糖尿病康复 > 双下肢不等长 The limbs length discrepancy英语短句 例句大全

双下肢不等长 The limbs length discrepancy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-28 00:09:55


双下肢不等长 The limbs length discrepancy英语短句 例句大全

双下肢不等长,The limbs length discrepancy

1)The limbs length discrepancy双下肢不等长


1.Leg length discrepancy after total hip arthroplasty:impacts on postoperative function and patients" satisfaction全髋关节置换术后双下肢不等长对功能和满意度影响的研究

2.Analyses and prevention of leg-length discrepancy during total hip arthroplasty髋关节置换术后下肢不等长原因分析及预防

3.Analysis on Lower Extremity Joint Functions during Plyometric Exercise with Different Loads不同负重超等长练习下肢各关节作用分析

4.Risk Factors of Leg Length Discrepancy after Total Hip Replacement全髋关节置换术后下肢不等长影响因素的研究

5.Strategy of the leg length discrepancy during total hip arthroplasty全髋关节置换术下肢不等长的术中对策

6.The Relations of Leg Length Discrepancy and Clinical Outcomes after Total Hip Arthroplasty;全髋关节置换术后下肢不等长与临床结果的关系

7.Research on Behavior of Inequiaxial Specially Shaped Column Subjected to Biaxial Compression;不等肢异形截面双向偏心受压柱性能研究

8.The Effect of Plyometric Training on Lower Extremity Biomechanics超等长训练对下肢生物力学特征影响的研究

9.Effect of plyometrics training with load on the strength of lower limbs for basketball players负重超等长训练对篮球运动员下肢力量的影响

10.Clinical Analysis of the Leg-Length Discrepancy after Total Hip Arthroplasty;全髋关节置换术后肢体不等长的分析研究

11.Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry monitor bone mineralization in lower limb lengthening of children双能量X线骨质密度测量仪监测小儿下肢骨延长骨矿物质的变化

12.After a large defect in the lower extremity is bridged by dual grafts, protection from full weight bearing is necessary for a long time.采用双侧植骨桥接下肢大的骨缺损后,必须长时间避免完全负重。

13.Exploration of Photographic Parameter and the Evaluation of Clinical Application for CR Image Splicing of Double Total Length Lower ExtremitiesCR双下肢全长图像拼接的摄影参数探讨及其临床应用价值

14.Objective: To study the factors causing the nonunion of lower limb fractures.目的:研究下肢长骨干骨折不愈合的影响因素。

15.Clinical Analysis of Nonunion of Long Bone Fracture of the Leg Treated by Interlocking Intramedullary Nailing;带锁髓内针治疗下肢长骨骨不连52例临床分析

16.Experimental Research on Two-way Shear Strength of RC Columns of Frame of High-Strength Steels with Different Areas Stirrups不等肢配置高强钢筋混凝土框架柱双向受剪承载力试验研究

parative Research on Effects Imposed by Training Methods of WTVLL and DJD;负重振动练习与超等长练习对下肢力量影响的比较研究

18.(eg of a limb)become numb through lack of movement,etc(如肢体)麻木(因不活动等)


Leg length discrepancy下肢不等长

1.Objective To determine the risk factors ofLeg length discrepancy(LLD) and to find out a method of controlling leg length after total hip replacement.目的探讨全髋关节置换术后下肢不等长(LLD)的影响因素和控制下肢长度的方法。

3)Legs lengthening双下肢延长

4)leg length discrepancy肢体不等长

5)False unequal length肢体假性不等长

6)different amount of stirrups in two principal directions双向不等肢配箍


下肢不等长的代偿性侧凸下肢不等长的代偿性侧凸compensatory scoliosis下肢不等长,引起骨盆倾斜,腰椎侧凸。下肢不等长矫正后,脊柱侧凸也随之消失。

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