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矫正正义 Corrective Justice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-12 08:21:12


矫正正义 Corrective Justice英语短句 例句大全

矫正正义,Corrective Justice

1)Corrective Justice矫正正义

1.The corrective justice and distributive justice,as the article fingers,do not correspond with the legislative justice and judicial justice respectively and,corrective justice does not condition on distributive justice.矫正正义与分配正义并不是分别代表立法正义与司法正义,矫正正义也不是以分配正义为前提,二者是法律配置资源的两种方式,矫正正义意味着损害的解决与行为“不公”相联系。

2.The justification of result liability as the basis of tort law could have two approaches:one is to find proper theoretical basis through economic analysis and corrective justice,the other is prove its justification in the perspective of social practice analyzing socialized security system.作为侵权法基础的结果责任的正当性问题由此被提出,而对其加以证明则有两种途径:一是通过对经济分析理论和矫正正义理论进行比较研究,为侵权法中的结果责任寻找适当的理论基础;二是通过对社会化保障体系的具体分析,从社会实践的角度为结果责任的正当性提供证明。


1.Corrective Justice: Fundamental Values for Torts Law;论作为侵权行为法价值基础的矫正正义

2.In tort law, for example, corrective justice theories of tort are associated with the ex post perspective.例如在侵权法上,矫正正义理论与“事后”视角相关联。

3.Loss of Lawyers Rights and Its Correction in the Visual Field of Procedure Justice;程序正义视野下的辩护律师权利缺失及其矫正

4.Characteristics,Significance and Deviation of Activities in Classroom Instruction;课堂教学活动化:特征、意义及偏误矫正

5.Differenciatiry and analyzing the laws for fearless behariover with a just Cause;见义勇为行为适用法律之辨析与矫正

6.deformity-correcting appliance, orthopaedic畸形矫正器械,矫形用

7.Research on the Working Instruction and the Corrective Technology and Way of the Community-based Correction;社区矫正的矫治规程和矫治技术研究

8.trial and error correction尝试错误矫正 尝试错误矫正

9.To Remedy ametropia and strabismus of children.目的 :矫正屈光不正 ,矫治隐斜和斜视。

10.Proper limits have to be exceeded in order to right a wrong, or else the wrong cannot be righted.矫枉必须过正,不过正不能矫枉。

11.International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics国际言语矫正学和语音矫正学协会

12.Effects of Orthodontic Treatment and Implant on Malocclusions in the Permanent Dentition with Missing Teeth;正畸结合种植义齿矫治牙列缺损的临床研究

13.A Study of Community Redress;试论社区矫正工作的现状、意义及工作原则

14.The Coexistence and Rectification of the Positive and Negative Effects Upon Hunan Rights from the Soclalist Market Economy;社会主义市场经济对人权正负面效应的共存性及矫正

15.thopaedic instruments set for atrophic rhinitis萎缩性鼻炎矫正手术包

16.orthomolecular psychiatry行为矫正分子精神病学

17.power-factor correction capacitor功率因素矫正电容器

18.Hong Kong Orthoptists Association香港视觉矫正师协会


The Theory of Corrective Justice矫正正义理论


1.An efficient method torectify the distortion which exceed the acceptable standard of one hundred thousand cube meters tank"s soleplate was introduced in the text.介绍了大型105m3立储罐罐底板发生超标变形后的一种较为有效的矫正方法,并从理论上对变形的原因和矫正带来的罐底板使用性能的影响作了一定分析,并列出了105m3储罐建造实例的底板变形矫正前后凹凸度测量数据。

2.This paper introduces the repair technique for nickel-aluminum bronze propeller and gives probe in detail torectify and weld-mend to the propeller.文章介绍了镍铝青铜螺旋桨的修理工艺,对螺旋桨的矫正和焊补进行了详细的探讨。

3.According to the teaching practice for many years,the psychology of disliking study to the "lagging students" during the time of studying in primary and secondary school andrectifying measurements are discussed.结合多年的教学实践,对中小学阶段后进生的厌学心理及矫正措施作了论述,达到预防和转化的目的。



1.Control and rectification of the marine welding deformation;船舶焊接变形的控制与矫正

2.A rectification experiment on iron-deficiency chlorosis of mango resulted fro excessive lime application;红壤土施石灰过量导致芒果发生缺铁失绿症的矫正试验

3.The Research aboutRectification Algorithm of HDB_3 Signals on the Long-line Transmission Systems;基于HDB_3编码的长线传输信号矫正算法研究


1.The native resources foundation and rule of law——On constructing the mechanism pertaining to correct Criminal victims rights imperfection;本土资源的法治架构——论我国刑事被害人权利缺失的矫正

2.Study onCorrection for Iron-Deficiency Chlorosis of Mango Resulted from Alkalinity in Red Soil;红壤土碱害导致芒果发生缺铁失绿症的矫正研究

3.Aim at to produce medium usually face the problem that main beam of the bridge type derrick transform, this text introduced the reason that main be am of the bridge type derrick transform and correct an implement method, charact eristics for transform and apply the scope.针对生产中经常面临桥式起重机主梁变形的问题,介绍了桥式起重机主梁变形的原因和矫正变形的几种实施方法、特点以及适用范围。



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