糖尿病康复 > 芥子咳喘膏 Jiezikechuan Ointment英语短句 例句大全

芥子咳喘膏 Jiezikechuan Ointment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-05 14:08:51


芥子咳喘膏 Jiezikechuan Ointment英语短句 例句大全

芥子咳喘膏,Jiezikechuan Ointment

1)Jiezikechuan Ointment芥子咳喘膏

1.Clinical Observation ofJiezikechuan Ointment on Bronchitis;芥子咳喘膏防治小儿急慢性支气管炎临床观察


1.Therapeutic effect of acupoint application with Mastard Cough Plaster on acute bronchitis in children芥子咳喘膏穴位贴敷治疗小儿急性支气管炎的疗效

2.Studies on antitussive, expectorant and antiasthmatic effects of different menstruum extracts of raphanus seed;莱菔子提取物镇咳祛痰平喘作用研究

3.Daiwenjiu Ointment Plastering Acupuncture Point:Prevention and Treatment of Children Cough-variant Asthma代温灸膏敷贴穴位防治小儿咳嗽变异性哮喘的疗效观察

4.Determination of γ-schisandrin in GubenZhike Plaster by HPLCHPLC法测定固本止咳膏中五味子乙素的含量

5.Research on the Effect of Xiao Er Chuan Ke Ye Combining Cang Er Zi San in Anti Asthma Airway Remodeling and Its Mechanism小儿喘咳液合苍耳子散抗哮喘气道重塑及作用机制研究

6.Decoction of Ramulus Cinnamomi plus Magnoliae Cortex and Apricot Fruit for Cough Variant Asthma:Analysis of 37 Cases桂枝加厚朴杏子汤治疗咳嗽变异型哮喘37例

7.Study on Pharmacodynamics of Kechuanning Capsule on Relieving Cough,Dispelling Phlegm and Preventing Asthma咳喘宁胶囊镇咳祛痰平喘药效学研究

8.Expression of Th1/Th2 related upper stream transcription factor and cytokine in cough variant asthma patients咳嗽变异性哮喘患者Th1/Th2相关上游转录因子及细胞因子的表达

9.Semifluid Extract of Loquat Leaf removes heat from the lung, dissolves phlegm and arrests cough.枇杷药膏,清肺、化痰、止咳。

10.a mustard plaster is calefacient.芥末膏可以使人发热。

11.He heard a snuffle behind him - a half-choking gasp or cough.他听到背后有一种吸鼻子的声音--仿佛喘不出气或者咳嗽的声音。

12.The Cytokines Character after Bronchoprovocational Test and the Small Airway Function of Cough Variant Patients;咳嗽变异性哮喘患者激发试验后细胞因子特征及小气道功能改变

13.Clinical Study on Xuanfei-Kechuan Fang for Treating Cough Variant Asthma;宣肺咳喘方治疗咳嗽变异性哮喘的临床研究

14.60 Cases Clinical Analysis of Combination of Zhike Dingchuan Decoction to Treat Cough Variant Asthma止咳定喘汤治疗咳嗽变异性哮喘60例临床分析

15.To make the paroxysmal gasp characteristic of whooping cough.哮咳使发出百日咳般的突发性喘息

16.The paroxysmal gasp characteristic of whooping cough.哮咳百日咳的突发性喘息

17.Observe the Clinical Effections of Baijiezi Pill Treat Asthma by Stick to Acupuncture Points in Hot Summer Days and Study Its Action on IL-13, IFN-γ in Asthma;白芥子丸三伏贴治疗哮喘的疗效观察及对IL-13、IFN-γ的影响

18.Determaination of Sinapine Cyanide Sulfonate in Chuanfuling Cataplasm by RP-HPLCRP-HPLC法测定喘敷灵巴布剂中芥子碱硫氰酸盐的含量


Zhike Pingchuan Gao止咳平喘膏

1.Clinical Observasion on Infantile Bronchial Asthma Treated byZhike Pingchuan Gao;止咳平喘膏穴位贴敷治疗小儿支气管哮喘的临床观察

3)Kechuanning Adhesive Plaster"咳喘宁"贴膏

1.The influence ofKechuanning Adhesive Plaster on IL-8 and TNF-α in serum of rats with bronchial asthma;“咳喘宁”贴膏对支气管哮喘模型大鼠血清IL-8及TNF-α的影响

2.Experimental study on acute toxicity ofKechuanning Adhesive Plaster to skin;“咳喘宁”贴膏皮肤用药毒性实验研究

4)Kechuanling Plaster咳喘灵贴膏

1.Study on Quality Standard forKechuanling Plaster;咳喘灵贴膏质量标准研究

5)asthma adhesive plaster咳喘巴布膏

1.Studies permeation ofasthma adhesive plaster through rat skin in vitro;咳喘巴布膏的体外透皮实验研究

6)Baixi Kechuan Cream白细咳喘膏


达克宁乳膏 ,硝酸咪康唑乳膏药物名称:硝酸咪康唑乳膏英文名:别名: 达克宁乳膏 ,硝酸咪康唑乳膏性状: 本品为白色软膏 药理作用: 咪康唑为人工合成的I-苯乙基咪唑衍生物,为广谱抗真菌药,对皮真菌、念珠菌、醇母菌及其它藻类、子囊菌、隐球菌等具有抑制和杀灭作用,同时对革兰氏阳性球菌和杆菌也有很强的抗菌力。咪康唑作用于菌体细胞膜,改变其通透性,阻止营养物摄取,导致其死亡。 适应症: 1.由皮真菌、酵母菌及其它真菌引起的皮肤、指(趾)甲感染,如:脚癣、股癣、手癣、体癣、花斑癣、头癣、须癣、甲癣 皮肤、指(趾)甲念珠菌病 ,口角炎 ,外耳炎. 由于达克宁对革兰氏阳性菌有抗菌作用,可用于由此类细菌引起的继发性 感染。2.由酵母菌(如念珠菌等)和革兰氏阳性细菌引起的阴道感染和继发性感染。 用量用法: 1.皮肤感染 每日2次,敷药膏于患处,用手指涂擦,使药物全部渗入皮肤。待患处损害全部消失后(通常需2-5周),应继续用药一周,以防复发。 2.指(趾)甲感染 尽量剪尽患甲,每日一次,敷少许药膏于患处,用手指涂匀。患甲松动后(约需2-3周)应继续用药至新甲开始生长。确见疗效一般需7个月左右。 3.念珠菌阴道炎 每日就寝前用涂药器将药膏(约5g)挤入阴道深处,必须连续用2周。月经期内也可进行。二次复发后再用,仍然有效。 不良反应: 耐受性好,极少数病例可能有灼烧和刺激感。 规格: 15克/支 20毫克/克 .15克/管,铝管包装。40克/管,铝管包装,附妇科用涂药器1支。 类别:皮肤病用药

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