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MODIS数据 MODIS data英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-01 23:06:34


MODIS数据 MODIS data英语短句 例句大全



1.Suspended solids concentration estimation in Lake Taihu using field spectra andMODIS data;基于实测光谱与MODIS数据的太湖悬浮物定量估测

2.Monitoring Planting Information of Hebei Province Winter Wheat Utilizing MODIS Data;利用MODIS数据监测河北省冬小麦种植信息

3.Application Summary of EOS-MODIS data in the monitoring of grassland resources;EOS-MODIS数据在草地资源监测中的应用进展综述


1.Analysis of NDVI Based on MODIS Data基于MODIS数据的植被指数分析

2.Establishment of Forest Fire Spread Model Based on MODIS Data;基于MODIS数据的林火蔓延模型的研建

3.The Research of Yellow River Ice Flood Detection Model Based on EOS MODIS Data;基于MODIS数据的黄河冰凌检测研究

4.A Study on MODIS Data Processing and the Software Development;MODIS数据基础处理方法研究和软件实现

5.Land Surface Temperature Retrieval Method Based on MODIS Data;基于MODIS数据的地表温度反演方法

6.Land Surface Temperature Retrieval by Integrating MODIS Data Onboard Terra and Aqua Satellites;综合Terra/Aqua-MODIS数据反演地表温度

7.The Study of Snow Depth Derivation from MODIS Data;基于MODIS数据的积雪深度反演研究

8.Retrieving Soil Moisture Based on MODIS Data;利用MODIS数据反演土壤含水量

9.MODIS Data Land Use Classification;MODIS数据的土地利用分类研究

10.Detection of Several Marine Oil Spill Cases by MODIS Data;MODIS数据对海上溢油事件的观测

11.Study of Snow Water Equivalent Monitoring Model Based on MODIS Data;基于MODIS数据的雪水当量监测模型研究

12.Land Use Classification based on Decision Tree Using MODIS Data;基于决策树和MODIS数据的土地利用分类

13.Application of MODIS Data in the Ecological Environment Regeneration in Xinjiang,China;MODIS数据在新疆生态环境建设中的应用

14.Study of Monitoring the Snow Using MODIS Data基于MODIS数据的雪情监测研究

15.Study on Real-time Monitoring of Double-crop Rice Area Based on MODIS Data基于MODIS数据的双季稻实时监测研究

16.Monitoring of Drought in Inner Mongolia Based on MODIS基于MODIS数据的内蒙古干旱监测

17.Study on Cloud Detection Algorithm and Cloud Compensation Method with MODIS DataMODIS数据云检测算法及云补偿方法研究

18.Research On the Monitoring of Sea Ice Based on MODIS Data基于MODIS数据的海冰监测研究



1.Research on drought monitoring model based onMODIS data;MODIS数据的干旱监测模型研究

2.This paper presents an automatic approach to planting area extraction for mixed planting crops (winter wheat, spring maize, summer maize, and soybean) using moderate spatial resolution and high temporal resolutionMODIS data around Beijing, China.MODIS数据的1、2波段是具有250m空间分辨率的红和近红外波段,并具有较高的时间分辨率,可对农作物进行动态跟踪监测。

3.These sites were set up initially for the validation of satellite data obtained fromMODIS station established for the project "Asia-Pacific Environmental Innovation Strategy (.其次,利用APEIS-FLUX数据对美国航空航天局(NASA) 的MODIS数据产品进行比较验证后发现,除部分产品如地表面温度(MOD11) 等与观测数据较吻合以外,大部分数据产品如土地覆盖(MOD12),叶面积指数(MOD15) 和光合速率与净第一性生产力(MOD17) 等都与观测数据相差深远,有必要对其处理程序和模式进行修正。



1.The advantages ofEOS-MODIS data for monitoring flood disaster are firstly introduced.简述了EOS-MODIS数据用于监测洪涝灾害的优点;采用EOS-MODIS的可见光和近红外波段的比值模式识别水体信息;通过比较位于江汉平原的长湖的遥感估算面积与实际面积,对水体识别精度进行了检验。

5)MODIS 1B dataMODIS 1B数据

6)Terra/MODIS dataTerra/MODIS数据

1.Method for extracting winter wheat area usingTerra/MODIS data and its accuracy analysis;利用Terra/MODIS数据提取冬小麦面积及精度分析


数据通信网(见数据通信)数据通信网(见数据通信)data communication networkshu)u tongxinwang数据通信网(datac。mmunicati。nne饰ork)见数据通信。

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