糖尿病康复 > PPD抗原 PPD Antigen英语短句 例句大全

PPD抗原 PPD Antigen英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-16 08:16:54


PPD抗原 PPD Antigen英语短句 例句大全

PPD抗原,PPD Antigen

1)PPD AntigenPPD抗原

2)pleural effusion Anti PPD IgG胸水抗PPD-IgG


4)Cow TuberclePPD-ELISA


1.Eliminated the Non-specific Responds of the Cow Tuberculosis in PPD-ELISA;排除牛结核PPD-ELISA非特异性反应研究

petitive ELISA竞争(性)elisa

3.Effect of PPD on PAA solution property and fiber structurePPD对PAA溶液性质及其纤维结构的影响

4.Effects of local heating on purified protein derivative skin test局部加温对PPD试验结果的影响研究

5.antibody capture ELISA抗体捕捉elisa

6.Effect of PPD on HIV Replication and Relationship to Cytokines;PPD对HIV复制的作用及其与细胞因子的关系

7.Shizuishan Municipal District Elementary and Middle Schools PPD Test Result Condition Investigation石嘴山市辖区中小学PPD试验结果状况调查

8.Alternative Splicing of Photoperiod Response Gene Ppd-B1 in Wheat小麦光周期基因Ppd-B1的选择性剪接分析

9.They are actually suffering from a disease called Postpartum Depression, or PPD.事实上,她们患了一种名为“产后忧郁症”(简称PPD)的疾

10.The Effect of Bacillus Calmette-guerin Vaccination and PPD on the Lung Pathology and CD4~+CD25~+ Regulatory T Cells in a Murine Model of Asthma;BCG、PPD对哮喘小鼠的肺部病理及CD4~+CD25~+调节性T细胞的影响

11.The effect of bacillus Calmette-guerin vaccination and PPD on CD4~+ CD25~+ regulatory T cells and the lung pathology in a murine model of asthmaBCG PPD对哮喘小鼠的CD4~+ CD25~+调节性T细胞及肺部病理的影响

12.Dynamic evaluation of HBsAg ELISA reagents qualityHBsAg ELISA试剂动态质量评价

13.Objective To increase the exceptionally good degree of the pure tuberculin experiment(PPD)checkout tubercule infection under the now available condition.目的现有条件下提高纯结素实验(以下简称PPD)检测结核感染的特异度。

14.Clinical Value of Protein- chip Combined with PPD in Diagnosis of Tuberculos Pleuritis结核蛋白芯片联合PPD皮试检测对结核性胸膜炎临床诊断价值的研究

15.Detection of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae antibody indirect ELISA method and blocking monoclonal antibody ELISA method of comparative test检测猪肺炎支原体抗体间接ELISA方法与单抗阻断ELISA方法的对比试验

16.A Sensitive Assay for IgA protease of Neisseria Gonorrhoeae by ELISA BlockageELISA阻断法快速检测淋球菌IgA蛋白酶

17.ELISA for the Determination of Glycogen Phosphorylase Isoenzyme BBELISA法测定糖原磷酸化酶同工酶BB

18.Improvement of Rotavirus ELISA Test Method and Clinical Practice;轮状病毒ELISA法的改进及临床应用


pleural effusion Anti PPD IgG胸水抗PPD-IgG


4)Cow TuberclePPD-ELISA


1.Study on expression ofantigenic character from yeasty fusants;酵母融合子抗原性质表达的研究

2.Synthesis and identification of theantigens for carbofuran;克百威人工抗原的合成与鉴定


1.The crude extract was obtained from Periplaneta americana of different phases of their life(male or female adults,larvae and eggs) through extraction with Coca s solution,itsallergens were analyzed with SDS-PAGE after precipitation with saturated(NH_4)SO_4 solution and finally were further identified with Western blotting using sera of patients allergic to P.目的探讨美洲大蠊不同时期抗原成份分析以及特异性抗原组分鉴定。


PP-[CH2-CH(CH3)]n- PP为线型结构,和PE相似,只不过不同的是在主链上,每隔一个碳原子有一个甲基侧基存在,于是整个分子在空间结构上,就产生三种不同异构体。即全同PP(也叫等规PP)、间同FP(也叫间规PP)和无规PP三种立体化学结构。PP通常是全同PP,具有高度的结晶性。 三种PP在性质上有不少差异,如表所示。三种聚丙烯性能对照 全同PP 间同PP 无规PP等规度(%) 95 5 5密度(克/厘米) 0.92 0.91 0.85结晶度(%) 60 50~70 无定形熔点(℃) 176 148~150 熔化在正庚烷中熔解情况 不溶 微溶 溶解无嗅、无味、无毒。是常用树脂中最轻的一种。机械性能优良。耐热性良好,连续使用温度可达ll0-120℃。化学稳定性好,除强氧化剂外,与大多数化学药品不发生作用。耐水性特别好。电绝缘性优良。但易老化,低温下冲击强度较差。 PP的拉伸强度一般21-39兆帕;弯曲强度42-56兆帕,压缩强度39-56兆帕,断裂伸长率200%一400%,缺口冲击强度2.2-5kJ/m2,低温缺口冲击强度1-2kJ/m2。洛氏硬度R 95一105。 应用领域 用于制作注塑制品、薄膜、管材、板材、纤维、涂料等。广泛用于家用电器、汽本、化工、建筑、轻工等领域。

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