糖尿病康复 > 尿液常规 Urine routine analysis英语短句 例句大全

尿液常规 Urine routine analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-12 20:24:17


尿液常规 Urine routine analysis英语短句 例句大全

尿液常规,Urine routine analysis

1)Urine routine analysis尿液常规


1.Study of the standard of microscopic reexamination for SYSMEX urine analysis systemSYSMEX尿液常规分析系统的显微镜复查标准探讨

2.Urinalysis and complete blood count should be done on all patients suspected of having surgical infection.对一切疑患外科感染的病员,都须做尿液分析和血常规。

3.Conclusion The secretion from vulval cancer can result in the change of the urine routine test as the urinary tract infection.结论:外阴癌分泌物可污染尿液,引起尿路感染样的小便常规检查结果。

4.Routine urinalysis and tests of the liver and kidney functions showed normal findings.尿常规、肝功能、肾功能等检查正常

5.However, routine urine and blood tests can show early signs of kidney problems.然而,尿常规和血常规可以发现肾脏疾病的前兆。

6.production of an abnormally small amount of urine.产生的尿液量很少的一种异常现象。

7.Routine Maintenance and Troubleshooting of URISYS 2400 Urine AnalyzerUrisys 2400型尿液分析仪的日常保养和维修

8.Study on the Character of Urine Changes in the Diuresis Stage after Kidney Transplantation and the Optimized Scheme of the Fluid Infusion;肾移植术后多尿期尿液变化规律和补液方案优化的护理研究

9.Using the "five-routine working regulation" to strengthen safe management in urology surgery运用“五常法”规范泌尿外科的安全管理

10.Urine routine screening of 34455 school children in Xiamen city.厦门市34455名儿童尿常规筛查分析

parative Research on Nanocrystals and Crystallites in Urines of Healthy Persons and Stone Patients;正常人和尿石症患者尿液中纳米和微米晶体研究

12.Research on nanocrystallites in urines of healthy persons and lithogenic patients by nanoparticle size analyzer纳米粒度仪研究尿石症患者和正常人尿液中的纳米微晶

13.Determination of the Urine Trace Elements of the Normal Children in Shenzhen City深圳地区正常儿童尿液微量元素的测定

14.Detection of drugs in drug addicts" urine with Dot-ELISA method应用斑点酶标法检测吸毒者尿液中常见毒品

15.Study on the Characteristics of Nutrients Transformation and Recovery Technology in Human Urine;尿液中营养物的迁移转化规律及回收方法研究

16.The presence of blood in the urine.血尿尿(液)中出现血(液)

17.Urine examinations revealed the following: albumin(±), white blood cells were found to be8--12,6~8 and numerous/ HPF on3 occasions in the urine sediment.尿常规检态尿蛋白均为()沉渣内的白细胞分别为8~2、~和大量/倍视野。

18.The Discussion of High-flux Hemodialysis and Conventional Hemodialysis Efficacy高通量血液透析与常规血液透析的疗效探讨



1.Objective Reporting the examining results of urinalysis and renal function of SARS patients.目的 报告严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)患者尿常规及肾功能结果,分析异常原因及其中医辨治。

3)urine routine test尿常规

1.Study on the difference between forepart and middle segment urine samples in the result ofurine routine test in female patients;门诊女性患者前段尿与中段尿标本尿常规测定值的差异分析

4)Urinous values尿常规值

5)Normal urea常规尿素

6)routine urianlysis尿常规检查

1.Conclusion Theroutine urianlysis is of great significance in the evaluation about the pathogenetic condition,the complications and the treatment of the patients with hyperthyroidism.目的探讨甲状腺功能亢进症(下称甲亢)患者尿常规检查各项指标的变化及临床意义。


肾性葡萄糖尿氨基酸尿磷酸盐尿症肾性葡萄糖尿氨基酸尿磷酸盐尿症renal glucosuria aminoaciduria and phosphaturia又称“Fanconi综合征”。遗传性或获得性近端肾小管多种功能异常疾病。临床上表现为肾性糖尿、全氨基酸尿、磷酸盐尿、高血氯性代谢性酸中毒、低血钾、多尿及肾小管性蛋白尿等。遗传性Fanconi综合征又可分为成人型及婴儿型两类,后者又称为“de-Toni-Debre-Fanconi综合征”或“Lignac-Fonconi综合征”。

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