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社会和经济制度 socioeconomic systems英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-01 11:35:11


社会和经济制度 socioeconomic systems英语短句 例句大全

社会和经济制度,socioeconomic systems

1)socioeconomic systems社会和经济制度


1.a semifeudal social and economic system;a landed, semifeudal class of people.半封建的社会和经济制度;有土地的半封建阶级

2.The Economic System and Economic Development of A Harmonious Socialist Society;社会主义和谐社会的经济制度与经济发展

3.Economic System Foundation for Eco-Economy and a Harmonious Socialist Society经济生态与社会主义和谐社会的经济制度基础

4.trade among countries having different economic and social systems不同经济和社会制度国家间的贸易

5.Division for Trade among Countries Having Different Economic and Social System不同经济和社会制度国家间贸易司

6.Construct "Four-principal Type" Economic System to Build Harmonious Society;和谐社会要构建“四主型”的经济制度

7.The Research Scope for the Economic Institutional Basis of Socialist Harmonious Society社会主义和谐社会经济制度基础的研究视域

8.Research of the Harmonious Degree between Ocean Economy and Social Economy海洋经济与社会经济发展和谐度研究

9.Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Trade and Economic Cooperation among Countries having Different Economic and Social Systems经济和社会制度不同国家间贸易和经济合作特设专家组

10.Establishing and safeguarding a labour system that is adaptable to a socialist market economy建立和维护适应社会主义市场经济的劳动制度,

11.Ethic Orientation of Land Expropriation on the "Socialism" and "Market Economy";征地制度伦理定位在“社会主义”和“市场经济*”

12.Legal Reform for Constructing the Harmonious Society at the Background of Fictitious Economy;虚拟经济背景下构建和谐社会的法律制度变革

13.On the Foundation of a Harmonious Society--Base on System Economics Analysis;论和谐社会的基础——基于制度经济学的分析

14.Stick to and Improve the Basic Economic System in the Primary Stage of Socialism;坚持和完善社会主义初级阶段的基本经济制度

15.Research Thinking and Methods for the Economic Institutional Basis of Socialist Harmonious Society和谐社会经济制度基础问题的研究思路及方法

16.Exploring the Necessity of Building Maternity Insurance System--from Sociological and Economic Visual Angle实施生育保险制度的社会学和经济学双透析

17.The Influence Evaluation of Land Banking System on Social Economy from the Perspective of Harmonious Society;和谐社会视角下土地储备制度对社会经济影响评价

18.The Basic Economic System:the Motive Force of Ownership for Socialist Economic Development;基本经济制度:社会主义经济发展的所有制动力


economy and society经济和社会

3)the interior system of enterprise社会经济体制制度

4)socioeconomic system readjustment社会经济制度调整

5)Social basic economic system社会基本经济制度

6)socialist economic system社会主义经济制度

1.The base ofsocialist economic system is socialist public ownership,not private ownership.“社会主义初级阶段的基本经济制度”与“社会主义经济制度”是既相联系又有区别的概念。

2.Taking these explorations in the three periods as the clue,this paper is to analyze the role and status of planed economy thought in the structuring ofsocialist economic system from the perspective of economic thought.十月革命后,俄国成为世界上第一个社会主义国家,俄国共产党人第一次面临社会主义经济制度构建的问题。

3.Although the difference in their research subjects leads to difference in their focus,it is found that the two theories should be fused in epistemology and research foundations when studyingsocialist economic system.实际上,尽管他们研究主题的差异决定二者的侧重点不同,但是从社会主义经济制度研究视野出发,可以发现二者在方法论和研究基础上存在着融通的必要性。


阿拉伯经济和社会发展基金会阿拉伯经济和社会发展基金会【阿拉伯经济和社会发展基金会】1967年经科威特倡议,1968年由阿拉伯国家联盟经济委员会批准。于1971年12月成立的地区性多国货币金融组织,1972年2月开始营业。成员22个,总部设在科威特市。宗旨是调动阿拉伯国家财政资源,满足发展阿拉伯经济和社会的需要,实现《阿拉伯国家联盟宪章》所制定的目标。其最高权力机构是董事会,由成员国各派一名董事和一名候补董事组成,任期5年。下设由6名阿拉伯人组成的理事会,负责各项活动。基金会资本最初为1亿科威特第纳尔(3 .5亿美元),后增至8亿科威特第纳尔。贷款主要用于发展阿拉伯国家的交通运输、市政、电力、电讯等社会基础设施。同时也资助阿拉伯国家的制造业、石油和天然气以及农业的发展。

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