糖尿病康复 > 有利于穷人的增长(PPG) pro-poor growth(PPG)英语短句 例句大全

有利于穷人的增长(PPG) pro-poor growth(PPG)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-03 15:29:51


有利于穷人的增长(PPG) pro-poor growth(PPG)英语短句 例句大全

有利于穷人的增长(PPG),pro-poor growth(PPG)

1)pro-poor growth(PPG)有利于穷人的增长(PPG)

2)To become brisk; increase in strength. Used of the wind.增强变的有劲;增长力量。用于风

3)in favor of the defendant有利于被告人

1.However,the major premises of this theory are not correct,in fact,the relative legality principle advocates the interpretation,and the principle ofin favor of the defendant is not the supreme clause on interpretation,and the principle of alternating leniency with severity but not just leniency is emphasized in the present harmonious society.对于制作并出售网游外挂的行为,无罪说所持的大前提并不准确——相对的罪刑法定原则提倡刑法解释;"有利于被告人"原则不能成为刑法解释中的霸王条款;和谐社会强调的也不是一味的刑法谦抑而是宽严相济——因而不应为我们所采纳。


1.On The Rules And Exceptions Of "Pro Defendente At Unsettled Points";论“存疑时有利于被告人”的原则与例外

2.View of the crime of statutory interpretation of the Criminal Code--In favor of the defendant from the start with the analogy罪刑法定视野下的刑法解释——从有利于被告人的类推说起

3.The court decided in favour of the defendant.法官做出有利于被告的判决。

4.Within the course of time, the judge rendered a decision in favor of the defendant.最后,法官作了一个有利于被告的判决。

5.The Principle of“In Dubio Pro Reo” in Perspective of Criminal Law of Entity;实体刑法视野下的“有利于被告”原则

6.Applying Limit of the Doctrine “The Accused Presumed Innocent until Proven Guilty”;“存疑时有利于被告”原则的适用界限

7.Several people witnessed against the accused.几个人作了不利于被告的证明。

8.The judge find for the defendant法官裁决对被告有利

9.When the case was retried, the jury found for the defendant.这案件复审时,陪审团作出有利于被告的判决。

10.When the case was retried the jury found for the defendant.案子复审时,陪审团做出了有利于被告的判决。

11.These words made a favorable impression on behalf of the accused.这番话使人产生了一种对被告有利的印象。

12.Reasonable Regulation on the Commencement of Retrial Procedure Unfavorable to the Defendant;论不利于被告人的再审程序提起之合理规制

13.The judge pronounced for the defendant, and also said that his opponent should pay the court costs.法官作出有利于被告的判决, 并要原告偿付法庭费用。

14.Balance Study on Rights Protection of the Accused and the Victims被告人和被害人权利保护平衡性研究

15.putting a condemned person to death.把被宣告有罪的人处死。

16.The accused has the right to defense.被告人有权获得辩护。

17.No one has the right to be invoked, supplicated, prayed to, or shown any act of worship, But God alone.除了真主本身,没有人有权利被召唤、祈祷、祷告,或显示任何崇拜。

18.Mary felt that she had the culprit on the hip.玛利认为她已将被告置于不利地位。


To become brisk; increase in strength. Used of the wind.增强变的有劲;增长力量。用于风

3)in favor of the defendant有利于被告人

1.However,the major premises of this theory are not correct,in fact,the relative legality principle advocates the interpretation,and the principle ofin favor of the defendant is not the supreme clause on interpretation,and the principle of alternating leniency with severity but not just leniency is emphasized in the present harmonious society.对于制作并出售网游外挂的行为,无罪说所持的大前提并不准确——相对的罪刑法定原则提倡刑法解释;"有利于被告人"原则不能成为刑法解释中的霸王条款;和谐社会强调的也不是一味的刑法谦抑而是宽严相济——因而不应为我们所采纳。

4)a snobbish contempt for the poor蔑视穷人的势利眼

5)Population growth and welfare人口增长与福利

6)find oneself in an advantageous position处于有利的地位



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