糖尿病康复 > 料场规划 planning for quarries and borrow areas英语短句 例句大全

料场规划 planning for quarries and borrow areas英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-28 08:14:46


料场规划 planning for quarries and borrow areas英语短句 例句大全

料场规划,planning for quarries and borrow areas

1)planning for quarries and borrow areas料场规划

2)planning and management of construction materials field料场规划管理

3)airport planning机场规划

1.Based on the above investigation, some key points in the process of the hubairport planning and design are proposed and analyzed.本文分析了世界枢纽机场的发展趋势以及今后发展面临的挑战,探讨和总结了当今枢纽机场规划方面的新理念;并在此基础上分析了在枢纽机场规划设计过程中应把握的关键要素。

2.The paper advances some new viewpoints and ideas to solve the problem about the forecast of aviation need inairport planning.本文针对目前机场规划中进行航空需求预测存在的问题,提出了一些新的观点、看法,对于无航空运输史地区新建机场规划中进行的航空客运量预测结合实际工作提出了按其它运输出模式,综合各方面资料进行预测的方法。


1.Airport scheme is based on the prediction of aviation portfolio.航空业务量预测是机场规划的基础。

2.Brief Description of Integrated Transport Hub Planning in Area of Shenzhen Airport简述深圳机场地区综合交通枢纽规划


4.A Bi-Level Model and Solution Algorithm for Airport Access Mode Choice机场旅客进出场交通方式选择的双层规划模型

5.Stochastic Unit Maintenance Scheduling Model for a Power Producer Considering Risk in Power Market考虑市场风险的发电商机组检修随机规划模型

6.Question 10: May I ask: does the general plan of Minhang District include the new station and the new airport?请问闵行区的总体规划包括了新车站与新机场?

7.Research on Transmission Planning Methodology and Investment Analysis in the Electricity Market Environment;市场机制下输电规划方法研究与投资分析

8.Research on the Theory of Power System Planning in a Deregulated Market;基于市场机制的电力系统规划理论研究

9.A Study on the Management Operating Mechanism of Urban Planning of the Market Economy;市场经济下城市规划管理运行机制的研究

10.Research and Application on Information Technology Planning in Airports of China;我国机场行业的信息化规划研究及应用

11.Planning and Study of Capital International Airport Line Vehicle Base;首都国际机场线车辆基地的规划与设计研究

12.Studying on Developing Strategic Plan of Dalian Airport Modern Logistics;大连机场发展现代物流业的战略规划研究

13.Motion Planning for a Planar 4R Robot Based on C-space and APF;基于C空间和人工势场的4R机器人路径规划

14.Improved Artificial Potential Field on Path Planning for Mobile Robot;改进人工势场法的移动机器人路径规划

15.Robot Path Planning Based on Reinforcement Learning and Artificial Potential Field;基于激励学习和人工势场法的机器人路径规划

16.Path Planning System of Football Robot Based on Evolutionary Artificial Potential Field;基于进化势场法的足球机器人路径规划系统

17.Dynamic Path Planning of Autonomous Mobile Robot in Complex Indoor Scenarios;移动机器人室内复杂场景下的动态路径规划

18.Planning for General Contract Management of Taiyuan Airport Reconstruction and Extension Project;太原机场改扩建工程总承包管理任务规划


planning and management of construction materials field料场规划管理

3)airport planning机场规划

1.Based on the above investigation, some key points in the process of the hubairport planning and design are proposed and analyzed.本文分析了世界枢纽机场的发展趋势以及今后发展面临的挑战,探讨和总结了当今枢纽机场规划方面的新理念;并在此基础上分析了在枢纽机场规划设计过程中应把握的关键要素。

2.The paper advances some new viewpoints and ideas to solve the problem about the forecast of aviation need inairport planning.本文针对目前机场规划中进行航空需求预测存在的问题,提出了一些新的观点、看法,对于无航空运输史地区新建机场规划中进行的航空客运量预测结合实际工作提出了按其它运输出模式,综合各方面资料进行预测的方法。

4)Terminals planning站场规划

5)square planning广场规划

6)Site Planning场地规划



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