糖尿病康复 > 312树脂 312 resin英语短句 例句大全

312树脂 312 resin英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-04 01:54:11


312树脂 312 resin英语短句 例句大全

312树脂,312 resin

1)312 resin312树脂

1.The adsorption behavior and mechanism of312 resin for vanadium were studied.研究312树脂吸附钒的过程,结果表明:pH值与钒在溶液中的赋存状态有关,且pH值对312树脂吸附钒的影响很大,在pH=2。


1.Study on adsorption dynamics of cephalosporin C in adsorptionresin;大孔吸附树脂对头孢菌素C的吸附动力学研究

2.Study on adsorption of hexanal included in cyclohexanone with cation exchangeresin;树脂吸附环己酮中己醛的研究

3.Application of Chemical Modification of Biomass in Resin Technology;生物质化学改性在树脂化技术中的应用


1.fluorinated ethylene propylene resin(FEP树脂) 氟化乙烯丙烯树脂

2.unsaturated polyester resin putty不饱和聚脂树脂腻子

3.A resin derived from the sap of various coniferous trees, as the pines.松脂,树脂某种松脂,自某些针叶树(如松树)上提取

4.resin-solvent-curing agent树脂-溶剂-固化剂

5.Polypropylene resinGB12670-1990聚丙烯树脂

6.Such thermosetting resins as phenolformaldehyde resins, ployester resins, and epoxy resins do not belong under this classification.像酚醛树脂、聚酯树脂和环氧树脂等热固性树脂不属于此类。

7.a mixture of resin and gum.树脂和树胶的混合物。

8.testing method for resin content in resin finished textiles树脂加工织品的树脂含量测定法

9.manganous lead resinate树脂酸铅与树脂酸亚锰的混合物

10.epoxy resin, epoxide resin环氧树脂(线型树脂,棉织物防缩防皱剂)

11.guanamine-formaldehyde resi胍胺—甲醛树脂(荧光颜料用树脂)

12.APO resin (tris-aziridinyl phosphine oxide resin)APO树脂,三乙烯亚胺基膦化氧树脂

13.A paint containing acrylic resin.丙烯酸树脂漆含丙烯酸树脂的涂料

14.ABS resin(acrylonitrile-butadienestyrene resin)丙烯腈—丁二烯—苯乙烯树脂,abs树脂

15.A similar plant exudate, such as a resin.树脂一种类似的植物渗出液,如树脂

16.A resinous copal or a fossilized resin of these trees, used in varnishes and enamels.考里松树脂这种树的古巴树脂或化石树脂,用于装饰和涂瓷漆

17.The sand stone resin and grape tree resins reunite the living creature activity research of the resin;沙枣树脂和葡萄树树脂复合树脂的生物活性研究

18.In this way, epoxy resin is introduced into amino resin to obtain an epoxy-modified amino resin.这样就可以将环氧树脂引入氨基树脂中,制得环氧改性氨基树脂。



1.Study on adsorption dynamics of cephalosporin C in adsorptionresin;大孔吸附树脂对头孢菌素C的吸附动力学研究

2.Study on adsorption of hexanal included in cyclohexanone with cation exchangeresin;树脂吸附环己酮中己醛的研究

3.Application of Chemical Modification of Biomass in Resin Technology;生物质化学改性在树脂化技术中的应用


1.In this paper,the properties ofpitch and deposit in pulp were introduced,as well as its harm and the way of wet-end control,in order to provide theory support to the effectivepitch control in the mills.介绍了树脂及其沉积物的来源和种类、物理和化学特性、危害及其主要的湿部控制方法,为实际生产中解决树脂障碍提供了有效的理论基础。

2.In order to evaluate the capability of lignin degradation andpitch elimination from Masson pine chips by nature white-rot fungi,20 white-rot fungus strains were obtained by petri dishes screening and petri dishes color-reaction screening.为评价从野外筛选得到的白腐菌对造纸原料马尾松的木素降解和树脂脱除能力,将带菌样本经室内平板初筛及平板变色反应复筛,得到了20株纯白腐菌菌株,并对变色系数最小的一株菌株G进行松木片固体接种试验,测定3、5、7、9天后松木片的木素、树脂降解情况。

3.The degradation rates of lignin andpitch were determined after 3 days,5 days,7 days and 9 days respectively.测定经2种不同浓度无机盐稀释的菌悬液接种松木片3天、5天、7天、9天后的木素、树脂降解情况。


1.Use colophony to absorb and remove the organics in the industrial hydrogen peroxide ,then, add stabilizer to remove inorganic impurities, so the quality of product can reach the standard of electronic grade.用工业双氧水先经树脂吸附脱去其中的有机物,再添加稳定剂除去无机杂质,生产的产品可达到电子级产品的标准。


1.Isolation and purification of proanthcyanidins from sea buckthorn seed byresins;树脂法精制沙棘籽原花色素的研究

2.A study on extraction and isolation of total flavonoids from Elaeagnus mollis leaves by macroporous absorptiveresins;大孔吸附树脂提取分离翅果油树叶总黄酮的研究

3.Relationship of New-type AgriculturaI Films between Resins, Additives and Processing Qualities;农用新型薄膜与树脂、助剂、加工质量的关系

6)AS resinAS树脂

1.Because the production material has changed from ABS resin toAS resin,some adjustment for the mould structure design should have been done to improve the structure of withstanding system,in order to increase some part intensity of mould.本文结合注塑模具在生产中的故障粘模,由于生产用塑料原料由ABS树脂改变为AS树脂,模具结构上的相应调整过程。



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