糖尿病康复 > 心跳骤停 Cardiac arrest英语短句 例句大全

心跳骤停 Cardiac arrest英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-19 14:47:48


心跳骤停 Cardiac arrest英语短句 例句大全

心跳骤停,Cardiac arrest

1)Cardiac arrest心跳骤停

1.Retrospective analysis of cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation in 20 patients with cardiovascular diseases during perioperative period;心血管病病人围术期心跳骤停原因分析与心肺复苏

2.Management of hyperkalemia-induced cardiac arrest in anhepatic stage of orthotopic liver transplantation without venovenous bypass: report of 3 cases;非静脉转流原位肝移植再灌注期高血钾致心跳骤停的救治附3例报告

3.Clinical analysis on cardiac arrest of 10 patients during anaesthesia and operation;麻醉与手术中心跳骤停10例临床分析


1.Analysis of emergency treatment in 23 patients suffered from cardiac arrest by acute myocardial infarction23例急性心肌梗死致心跳骤停急救分析

2.The Summary and retrospective analysis of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in treatment of 52 patients of cardiac arrest52例心跳骤停抢救经验总结和回顾性分析

3.Risk analysis and prevention measures of perioperative cardiac arrest patients围手术期病人心跳骤停的危险因素分析及对策

4.A case report of cavdiac arrest caused by anesthetic drug-induced severe anaghylactic shook麻醉诱导药致严重过敏性休克心跳骤停1例

5.Endocardial temporary cardiac pacing in cardiac arrest resuscitation in the clinical study心内膜临时心脏起搏在心跳骤停复苏抢救中的临床研究

6.Evaluation of prognosis of sudden cardiac arrest in patients receiving CPR by end-tidal carbon dioxide partial pressure潮气末二氧化碳分压评价心跳骤停患者心肺复苏的预后

7.Effect of Naloxone on the Resuscitation of Asphyxial Cardiac Arrest in Rats;纳洛酮在窒息致心跳骤停大鼠心肺复苏中的作用

8.The champion of the1960 s suffered a cardiac arrest on December26 th.这位生于上世纪60年代的冠军球员本月26日心跳骤停。

9.The Protective Effect of Edaravone on Total Cerebral Ischemical Reperfusion Injury in the Rabbits with Cardiac Arrest;依达拉奉对心跳骤停家兔脑缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用

10.Effect of Hypertensive Reperfusion on Canine Cerebral Ischemic Injury after Cardiac Arrest and Resuscitation;高血压性再灌流对犬心跳骤停后缺血性脑损害的影响

11.Perioperative cardiac arrest:a retrospective review of 6-year experience in a teaching hospital术中心跳骤停:一所三甲教学医院6年内的回顾性研究

12.Scientists have found medical evidence of something every football fan already knows penalty shoot-outs are literally heart-stoppers.科学家们为每个球迷都知道的事情找到了医学证据——点球大战的确会令你心跳骤停。

13.resuscitation of cardiopulmonary arrest心跳呼吸骤停复苏术

14.A model of cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation in rats大鼠心搏骤停与心肺复苏模型的建立

15.His heart has stopped.他的心脏已停止了跳动。

16.His heart stopped beating.他的心脏停止了跳动。

17.His heart had stopped.他的心脏停止跳动。

18.The patient died after suffering a cardiac arrest, ie when his heart stopped functioning properly.病人患心搏停止而死亡(心脏停止跳动).


Cardiac arrest心跳呼吸骤停

1.Method: 460 patients with cardiac arrest during pre-hospital were reviewed and were divided into three groups according to the measures to provide artificial airway.方法:对院前发生心跳呼吸骤停患者460例,根据CPR时对患者建立人工气道的不同措施将其分为3组,A组210例,常规CPR时即盲插喉罩通气;B组40例,常规CPR时即行气管内插管;C组210例,常规CPR时以球囊面罩装置通气,转送至急诊科再行气管内插管,插管延迟时间5~15min。

3)cardiac and respiratory arrest心跳呼吸骤停

1.Statistic analysis is conducted on 138 patients withcardiac and respiratory arrest in emergency department of two hospital in Baise from Jan.收集1996年至百色市2家三级综合医院急诊科中有较完整抢救记录的心跳呼吸骤停患者病例一共138例,应用SPSS11。

4)Respiratory and cardiac arrest呼吸心跳骤停

1.Application of rescue flow chart for respiratory and cardiac arrest in emergency rescue;呼吸心跳骤停病人抢救工作流程图在急诊抢救中的应用

5)perioperative cardiac arrest围手术期心跳骤停

1.Objective To explore the risk factors forperioperative cardiac arrest, and to provide scientific evidence to preventperioperative cardiac arrest.目的探讨围手术期心跳骤停的危险因素,为有效预防围手术期心跳骤停提供科学依据。

6)cardiac arrest心搏骤停

1.Study on the application of Shenfu injection in patients withcardiac arrest treated with cardiopulmonary resuscitation;参附注射液在心搏骤停心肺复苏患者中的应用研究

2.Random control trial of the efficacy of cardiopump on pre-hospitalcardiac arrest;两种不同复苏方法对院前心搏骤停患者初期复苏效果的随机对照研究

3.Methods: Sixtynine cases of heart beat recovered fromcardiac arrest(CA) gone through CPR were randomly divided into two groups, 35 cases in TCM WM group and 34 cases in control .方法 :6 9例心搏骤停经心肺复苏心搏恢复患者 ,随机分为中西医结合组 35例和对照组34例 ,两组均按“2 0 0 0年国际心肺复苏与心血管急救指南”进行积极心肺复苏 ,常规使用抢救措施和急救药物 ;中西医结合组在上述救治基础上 ,在心搏恢复后即刻或延续生命支持阶段早期联合应用生脉注射液和护心通静脉滴注 ,每日 1次 ,连用 3~ 7d。



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