糖尿病康复 > 四肢骨折择期手术患者 patients with extremities fractures operation英语短句 例句大全

四肢骨折择期手术患者 patients with extremities fractures operation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-09 22:52:00


四肢骨折择期手术患者 patients with extremities fractures operation英语短句 例句大全

四肢骨折择期手术患者,patients with extremities fractures operation

1)patients with extremities fractures operation四肢骨折择期手术患者

2)Operationing patients骨折手术患者


1.Effects of Progressive Muscle Relaxation Trainings on Anxiety in Patients with Extremities Fracture Operation渐进性肌肉放松训练对四肢骨折手术患者状态焦虑的影响

2.Peri-operative management for hip fractures in patients over 70 years old70岁以上患者髋部骨折围手术期处理

3.Perioperative Nursing Intervention in Diabetes Patients with Femoral Neck Fractures股骨颈骨折伴糖尿病患者的围手术期护理干预

4.A Clinical Research of the Operative Risk of the Senile Patients with Maxillofacial Fractures;老年人颌面部骨折患者的手术风险评估和控制

5.Perioperative Management of Elderly Patients with Hip Fracture高龄髋部骨折患者围手术期的治疗分析

6.Long-term quality of life study in patients with clavicular fracture treated with surgery or traditional non-surgery手术与传统疗法对锁骨骨折患者远期生活质量的影响

parison the Curative Effect of Two Modus Operandi for Treatment of Femoral Intertrochanteric Fracture to Elderly两种手术方法治疗高龄患者股骨转子间骨折疗效分析

8.The Impact of Method of Promoting Blood Circulation for Removing Blood Stasi on D-dimer of Perioperative Patients with Fracture of Hip Joint活血化瘀法对髋部骨折患者围手术期D-二聚体的影响

9.Modified 3R nursing research for fracture and alzheimer disease patient in perioperative period改良3R护理对老年性痴呆骨折患者围手术期的护理干预研究

10.Analysis of Anesthesia for Hip Fracture Surgery of 35 Older Patients with Unstable Angina35例高龄不稳定型心绞痛患者髋部骨折手术的麻醉情况分析

11.The feasibility of union nerve block to use in senility patient surgery with lower limb bone fracture联合神经阻滞用于高龄患者下肢骨折手术的可行性分析

12.Application of the Insulin Pump in Type 2 Diabetic Patients with Fractures in the Perioperative Period胰岛素泵在2型糖尿病合并骨折患者围手术期中的应用

13.Effects of Different Anesthesia Methods on Perioperative Respiratory and Circulatory Function of Thoracolumbar Fractures Patients不同麻醉方法对胸腰椎骨折患者围手术期呼吸循环功能的影响

14.They were classified and treated according to their grade of reduction and degree of arthrosis.手术治疗是依患者骨折复位的情形及伤后性踝关节炎之程度加以分类而接受不同的手术。

15.The Temperature Changes of the Patella Fracture Patients Which Received Two Kinds of Operation;两种术式对髌骨骨折患者体温影响的对比分析

16.Rehabilitation measures after operations on patients with type c fractures of tibial plateau23例胫骨平台骨折术后患者的康复护理

17.The characteristic and clinical effect of simplified operation in PVP for treatment of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures高龄骨质疏松性椎体压缩性骨折患者PVP手术简化操作的特点及疗效

18.Methods The case of analysed, 49 selected patients traumatic deviated nose who had undertaken septum-nasal bone reduction were analysed.方法选择 49例非粉碎性鼻骨骨折患者 ,施行中隔—鼻骨复位术。


Operationing patients骨折手术患者

3)Elective operation patient择期手术患者

4)limb fracture四肢骨折

1.Analysis of failure and countermeasure of Ni-Ti shape memory alloy fixer for treatment oflimb fracture;镍钛形状记忆合金内固定器治疗四肢骨折失败原因与对策分析

2.Effect of transcutaneous autologous bone marrow transplantation(TABMT) in treating delayed union after internal fixation oflimb fractures经皮自体骨髓血移植治疗四肢骨折内固定术后延迟愈合的疗效观察

5)extremity fracture四肢骨折

1.Primary clinical study on postmenopausal osteoporosis combined withextremity fracture;绝经后骨质疏松症合并四肢骨折临床初探

6)limbs fracture四肢骨折

1.Objective Explore the pre-operation nursing measures to patients withlimbs fracture and hypertension.目的探讨四肢骨折合并高血压病人的术前护理措施。



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