糖尿病康复 > 输注 infusions英语短句 例句大全

输注 infusions英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-06 18:48:44


输注 infusions英语短句 例句大全




1.Infusion should be completed within six hours.输注应于六小时内完成。

2.Shaking infusion bottle regularly and standardizing intravenous infusion of insulin定时摇晃输液瓶 规范静脉输注胰岛素

3.Results Blood transfusion reaction do not happen after transfused RH(-) freezing red blood cell.结果输注RH(-)冷冻RBC制品无一例输血反应发生。

4.Influence of Particles in the Air to Transfusion Quality in Process of Infusion环境空气微粒对输注过程输液质量的影响

5.Application of Composition Transfusion through Platelet Transfusion从临床输注血小板效果分析谈成份输血的应用

6.Effects of TCI midazolam on sedation and hypnosis effects of TCI propofol靶控输注咪唑安定对靶控输注丙泊酚镇静催眠效应的影响

parison of Clinical Effects between Target-Controlled Infusion and Continuous Vecuronium;维库溴铵靶控输注与持续静脉输注临床效果的比较

8.The Contrast Research of Target-controlled Infusion of Propofol Using Effect Compartment Model and Plasma Model;异丙酚效应室靶控输注与血浆靶控输注的对比研究

9.A Clinical Trial of Etomidate Continous Infusion Used in General Anesthesia Induction and Maintenance依托咪酯持续输注用于全身麻醉诱导和持续输注维持的临床观察

10.Evaluation of the accuracy of patient controlled-target controlled infusion system with sufentanil患者自控-靶控输注系统输注舒芬太尼的准确性评价

11.Conparison of Clinical Effects between Target-Controlled Infusion and Intravenous Midazolam;咪唑安定靶控输注与单次静注临床效果的比较

parison of Target-controlled Infusion and Intermittent Bolus Injection;维库溴铵靶控输注与间断静注临床效果的比较

13.concrete belt placing tower混凝土带输送灌注塔

14.I am/He is/They are hound to fail/lose.我/他/他们注定要输。

15.fuel filling and transfer line燃油注入和输送管路

16.fuel filling and transfer system燃油注入和输送系统

17.Enter any comments about the backup in the Backup comment box.在“备份注释”框中输入有关备份的注释。

18.You entered multiple destinations for a page, line, footnote, endnote, or comment.您为页、行、脚注、尾注或批注输入了多项目标。



1.Analysis on difference of clinicalinfusion effect of frozen platelet and fresh platelet;冰冻血小板和新鲜血小板临床输注效果的差异分析

2.The Pharmacodynamics of Target-Controlled Infusion Propofol During Epidural Anesthesia;靶控输注异丙酚术中镇静的药效学研究

3.The Effect of Sedation with Target-controlled Infusion Propofol on Heamodynamics During Epidural Anesthesia;硬膜外麻醉下靶控输注丙泊酚镇静对血流动力学的影响


1.A retrospective study for red blood cell transfusion in intensive care unit危重患者红细胞输注的临床研究


5)Continuous infusion持续输注

1.Group A was treated by the four-week schedule of mainline of 5-FU, while group B by two-week schedule of 46 hour continuous infusion of 5-FU.A组予以5-FU间歇静脉注射的四周方案,B组予以5-FU持续输注46小时的双周方案。

2.Objective:To observe the impact of continuous infusion of remifentanil on cardiac muscle tissue cox-2 and serum H-FABP in dogs with myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury.目的:观察持续输注瑞芬太尼对犬急性心肌缺血再灌注心肌组织cox-2(环氧合酶)表达、血清H-FABP(心肌型脂肪酸结合蛋白)的影响。

6)target-controlled infusion靶控输注

parison of clinical effect oftarget-controlled infusion and intermittent bolus injection of vecuronium;维库溴铵靶控输注与间断静注临床效果比较

2.Effect of remifentanil bytarget-controlled infusion on the hemodynamics and heart rate variability during tracheal extubation;靶控输注瑞芬太尼对全麻拔管时血流动力学及心率变异性的影响

parisontarget-controlled infusion sufentanil or remifentanil on gynaecologic laparoscopy operation;舒芬太尼和瑞芬太尼靶控输注静脉麻醉用于妇科腹腔镜手术



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