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高校体育课程改革 College of physical education curriculum reform英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-19 20:06:52


高校体育课程改革 College of physical education curriculum reform英语短句 例句大全

高校体育课程改革,College of physical education curriculum reform

1)College of physical education curriculum reform高校体育课程改革


1.Discussion of quality education and college of physical education curriculum reform素质教育与高校体育课程改革的探讨

2.Simply Discuss on Related Physical Fitness and Physical Course Reform;浅谈“体适能”与高校体育课程改革

3.On Physical Education Teachers’ Quality Reconstruction from Sport Curriculum Reform in Colleges and Universities;高校体育课程改革致高校体育教师素质重构

4.Enlightenment from American College PE on Chinese College PE Curriculum Reform美国高校体育对我国高校体育课程改革启示

5.On The Problems Existing In Sports Curriculum Reform In Colleges;普通高校体育课程改革中存在的问题

6.On college PE reform and the transition of PE teachers concept;论高校体育课程改革及教师观念转变

7.The Reasonable Thinking of P.E. Course Reformation in College in 21~(ST) Century;新世纪高校体育课程改革的理性思考

8.Research on Difficulties and Development Countermeasures in the Course of PE Curriculum Reform in Universities and Colleges;高校体育课程改革的困境与对策研究

9.Analysis of the Teacher s Factor in Reforming the Universities Sports Course;高校体育课程改革中的教师因素分析

10.Theory and Practice of University s P.E.Course Reform;普通高校体育课程改革的理论与实践

11.“Teaching Instruction Summary” and University Sports Curriculum Reform;《教学指导纲要》与高校体育课程改革

12.Discussion on the Curriculun Reform of College Physical Education in the New Situation;新世纪高校体育课程改革的理论研究

13.Status Quo of Curriculum Reform in Shanghai Universities;上海普通高校体育课程改革现状调查

14.Progress and Review On Reform of P.E.Course in Chinese Colleges and Universities;普通高校体育课程改革的进展与反思

15.Physical Education in Colleges and Universities: Its on-going Reform Following the Implementation of The Curriculum Standard for Primary and Secondary Schools;《体育与健康课程标准》与高校体育改革

16.The Key to Physical Education Reform:Course System Reform;高校体育教育改革的关键:课程体系改革

17.Some Enlightenments on the Reform on Physical Education Major Curriculum in Universities Brought by Our Curriculum Reform on Basic Physical Education;我国基础教育体育课程改革对高校体育教育专业课程改革的启示

18.Research on College Physical Education Curriculum Reform;对高职高专院校体育课程改革的探究


reform of scholastic physical education curriculum学校体育课程改革

1.The inspiration of sport education mode to thereform of scholastic physical education curriculum;运动教育模式对学校体育课程改革的启示

3)college curriculum reform高校课程改革

4)physical education curriculum reform体育课程改革

1.Contemplation ofphysical education curriculum reform under the context of postmodern curriculum;后现代课程语境下的体育课程改革思考

2.Reasons for the Difficult Implementation of Physical Education Curriculum Reform in Primary and Secondary Schools From the Perspective of Game Theory从博弈论的视角看中小学体育课程改革推行缓慢的原因

3.Related researches on and evaluation ofphysical education curriculum reform in elementary and middle schools中小学体育课程改革相关研究及评价

5)reform of physical education curriculum体育课程改革

1.In order to deepen the reform development of physical education curriculum, the thesis analyses the achievements of curriculum reform of elementary education, and also explores the developmental tendency ofreform of physical education curriculum by means of basic curriculum theory.为了体育课程改革深入发展,依据课程的基本理论,分析了基础教育课程改革成果,对体育课程的改革发展趋势进行了研究。

6)sport curriculum reform体育课程改革

1.The result shows that the reconstruction of the physical education teachers’ quality in colleges and universities is the objective demand ofsport curriculum reforming and it is also the urgent need for phys.结果表明 :高校体育教师的素质重构是高校体育课程改革的客观要求 ,同时 ,也是高校体育教师适应新形势、新任务 ,履行教育教学职责的迫切要

2.In this paper,the post-modern trend influence on our nationalsport curriculum reform was taken as subject and was unfolded from such aspects as teaching target,teaching content,teacher-student relation and evaluation of curriculum reform.以后现代主义思潮对我国体育课程改革的影响为研究主题,揭示其对课程改革的教学目的、教学内容、师生关系、课程评价的影响。

3.The result shows that the reconstruction of the physical education teachers quality in colleges and universities is the demand ofsport curriculum reform and it is also the urgent need for physical education tea.结果表明:高校体育教师的素质重构是高校体育课程改革的客观要求,同时也是高校体育教师适应新形势、新任务,履行教育教学职责的迫切要求。



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