糖尿病康复 > 米糠油 Rice bran oil英语短句 例句大全

米糠油 Rice bran oil英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-01 11:39:02


米糠油 Rice bran oil英语短句 例句大全

米糠油,Rice bran oil

1)Rice bran oil米糠油

1.Research progress on processing of rice bran oil with membrane separation technology;膜分离技术加工米糠油研究进展

2.Study on extraction of rice bran oil with supercritical carbon dioxide;超临界CO_2流体萃取米糠油研究



2.Studies on the synthesis of nontoxic plasticizers--epoxy vegetable seeds oil and epoxy rice branoil;无毒增塑剂——环氧菜籽油及环氧米糠油的研制

3.Deacidification of high-acid rice bran oil by esterification for the raw material of biodiesel高酸值米糠油酯化脱酸成生物柴油原料

4.The Effect of Petroleum Product Additives on High Temperature Detergency and Oxidation Stability of Rice Oil添加剂对米糠油清净性和氧化安定性的影响

5.Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Functional Rice Bran Oil功能性米糠油超临界流体萃取工艺的研究

6.Experimental Study on the PM Emissions from Rice Bran Oil Engines米糠油发动机颗粒物排放特性试验分析

7.Preparation of Solid Base Catalysts and its Application in Synthesis of Biodiesel through Race Bran Oil固体碱的制备及催化米糠油酯交换合成生物柴油

8.Fatty acid compositions of the rice bran oil extracted by supercritical carbon dioxide fluid and solvent超临界CO_2流体萃取法和溶剂法萃取米糠油脂肪酸成分研究

9.Extraction of Oryzanol from Rice Bran Miscella米糠混合油中谷维素的提取工艺研究

10.Blood Fat Regulating Action of Rice Bran Oil米糠营养调和油调节血脂作用的研究

11.Study on preparation of rice bran protein nutrient solution by enzymolysising of rice bran酶解米糠蛋白制备米糠营养液的工艺研究

12.You cannot get rice by pounding bran.米糠捣碎了,还是捣不出白米来。

13.In all the rice-producing areas of the world, huge quantities of rice polishings and rice bran are produced.世界上所有产稻地区生产大量的稻米细糠和稻米糠。

14.A method was studied for preparing rice bran nutritional food by enzymic hydrolysis and with stabilized rice bran as a raw material.本文以稳定化米糠为原料,研究利用酶解法制取米糠营养食品。

15.Biosorption of Cr(VI) from Aqueous Solution by Wheat Bran and Rice Bran;麦麸和米糠对水中Cr(VI)的吸附研究

16.Study on Isolation and Purification of High-Level Fatty Alcohol from Bran-wax;从米糠蜡提取分离高级脂肪醇的研究

17.Study of experiment of adding stabilized rice bran to bread;稳定化米糠在面包中的添加试验研究

18.Preparation of furfural from water extraction of steam-exploded corn stalk汽爆玉米秸秆水提液制备糠醛的研究


crude rice bran oil米糠毛油

1.Preparation of biodiesel with high acid valuecrude rice bran oil;高酸值米糠毛油生产生物柴油工艺

3)rice bran oil processing米糠制油

1.A comprehensive summarization on the technology ofrice bran oil processing and the usage of deoiled rice bran were described,which could provide reference for comprehensive exploitation and utilization of rice bran.对米糠制油技术及脱脂米糠的利用技术进行了综合性评述,为米糠的综合开发利用提供参考。

4)waste residue of rice bran oil米糠油脚

1.A new technology of transforming ferulic acid, which was fromwaste residue of rice bran oil, into vanillin was developed by a combination of fungal strains Aspergillus niger CGMCC0774 and Pycnoporus cinnabarinus CGMCC1115.本论文对黑曲霉(Aspergillus niger)CGMCC0774和朱红密孔菌(Pycnoporus cinnabarinus)CGMCC1115联合转化米糠油脚中的阿魏酸生产香草醛进行研究。

5)refining of rice bran oil米糠油精炼

6)blend of rice bran oil米糠调和油


米糠油分子式: CAS号:性质:精炼米糠油为淡黄到棕黄色油状液体,相对密度(15/25℃)0.913~0.928。熔点-5~-10℃。碘值98~110。主要成分为油酸、亚油酸和棕榈酸的甘油三酸酯。未精炼的毛糠油含有3%~5.5%不皂化物。米糠油的酸值较高,约含有25%的游离酸,此外还含有糠屑1%~5%,糠蜡3%~9%,磷脂1%~2%以及少量其他杂质主要是谷维素、甾醇和高级脂肪醇等。由稻谷加工过程中得到的米糠,用压榨法或浸出法制取。米糠含油约18%。除供食用外,可用于制肥皂、硬化法、甘油、硬脂酸、油酸、油漆树脂等。精制后可食用。

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