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编校工作 editing and proofreading英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-14 04:20:21


编校工作 editing and proofreading英语短句 例句大全

编校工作,editing and proofreading

1)editing and proofreading编校工作

1.Reasoning behavior inediting and proofreading of academic journals;学术期刊编校工作中的推理行为


1.Strengthening the Work of Editors and Proof Readers to Improvethe Quality of Scientific Periodicals;加强编校工作 提高科技期刊质量

2.On Effect of Cataloguing in Publication on Library Catalogue of;CIP对地方高校图书馆编目工作的作用

3.Editorial Work of Higher Education Journal in View of Copyright Law;著作权法视野中的高校学报编辑工作

4.On Compilation of University Work Brief Report:from the Practice of Changshu College of Suience and Technology如何编写高校工作简报——基于常熟理工学院工作简报编写实践

5.On the Editor′s Function of the College Newspaper in the Canoases′ Language Stabdarduzation work;论校报编辑在高校语言文字工作中的作用

6.The editors as well as the proofreaders are working overtime.编辑和校对者都在加班工作

7.Situation and Countermeasure of Compilation of University Archives;试论高校档案编研工作的现状与对策

8.The Current State and Development Tendency of Archives Edition and Research in the Universities;高校档案编研工作的现状与发展趋势

9.Choosing Excellent Subjects in Editoral Work of P.E Institutes;体育院校学报编辑工作中的优化选题

10.Research on the Making of Questionnaire on the Sources of Primary School Headmasters" Stress小学校长工作压力源问卷的编制研究

11.On Management by Objectives in the Catalog Work of University Library论高校图书馆编目工作中的目标管理

12.On University Library"s Editing Work in Merge Time合并时期高校图书馆的采编工作探讨

13.Spotting Trend of University Library"s Editing Accomplishment--On Editing Outsourcing Transaction and Joint Catalogue高校图书馆采编工作的实地走向——谈采编业务外包和联合编目

14.On the Function of College Newspapers and the Renewal of Editorship Concept in the New Period;新时期高校校报职能与编辑工作观念更新刍议

15.Ming as Editor" summarizes my editing work in different periods, and provides the forewords, etc. of some books I edited.「潘氏编务」述曾经主持或参与的编审校订工作﹐选取所编校书刊的前言、跋放在网上。

pilation of the Scale for Job Stress on Supervisor in Universities;高校辅导员工作压力源量表的初步编制

17.The College and University Young Teacher Job Stress Scale;石家庄市高校青年教师工作压力量表的编制

18.University Journal Editorial Work in Information Age from the Perspective of Dissemination;从传播学视野看信息时代的高校学报编辑工作



1.Impact of Information Technology on Editing of Academic Journal;信息技术对学术期刊编辑工作的影响

2.Major points that deserve attention inediting;编辑工作应正确把握的几个关系

3.On Modernization of Journal Editing;试论学报编辑工作现代化

3)editorial work编辑工作

1.Potential security problems and solutions foreditorial work of military academy journals under network condition;网络环境下军事学术期刊编辑工作保密隐患及对策

2.Einstellung effects oneditorial work of scientific and technological journals;浅谈定势心理对科技期刊编辑工作的影响


1.A new notion incataloguing under the network environment;网络环境下编目工作的新理念

2.An Analysis of Efficiency in Library Cataloguing;图书馆编目工作的效率问题分析

5)acquisitioning and cataloguing work采编工作

1.In network environment,some new characteristics and problems have appeared in theacquisitioning and cataloguing work of academic library.本文通过对高校图书馆网络环境下采编工作与传统采编工作的比较 ,指出了网络环境下采编工作的新特点 ,并针对这些特点 ,提出了有效的建议及对策。

2.This paper analyzes the problems faced by theacquisitioning and cataloguing work of library in the new era,and based on this,advances some improvement measures.分析了新时期图书馆采编工作面临的问题,在此基础上提出了改进措施。

6)editing work编辑工作

1.This paper holds that under the conditions of the Internet age,theediting work of sci-tech journals should be modernized and serviced-oriented and that editors should set up correct guiding ideas,master the digital technology and improve their pro- fessional quality and a.从网络技术的发展对科技期刊编辑工作的要求出发。

2.Whether an academic journal can survive or not depends on its quality,while every step ofediting work plays the same important role in improving the quality of the journal.而期刊编辑工作过程中的各环节对提高期刊质量起着至关重要的作用。



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