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记忆细胞 Memory cells英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-09 15:46:00


记忆细胞 Memory cells英语短句 例句大全

记忆细胞,Memory cells

1)Memory cells记忆细胞

1.In this paper,the distribution of memory cells produced by them is compared.本文对二者产生的记忆细胞分布进行比较研究,指出二者在分类性能上的差别来自记忆细胞分布。

2.An model consisted of memory cells,matured cells,and immatured cells is constructed.文章提出了一种基于免疫的新型入侵检测模型,给出了自体、非自体、免疫细胞的定义,建立了由记忆细胞,成熟细胞,未成熟细胞集合构成的入侵检测模型。

2)memory cell记忆细胞

1.In this paper,study two immune memory models:memory cell and residual antigen.文中详细研究了两种免疫记忆模型:记忆细胞模型和残余抗原模型。

2.At the same time, amemory cell dynamic demotion mechanism and relevant arithmetic are put forward to ensure the system to check multiform nonself.该模型针对计算机免疫 系统中自体动态变化比生物体更为频繁的特点,提出了成熟免疫细胞的否定选择机制,并给出了成熟细胞的否定选择 算法;同时模型还针对计算机免疫系统中非自体的多样性和广泛性,提出了对记忆细胞的动态降职机制,并给出了记 忆细胞动态降职算法。

3)cell memory细胞记忆


1.Study on the Mechanism of Cell Memory for Mammalian Genomic Imprinting;哺乳动物基因组印记的细胞记忆机理初探

2.A new function of NK cells:adaptive or memory?NK细胞的新免疫功能:免疫记忆性

3.25. The mechanism by which brain cells store memories is not clearly understood.25. 大脑细胞储存记忆的机理并不为人明白。

4.The mechanism by which brain cells store memories is not clearly understood.大脑细胞储存记忆的机理并不为人明白。

5.Pumonary Local Memorial Effect of Lymphocytes in Asthmatic Airway Inflammtion;哮喘气道炎症中的肺局部淋巴细胞的记忆

6.Effects of Rapamycin on Mouse Memory T Cells in Vitro;雷帕霉素对小鼠记忆T细胞的体外作用

7.Cytocompatibility of Shape Memory Polyurethane for Bone Repair骨修复用形状记忆聚氨酯的细胞相容性研究

8.Study on biologic compatibility of the TiNi shape memory alloy in artificial esophagus人工食管用TiNi形状记忆合金的细胞毒性研究

9.Analysis of CD4~+ memory T cell subsets in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis肺结核患者CD4~+记忆T细胞亚群的检测分析

10.Effect of Chronic Psychological Stress on Learning and Memory in Mice and the Impact of Immune Cells慢性应激对小鼠学习记忆及免疫细胞的影响

11.Cytotoxity of nickel-titanium shape memory alloys following surface oxidation表面氧化镍钛形状记忆合金的细胞毒性

12.Effect of aluminum on learning memory and apoptosis of hippocampus cells in rats铝对大鼠学习记忆及海马神经细胞凋亡影响

13.Natural Killer Cells Promote the Generation of Memory CD8~+T Cells in Perforin-depedent Manner天然杀伤细胞促进记忆性CD8~+T细胞产生及其相关机制的实验研究

14.Effect of Electroacupuncture Combined with Ginkgo Biloba Extract(GBE 50) on Learning-memory Ability and Hippocampal Cytokine Levels in Rats with Dysmnesy电针结合银杏酮酯对记忆障碍大鼠学习记忆及海马细胞因子的影响

15.If I could sing your name right now, the cells in your body would vibrate with remembrance.如果我可以立刻唱你的名字,在你的身体的细胞将会以记忆振动。

16.It is an awakening of a very deep cellular memory that must come to the surface.它细胞里非常深的记忆觉醒因此一定要浮到表面上来。

17.Morphological Changes of Oviductal Mucosa after Sterilization with Shape Memory Titanium Alloy Clip in Rabbits形状记忆镍钛合金夹绝育后兔输卵管粘膜上皮细胞的形态学观察

18.The Effect of Memorial CD4~+T Cell in Acute Rejection on Heterotopic Heart Transplantation in Mice;记忆性CD4~+T细胞对小鼠异位心脏移植急性排斥反应的影响


memory cell记忆细胞

1.In this paper,study two immune memory models:memory cell and residual antigen.文中详细研究了两种免疫记忆模型:记忆细胞模型和残余抗原模型。

2.At the same time, amemory cell dynamic demotion mechanism and relevant arithmetic are put forward to ensure the system to check multiform nonself.该模型针对计算机免疫 系统中自体动态变化比生物体更为频繁的特点,提出了成熟免疫细胞的否定选择机制,并给出了成熟细胞的否定选择 算法;同时模型还针对计算机免疫系统中非自体的多样性和广泛性,提出了对记忆细胞的动态降职机制,并给出了记 忆细胞动态降职算法。

3)cell memory细胞记忆

4)Memory T cells记忆T细胞

1.Effects of rapamycin on mouse memory T cells in vitroPART ONE Proliferation of memory T cells in mice by rejection after skin transplant modelObjective To harvest a stable proliferation of memory T cells by T cell proliferation in C57BL/6 mice with skin transplant model.第一部分建立小鼠皮肤移植排斥模型稳定获得记忆T细胞目的:建立一种稳定的通过小鼠皮肤移植获得小鼠记忆T细胞的方法,为研究药物对小鼠记忆T细胞的体外作用做准备。

2.The memory T cells which can induce the secondary immune responses play an important role in human immune system.记忆T细胞作为人体免疫系统中的一个组成部分,在免疫应答中发挥着至关重要的作用,因此利用抗独特型抗体制备诱导产生记忆T细胞的疫苗是免疫学领域的一个重要方向。

5)T cell memoryT细胞记忆

1.To discuss the maintenance ofT cell memory, we set up a nonlinear theoretical model based on the parallel differentiation hypothesis of memory T cell.为了从理论上讨论T细胞记忆维持机制的问题 ,基于T细胞的平行分化假说建立了非线性理论模型。

6)mnemonic B cell记忆B细胞

1.The algorithm simulated the natural process of the meta-population mechanism,such as initial the populations,the fitness of the population and the individual,selecting,cloning and mutating,crossover procreating,cloning of themnemonic B cells,the depopulation of the sub-population,and the migration of risk of .其主要步骤包括初始种群,种群及其个体适应度计算,选择,克隆变异、交叉生殖、含记忆B细胞个体克隆和局部种群灭绝及其最优个体的冒险迁徙等。



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