糖尿病康复 > 灵石县 Lingshi County英语短句 例句大全

灵石县 Lingshi County英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-27 09:35:58


灵石县 Lingshi County英语短句 例句大全

灵石县,Lingshi County

1)Lingshi County灵石县

1.Talking about the Necessity and Feasibility of the Construction of Shigaoshan Reservoir Project inLingshi County of Shanxi Province山西省灵石县石膏山水库工程建设的必要性和可行性

2.Lingshi County is selected as a case because it is located in the centre of Shanxi Province and transportation was relatively inconvenient,custom reformation was relatively slow.文章之所以选取灵石县为个案,是因为该县地处山西中部,交通相对闭塞,风俗改革较为缓慢。


1.The Arrangement and Implement of GPS Control Network of D Grade in Shigaoshan Reservoir of Lingshi County灵石县石膏山水库D级GPS控制网的布设与实施

2.Talking about the Necessity and Feasibility of the Construction of Shigaoshan Reservoir Project in Lingshi County of Shanxi Province山西省灵石县石膏山水库工程建设的必要性和可行性

3.A Study on Causes and Stability of Ancient Landslide at Long Xin Fa Coal Mine. LingShi .ShanXi山西灵石县龙鑫发煤矿古滑坡成因与稳定性研究

4.The Genetic Mineralogy and Deep Forecast of the Lingshou Shihu Gold Mine in Hebei河北省灵寿县石湖金矿成因矿物学与深部预测

5.Tuling and Shihu gold deposit in Lingshou county,Hebei province occurred in metamorphic unit of Archean Fuping group.河北省灵寿县土岭、石湖金矿赋存于太古代阜平群变质岩系中。

6.high primates(fossil)高等灵长类(化石)

7.Talking about Lingchuan with poem;神奇诗话说灵川——灵川县名由来略考

8.Analysis and Evaluation of Agricultural Resources in Lintai County of Eastern Dry Flat of Gansu陇东旱塬灵台县农业资源分析与评价

9.The Phonetic Study of Qingshitan(Yanshan) Dialect in Lingchuan County;灵川县青狮潭(岩山)土话语音研究

10.The Stone Hunting Tools of The Neolithic Age Discovered at Jinta County;金塔县所见新石器时代的射猎石器具

prehensive Recovery of Garnet from Donghai County Rutile Ores东海县金红石矿中石榴子石的综合回收

12.One of the rocks is shaped like a stalk of Ling"Zhi which is a kind of fungus believed to possess supernatural powers. The name Lingyan has actually originated from this rock.有一奇石,形似灵芝,灵岩山之名,即由此而来。

13.The Research on the County Territory Economy Development of Shilou;县域经济发展研究——以石楼县域经济发展为例

14.The tomb was found in an ancient graveyard located at Zeyuan Township adjacent to Lingtai County of Gansu Province in west and south.郭村唐墓位于长武县枣元乡 ,墓地的西、南两面与甘肃灵台县接壤。

15.Research on the University Students′ Participating in the Festival Sports Activities of the Countryside--Example as Lingshan and Heng County in Guangxi;大学生与农村节庆体育活动互动研究——以广西灵山县、横县农村为例

16.Flexibility of Magistrates" Adjudication in the Qing Dynasty:Base on "Panci" filed in Nanbu County清代州县审断的灵活性——以清代南部县档案中“判词”为例

17.Power Stones : A power stone is a small crystal encoded with psionic powers that can be used later.灵能石:灵能石是注入了可供将来使用的异能的小水晶。

18.Petrology of Ore-bearing Rocks and Characteristics of the Included Zircons from the Daixian Rutile Deposit, Shanxi山西代县金红石矿床中含矿岩石的岩石学及其内锆石特征


Sahnxi Lingshi山西灵石县

3)Lingshan county灵山县

1.As a eminent fruit producing area of Guangxi,the current situation and future ofLingshan county s fruit industrialization are very important to Guangxi for reference.灵山县是广西久负盛名的水果之乡,其水果产业化发展的现状与未来,对整个广西水果业的产业化发展具有很强的借鉴意义。

4)Linchuan county灵川县

1.Linchuan county was part of Shian county at one time.灵川县曾属始安县地,唐代龙朔二年(公元662年)始定县制,定名为"灵川"。

5)Lingtai Country灵台县

6)Lingshou and Tang counties灵寿-唐县



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