糖尿病康复 > PPD皮试 PPD skin reaction英语短句 例句大全

PPD皮试 PPD skin reaction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-15 05:52:41


PPD皮试 PPD skin reaction英语短句 例句大全

PPD皮试,PPD skin reaction

1)PPD skin reactionPPD皮试


1.Clinical Value of Protein- chip Combined with PPD in Diagnosis of Tuberculos Pleuritis结核蛋白芯片联合PPD皮试检测对结核性胸膜炎临床诊断价值的研究

2.Effects of local heating on purified protein derivative skin test局部加温对PPD试验结果的影响研究

3.Shizuishan Municipal District Elementary and Middle Schools PPD Test Result Condition Investigation石嘴山市辖区中小学PPD试验结果状况调查

4.Eliminated the Non-specific Responds of the Cow Tuberculosis in PPD-ELISA;排除牛结核PPD-ELISA非特异性反应研究

5.Effect of PPD on PAA solution property and fiber structurePPD对PAA溶液性质及其纤维结构的影响

6.Effect of PPD on HIV Replication and Relationship to Cytokines;PPD对HIV复制的作用及其与细胞因子的关系

7.Alternative Splicing of Photoperiod Response Gene Ppd-B1 in Wheat小麦光周期基因Ppd-B1的选择性剪接分析

8.The cutaneous reflex is tested by pinching the skin to observe the twitch of the cutaneou muscle.皮层反射试验系掐皮肤以观察皮肌之抽动。

9.rossi-peakes flow test罗西皮克斯流动试验

10.testing method for flexing endurance of light leathers and their surface finishes皮革耐弯曲性试验方法

11.adrenocorticotropic hormone test促肾上腺皮质激素试验

12.testing methods for cold resistance of leather皮革耐寒性试验方法

13.testing method for water vapor absorption of leather皮革吸湿度试验方法

14.leather crocking tester皮革脱色试验测定仪

15.testing method for heat resistance of air dry leather of footwear construction皮革耐干热性试验方法

16.Spillane permeameter斯皮兰渗透性试验仪

17.Skin sensitization test and irritating test of airtight functional dressings密闭性功能敷料皮肤致敏试验及皮肤刺激试验

18.The likelihood is skin allergy, or eczema, try with Pi Kangling.可能是皮肤过敏,或者湿疹,用皮康灵试试。


BCG-PPD skin testBCG-PPD皮试


1.[Methods]457 children aged 0-15 years old were randomly selected with random sampling method in Feixian county forBCG-PPD test,the immunity against tuberculosis was investigated.[方法]采用随机抽样的方法,随机抽取费县0~15岁儿童457名,应用BCG-PPD试验,进行结核免疫水平调查。

4)PPD testPPD试验

1.Methods Taking count of the CD_4 number and 5UPPD test in 2032 HIV patients.方法抽取2032例H IV感染者进行CD4细胞计数和5U的PPD试验。

2.Objective:To evaluate the value applied ofPPD test in prevision the curative effect of PTB,to find out a prevision method for detecting the effect of PTB,and to guide treatment.目的:评估PPD试验对肺结核治疗疗效的预测中的应用价值,为预测肺结核的疗效提供一种预测方法,并指导结核病的治疗。

3.11%;PPD test sclerosis average diameter is 7.1 1 % ,PPD试验硬结平均直径 (7。

5)PPD experiment结核菌素试验(PPD)



监试呈诸试官【诗文】:我本山中人,寒苦盗寸廪。文辞虽少作,勉强非天廪。既得旋废忘,懒惰今十稔。麻衣如再著,墨水真可饮。每闻科诏下,白汗如流渖。此邦东南会,多士敢题品。刍荛尽兰荪,香不数葵荏。贫家见珠贝,眩晃自难审。缅怀嘉祐初,文格变已甚。千金碎全璧,百衲收寸锦。调和椒桂酽,咀嚼沙砾碜。广眉成半额,学步归踔踸。维时老宗伯,气压群儿凛。蛟龙不世出,鱼鲔初惊淰。至音久乃信,知味犹食椹。至今天下士,微管几左衽。谓当千载后,石室祠高朕。尔来又一变,此学初谁谂。权衡破旧法,刍豢笑凡饪。高言追卫乐,篆刻鄙曹沈。先生周孔出,弟子渊骞寝。却顾老钝躯,顽朴谢镌锓。诸君况才杰,容我懒且噤。聊欲废书眠,秋涛喧午枕。【注释】:【出处】:苏轼诗集 卷三

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