilts;能量来源和水平对后备母猪卵母细胞质量及相关基因表达的影响

8.a quantity expressed as a sum or difference of two terms.表达成两项相加或相减的数量。

9.Expression stability of endogenous control genes in relative quantitative RT-PCR method and its application evaluation相对定量RT-PCR法中内对照基因表达水平的稳定性及其应用评价

10.LRP16 Gene"s Effects on Expression of Genes Related to Energy Metabolism in AdipocytesLRP16基因对脂肪细胞能量代谢相关基因表达的影响

11.Establishment of RT-PCR detecting relative expression of sBD-1-mRNA in Mongolian sheep蒙古绵羊β-防御素基因相对表达水平实时定量PCR方法的建立

12.Effect of low dose radiation on cell cycle and expression of its related proteins of HCT-8 cells低剂量辐射对HCT-8细胞周期及其相关蛋白表达的影响

13.Weights shown in the above chart are based on 3_phase motors, weights for single phase, brake, or special motor shall be referred to specific values.表中重量以配合三相马达为主,其它单相、煞车、特殊马达重量另订。

14.the victor"s grace in treating the vanquished.朝鲜韩国互相表达善意,弃用敌对字眼。

15.Whorfian Linguistic Relativity: A Case of L2 Acquisition of English Counterfactual语言相对论:二语习得中的反事实表达

16.Abstract: Based on the previous paper, for accelerating charge in general relativity, we obtained the exact expressions of electromagnetic field and radiating energy.文摘:得到了广义相对论加速电荷的电磁场的严格表达式,并计算了它的能量辐射.

17.Effects of Morphine on Levels of Nitric Oxide, Glutamate and Glutamine and Expression of the Related Metabolic Key Enzymes in Rat C6 Glioma Cell;吗啡对C6神经胶质瘤细胞NO、Glu和Gln含量及其代谢相关酶基因表达的影响

18.The Effect of Glucose and Insulin on Gene Expression Related to Lipids Metabolism and TG Accumulation in Goose Hepatocyte;胰岛素和葡萄糖对鹅肝细胞TG含量及脂肪代谢相关基因表达的调控


expression rate of TAp73/DNp73TAp73/DNp73表达相对量

3)Relative expression of SPDS1 geneSPDS1基因相对表达量

4)the MT-I mRNA ExpressionMT-I mRNA相对表达量

5)equivalent expression相对应的表达

6)apparent molar mass表观相对分子量


YF-73发动机中国研制的液体火箭发动机,使用的推进剂为液氧和液氢,用于"长征"3号运载火箭第3级(见"长征"号运载火箭)。发动机真空推力 45千牛(约4.5吨力)、真空比冲425秒、总工作时间750秒,采用燃气发生器循环系统(见动力循环),由一台涡轮泵向4台推力室供应推进剂。推力室采用再生冷却,喷注器由同轴式喷嘴围绕中心的火药点火器按同心圆式排列,喷注器面板使用多孔材料并用液氢发汗冷却,喷管面积比为40。液氧泵和液氢泵均为一级离心泵,用一级冲击式涡轮驱动。经换热器加热后的氧气和氢气分别输入液氧箱和液氢箱增压。发动机用氮气瓶起动,用火药点火器点火,可以2次起动。每台推力室可作±24°的单向摇摆,以提供火箭第3级飞行姿态的控制力矩。发动机的工作过程是:起动前打开液氧泵和液氢泵的泵前活门,液氧和液氢在贮箱增压的压力下流入发动机,对发动机主活门前接触推进剂的组件和导管进行预冷。预冷结束后由起动气瓶来的氮气吹动涡轮,然后火药点火器点火,发动机转入主级工作。第一次工作完毕后发动机关机进入滑行阶段,但泵前活门不关闭。再次起动前先进行程序预冷,滑行结束后发动机按第一次工作程序再次起动点火转入主级工作,直至最后关机。

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