糖尿病康复 > 漆籽 lacquer fruits英语短句 例句大全

漆籽 lacquer fruits英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-23 10:51:08


漆籽 lacquer fruits英语短句 例句大全

漆籽,lacquer fruits

1)lacquer fruits漆籽

1.The results show that Sumac has got a rich store of genetic material andlacquer fruits have a certain relation in between the content of their wax layer and the mass of their inner skin,namely,the mass being bigger leads to the conte.结果表明:漆树遗传材料丰富,漆籽的蜡质层含蜡率与漆籽内果皮的质量有一定的关系,即内果皮质量大的漆籽出蜡率相对较低;而漆籽蜡质层含蜡率与果形指数相关性达到极显著水平,即随着漆籽果形指数的增加,漆籽出蜡率降低,选择漆蜡为主的漆树优良种时,应以果形指数在0。


1.Characters of Lacquer Fruits:(Ⅱ) The Oil Contents of Its Kernel漆树果实性状研究(Ⅱ)——漆籽的含油率

2.shrunken grains不饱满的籽粒, 瘪籽

3.grass rejuvenator草籽破皮机(促籽发芽)

4.paint spray gun手抢式喷漆器喷漆枪

5.Paint, lacquer, etc.油漆、金属油漆与其它 。

6.varnish maker"s and painter"s naphtha清漆与油漆用石脑油

7.paint with an airbrush.用油漆喷雾器进行油漆。

8.Spraying the paint on the furniture is better brushing.喷漆家俱比刷漆好。

9.paint spraying pistol手枪式喷漆器喷漆枪

10.Paints and varnishes--Visual comparison of the colour of paintsGB/T9761-1988色漆和清漆色漆的目视比色

11.Paints and varnishes-Determination of film thicknessGB/T13452.2-1992色漆和清漆漆膜厚度的测定

12.paints and varnishes-cross-cut test色漆和清漆 -漆膜的划格试验

13.Paints and varnishes Cross cut test for filmsGB/T9286-1998色漆和清漆漆膜的划格试验

14.CHIPPED PAINT: Remove chips and rust before you touch up with paint.落漆:上漆前应除净漆屑和铁锈。

15."they include screens, cabinets, coffee tables, musical instruments, even coffins."漆器包括屏风,漆柜,咖啡桌,乐器和漆棺。

patible with epoxy or polyurethane primers.底漆一般采用环氧底漆或聚氨脂底漆。

17.A black enamel or lacquer used to produce a durable glossy finish.亮漆,假漆用来制作持久的、有光泽的罩面漆的瓷漆或油漆

18.Meal from glandless seed is naturally free of gossypol.来自无腺体棉籽的棉籽粉自然不含有棉籽醇。


Toxicodendron Vernicifluum seeds oil漆树籽油


1.Exploit and utilize ofseed of fruit & vegetable;果蔬籽资源的开发及综合利用

2.Determine concentration of dissociative linolenic acid in Isodonseed by reversed phase HPLC;反相高效液相色谱法测定香茶菜籽中游离的亚麻酸含量

3.The essential oil from Rabdosia nervosaseeds was extracted by steam distillation.水蒸汽蒸馏法从显脉香茶菜籽中提取挥发油。


1.Development of Polyurethane Floor Lacquer;聚氨酯地板漆(分装)的研制

2.The analysis of fluorocarbon resin content in fluorocarbonlacquer by using oxygen bomb burning method with fluorin ion electrode are discussed in detail.采用氧弹燃烧法配合氟离子电极对有机溶剂型和水溶性氟碳漆中氟碳树脂含量的分析方法进行了研究。

3.The historical background of thelacquer s development and present situation were introduced.从漆的发展历史背景和现状入手,通过质材美、工艺美、精神美几个角度来阐释漆质在包装设计中的美学表现,以实现漆质在包装设计中的现实意义。


1.Research and application of YTTP75rapeseed dehuller and separating system;YTTP75型菜籽脱皮与皮仁分离系统的研制与应用

2.Determination of Lead and Cadmium in Rapeseed and Rapeseed Meal with Microwave Digestion by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry;微波消解-石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定菜籽及饼粕中铅和镉

3.Preparation ofrapeseed compound amino acid and its copper derivative;菜籽复合氨基酸及其铜衍生物的制备

6)oil seeds油籽

1.Effects of differentoil seeds on the fatty acid composition of ruminal contents and tissue in lambs;不同油籽对绵羊瘤胃内容物及体组织脂肪酸组成的影响

2.The residual fensulfothion in cereals andoil seeds(unpolished rice, maize, soyabean and peanut) was extracted by water-acetone, the extract was concentrated and partitioned with ethyl acetate.介绍应用气相色谱和气相色谱质谱法测定及确证粮谷和油籽(糙米、玉米、大豆、花生)中丰索磷的残留含量,试样采用水-丙酮提取,提取液经液-液分配后,再以弗罗里硅土柱净化,气相色谱-火焰光度检测器(GC-FPD)测定,外标法定量,并用气相色谱-质谱(GC/MS)(SIM)针对丰索磷的选择监测离子的种类(m/z293、295、308)和丰度比(约为100:11:34)进行阳性确证。


黑漆弩 游金山寺粼曲子 伯昌尝以漆弩侑酒【诗文】:名似未雅。若就以江南烟雨目之,何如。予曰,昔东坡作念奴曲,后人爱之,易其名曰酹江月,其谁曰不然。仲先因请予效颦,遂追赋游金山寺一阕,倚其声而歌之。昔汉儒家畜声妓,唐人例有音(朱校云音疑乐误)学,而今之乐府,用力多而难为工,纵使有成,未免笔墨劝淫为侠(朱校云侠误)耳。渠辈年少气锐,渊源正学,不致费日力于此可也,其词曰苍波万顷孤岑矗。是一片、水面上天竺。金*头、满*三杯,吸尽江山浓绿。蛟龙恐下然犀,风起浪翻如屋。任夕阳、归棹纵横,待偿我、平【注释】:【出处】:

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