糖尿病康复 > 太田痣 nevus of Ota英语短句 例句大全

太田痣 nevus of Ota英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-12 06:04:41


太田痣 nevus of Ota英语短句 例句大全

太田痣,nevus of Ota

1)nevus of Ota太田痣

1.Analysis of therapeutic effect of Q-switched Nd:YAG laser in treatment ofnevus of Ota:report of 317 cases;Q开关Nd:YAG美肤激光治疗太田痣317例

2.The characteristics and sexual hormones of dermal melanocyte innevus of Ota;太田痣患者真皮黑素细胞免疫组化研究

3.Analysis of Therapeutic Effect of Versa Pulse C with HELP G in Treatment of Nevus of Ota:Report of 298 Cases;Nd:YAG激光仪治疗太田痣298例


1.Analysis of 256 patients with Nevus of Ota treated by MedliteC3 systemMedliteC3激光治疗太田痣256例分析

2.Clinical Features and Laser Treatment Strategies for Port Wine Stain Combined with Nevus of Ota:a Report of 4 Cases鲜红斑痣合并太田痣的临床特点及激光综合治疗策略——附4例报告

3.The effective rate were 84.38%? 71.05% and 45.00% for hemangioma,nevus of Ota and café-au-lait spots respectively.血管瘤、太田痣和咖啡斑有效率分别为84.38%、71.05% 及45.00%。

4.The characteristics and sexual hormones of dermal melanocyte in nevus of Ota太田痣患者真皮黑素细胞免疫组化研究

5.Observation of Therapeutic Effect of Q-switch Nd: YAG Laser in Treatment of Nevus of Ota调Q—开关Nd:YAG激光治疗太田痣的疗效观察

6.Nevus of Ota Treated by Q-switched Alexandrite Laser:a Study of Long Therapeutic Effect调Q紫翠玉宝石激光治疗太田痣远期疗效观察

7.Results:In PL,the first effect was Freckles,the second was Ota nevus needing four periods at least.结果 :色素性疾病治疗中疗效最好为雀斑 ,其次为太田痣需四次左右 ;

8.Histopathological parameters determining lesion colours in the naevus of Ota: A morphometric study using computer assisted image analysis组织病理学参数决定太田痣的皮损颜色:用计算机辅助图像分析进行形态测量

9.Her leg turned black and blue.她的胫骨上出了痣。

10.strawberry mark(草莓状)红色胎记, 莓状痣

11.nevoid basal cell epithelioma syndrome痣样基底细胞瘤综合征

12.A congenital growth or mark on the skin, such as a mole or birthmark.痣皮肤上先天的生成物或标记,如痣或胎记

13.When the man"s wife came back from the fields, she saw the cow hanging from the roof.农夫的太太从田间回来时,看见乳牛被吊在屋顶。

14.Each evening when he returned from his fields,每天晚上,当他从田里回来时便会问他的太太,

15."If that"s the case, then the government is definitely failing to do its duty by us landowners!"“那是政府太对不住我们有田产的人了

16.The sun soon dispelled the thick fog over the field.太阳很快就驱散了田野上的浓雾。

17.The Study on Oilfield SCADA System Based on Wireless Ethernet;基于无线以太网的油田SCADA系统的研究

18.Application of industrial Ethernet in oil field based on PROFIBUS基于PROFIBUS的工业以太网在油田中的应用



1.Two cases of nevus ofOta associated with nevus of Ito and nevus flammeus;太田痣并发伊藤痣和鲜红斑痣


1.Bilateral Becker"snevus associated with white fibrous papulosis of the neck;双侧分布的Becker痣并发颈部白色纤维性丘疹病

2.Two cases ofnevus of Ota associated withnevus of Ito andnevus flammeus;太田痣并发伊藤痣和鲜红斑痣

3.Porokeratotic eccrine ostial and dermal ductnevus;汗孔角化性小汗腺孔和真皮导管痣

4)Taidong oilfield太东油田

5)Taiping Oilfield太平油田

1.The characteristics of the Neogene stratigraphic oil reservoir in Jiyang Depression-takingTaiping Oilfield as example;济阳坳陷新近系地层油藏特征——以太平油田为例

2.Sedimentary features of lower member of Guantao Formation in Taiping oilfield;太平油田馆陶组下段沉积特征

3.InTaiping Oilfield, water cut ascending faster and low recovery ratio were the main problems in vertical well development.为了改善开发效果,提高采收率,针对太平油田边底水稠油油藏直井开发含水上升快、采收率低的问题,在沾18块边底水稠油油藏开展了水平井整体调整技术的研究及应用,取得较好效果。

6)Tainan Oilfield太南油田

1.Application of Well Testing Data for Studying Residual Oil Distributional Rules inTainan Oilfield;利用试井资料研究太南油田剩余油分布规律


太田太田日本本州关东地方西北部工业城市。位于群马县东南部平原地区。人口13.1万 (1985)。面积97.5平方公里。1948年设市。旧军工工业中心,1924年设中岛飞机公司。第二次世界大战后生产摩托车、自行车,近年建电机、纺织和橡胶等工业。为东京都卫星城市。有天神山古墓、高山彦九郎宅迹及古寺院等名胜地。

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