糖尿病康复 > 中性 neutral英语短句 例句大全

中性 neutral英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-19 07:53:16


中性 neutral英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on Stability of Neutral Potassium Permanganate Liquid;中性高锰酸钾溶液稳定性研究

2.Experimental study on prevention of Parkinson disease byneutral amino acid;中性氨基酸对帕金森病发生干预的实验研究

3.The bentonite modified in the form of high concentratedneutral suspension with fluoride sodium, which is used as microparticle retention aid in papermaking industry, is compared with the conventional bentonite slurry modified by sodium carbonate and initiatively studied with laboratory scale.采用中性盐氟化钠对膨润土进行液体改性,并与常规的碳酸钠改性膨润土做对比。


1.There are three genders in German: masculine, feminine and color=# cc0066>neuter.德语中有三性:阳性、阴性和中性.

2.There are three genders in German: masculine, feminine and neuter.德语中有叁性: 阳性、 阴性和中性.

3.acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis急性发热性中性白细胞增多性皮病

4.You skin is oily(dry, normal , treating acnes skin ,sensitive).你是油性(干性、中性、暗疮、敏感性)皮肤。

5.idiopathic neutropenia恶性中性白细胞减少

6.immunologic neutropenia免疫性中性白细胞减少

7.lime bright annealed wire中性介质中退火的钢丝

8.Congenital and spontaneous neutrophilic granulocytopenia.先天性、发性中性粒细胞减少症。

9.Neither masculine nor feminine in gender.中性的既非阳性也非阴性的

10.Effect of Surfactant on the Stability of Gel Ink表面活性剂对中性墨水稳定性的影响

11.the masculine [feminine, neuter, common] gender阳 [阴,中,通] 性

12.acute nonsuppurative otitis media急性非化脓性中耳炎

13.coholic hallucinosis急性酒精中毒性幻觉症

14.masculine part of a woman"s personality(女性人格中的)男性基质.

15.central angiospastic retinitis浆液性中心性视网膜炎

16.A toxic condition;toxic hepatitis.中毒状况,中毒性肝炎

17.Good solvent and abrasion resistance, medium flexibility.优良的耐溶剂性、磨性,中等的柔韧性。

18.Chronic paraldehyde intoxication results in tolerance and dependence.慢性副醛中毒能导致耐受性和依赖性。



1.On the empirical studies of monetary policies neutrality and asymmetry;货币政策中性与非对称性的实证研究

2.This paper introduces the neutrality of technology and analyzes the impossibility of neutrality of technology through three aspects.本文在简介了有代表性的技术中性论的观点之后 ,从三个方面分析了现代社会中技术中性的不可能性 ,同时指出了技术的负面作用与社会及人性的相关性。

3.The research of tax neutrality will be helpful t.税收中性理论体系一直以来是税收经济学的重要理论体系,税收经济学的最终目标是建立中性税制,税收中性理论随着中性税制的不断实践一步步得以深化,从开始的绝对中性理论发展为相对中性理论,从一味地否定税收调控到强调中性与调控的有机结合,从一味追求最优效应到结合实际地追求次优效应,税收中性理论正逐渐走向完善。


4)neutral modification中性改性

5)betweenness centrality中介中心性

1.Based on the practical value of degree centrality,close centrality andbetweenness centrality,this paper analyzes space structure character of aviation tourism system in Sichuan and measures the links among tourism destinations,which symbolize the importance,accessibility and intermediate of aviation tourism system in Sichuan respectively.运用程度中心性、接近中心性和中介中心性3个空间向量指标,分析四川省和航空旅游网络空间结构特征,评估四川省航空旅游网络空间结构特征的变化。

2.According to Hsin-yu Shih s research and based on tourist route and tourist flow,this paper analyzes the practical value of degree centrality,closeness centrality andbetweenness centrality of social network theory through measuring the l.借鉴Shih研究成果,基于旅游者行走游线和旅游流量,分析社会网络理论的程度中心性、接近中心性和中介中心性3个指标作为衡量区域旅游进出通道和中心性、可进入性和旅游集散中心的意义,将目的地划分为区域旅游核心区、缓冲区和边缘区,并对区域旅游分工和设施配备要求提供理论指导。

6)viscous neutral oil粘性中性油


中性1.谓不表示性别。 2.化学上指既不呈酸性又不呈碱性的性质,如纯水的性质。

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