糖尿病康复 > 皮肤软组织缺损 skin and soft tissue defect英语短句 例句大全

皮肤软组织缺损 skin and soft tissue defect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-28 08:55:56


皮肤软组织缺损 skin and soft tissue defect英语短句 例句大全

皮肤软组织缺损,skin and soft tissue defect

1)skin and soft tissue defect皮肤软组织缺损

1.Repairingskin and soft tissue defects around malleolus with flaps based medial supramalleolar branches of the posterior tibial artery胫后动脉内踝上皮支皮瓣修复足踝部皮肤软组织缺损

2.Objective To discuss the effect of the vacuum sealing drainage dressing(VSD) on the treatment of open fractures of extremities withskin and soft tissue defect.目的探讨负压封闭引流技术(VSD)在治疗四肢开放性骨折并皮肤软组织缺损中的作用。


1.Repair of calcar pedis skin and soft tissue defects足跟部皮肤软组织缺损修复方法比较

2.Treatment of Tissue Defect near the Legs and Ankles小腿及足踝部皮肤软组织缺损的治疗

3.Repair of Skin and Soft Tissue Defect in Distal One Third of Lower Leg by Surgical Flap小腿下1/3段皮肤软组织缺损的外科皮瓣修复

4.Cross-leg Axial Flap for Repairing Soft-tissue Defect in Lower Leg and Foot交腿轴型皮瓣修复小腿及足部皮肤软组织缺损

5.Distally based sural neurofasciocutaneous flap for repairing soft tissue defects in heel腓肠神经血管皮瓣修复足跟区皮肤软组织缺损

6.Repair of finger skin defect after complicated hand trauma by using miniflaps微型皮瓣修复复杂性手指皮肤软组织缺损

7.Tibial side flap of the second toe for coverage of skin defect of fingers游离第2趾胫侧皮瓣修复手指皮肤软组织缺损

8.Objective To study the method of repairing skin and soft tissues of face defect.目的:探讨面部皮肤软组织缺损的理想修复方法。

9.One-staged Microsurgical Reconstruction of Defects of the Achilles Tendon and the Overlying Soft Tissue;跟腱合并皮肤软组织缺损的一期显微外科修复

10.Flap transplantation for repairing the bone and skin defects on the 1/3 of the middle-low leg小腿中下1/3骨及皮肤软组织缺损的组织皮瓣移植

11.Repairing skin and soft tissue defects around malleolus with flaps based medial supramalleolar branches of the posterior tibial artery胫后动脉内踝上皮支皮瓣修复足踝部皮肤软组织缺损

12.Repair of soft tissue defects in the lower shank, the ankle and the foot using pedicle skin flaps or myocutaneous flaps带蒂皮瓣、肌皮瓣修复小腿下段及足踝部皮肤软组织缺损

13.Thumb soft tissue defect repaired with radial thumb neurocutaneous vasotrophic island flap拇指桡背侧皮神经营养皮瓣修复拇指皮肤软组织缺损

14.Clinical Research of the Free Anterolateral Thigh Flap for Repairing of Severe Skin-soft Tissue Defects游离股前外侧皮瓣修复严重皮肤软组织缺损的临床研究

15.Treatment of the limb soft tissue defect with radiated pig skin辐照猪皮覆盖创面在治疗肢体皮肤软组织缺损中的应用

16.Mesh Split-thickness Skin Graft with Vacuum Sealing Drainage in Treating Skin and Soft Tissue Defects网状中厚皮片移植联合负压封闭引流修复皮肤软组织缺损

17.Reports of 23 Cases of Soft Tissue Defects in Dorsum of Foot Repaired with Lateral Arm Flap臂外侧皮瓣修复足背部皮肤软组织缺损23例报道

18.Analysis of 282 fingers of several flaps in repairing of fingertip soft tissue defects不同皮瓣修复手指末端皮肤软组织缺损282例分析


skin and soft tissue defects皮肤软组织缺损

1.Objective To investigate clinical value of retrograde posterior temoral cutaneous neurovascular flaps on repairingskin and soft tissue defects of popliteal fossa.结论股后皮神经营养血管皮瓣血供充分、供区较隐蔽、可供切取范围广、手术操作简单、部牺牲下肢主要动脉,是修复腘窝皮肤软组织缺损的理想皮瓣。

2.AIM:To investigate clinical value of retrograde posterior temoral cutaneous neurovascular flaps on repairingskin and soft tissue defects of popliteal fossa.结论:股后皮神经营养血管皮瓣血供充分、供区较隐蔽、可供切取范围广、手术操作简单、不牺牲下肢主要动脉,是修复腘窝皮肤软组织缺损的理想皮瓣。

3)Physiological defect of skin and soft tissue on head头颅皮肤软组织缺损

1.Physiological defect of skin and soft tissue on head of all cases have been repaired.目的总结头颅皮肤软组织缺损的治疗经验。

4)Skin Soft Tissue Injury皮肤软组织损伤

1.Reparation of Wound Caused bySkin Soft Tissue Injury.;皮肤软组织损伤创面的修复


1.Skin biomechanical changes after repeated expansion;皮肤软组织重复扩张的生物力学

6)Soft tissue defects软组织缺损

1.Repair of dorsal soft tissue defects of hand with lateral antebrachial cutaneous neurovascular flap;带前臂外侧皮神经营养皮瓣修复手背部软组织缺损

2.Repair of foot soft tissue defects by medial lower leg flap with muscle应用携带肌肉的小腿内侧皮瓣修复足部软组织缺损

3.[Objective] To evaluate clinical effect of the infected nonunion and soft tissue defects of the tibia with instillation-suction technique and fasciocutaneous flap and external fixation.方法对15例胫骨骨折感染性不愈合、骨外露患者,应用病灶内抗生素持续灌洗、骨外露处软组织缺损筋膜蒂皮瓣修复、骨折不愈合外固定架加压固定综合方法I期治疗,对骨感染治疗情况、骨外露软组织缺损修复情况及骨折愈合情况进行评价。



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