糖尿病康复 > 经颅多普勒超声 Transcranial Doppler英语短句 例句大全

经颅多普勒超声 Transcranial Doppler英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-26 15:12:33


经颅多普勒超声 Transcranial Doppler英语短句 例句大全

经颅多普勒超声,Transcranial Doppler

1)Transcranial Doppler经颅多普勒超声

1.Application of transcranial Doppler in diagnosis of newborn hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy;经颅多普勒超声在新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病中的应用

2.Value ofTranscranial Doppler in Diagnosis and Therapy of Children s Migraine;经颅多普勒超声在小儿偏头痛诊断治疗中的价值

3.Transcranial Doppler Monitoring Microembolic Signals in Filter-Protected Carotid Angioplasty and Stenting;经颅多普勒超声微栓子检测在颈动脉支架成形术中的应用


1.Diagnosis of Ischemic Optic Neuropathy by Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound经颅多普勒超声诊断缺血性视神经病

2.An Analysis of Cases with Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound经颅多普勒超声检测例分析

3.Clinical use of transcranial doppler ultrasound in brain diseases经颅多普勒超声对脑疾患的临床应用

4.Evaluation of Acute ICP Increasing inRabbits by Transcranial Doppler经颅多普勒超声对兔急性颅内压升高的评价

5.Establishing Methodology of Transcranial Doppler Monitoring for Cerebral Blood Flow Velocity in Sheep经颅多普勒超声监测羊脑血流方法学的建立

6.Study of carotid cavernous fistulae by transcranial Doppler ultrasono-graphy颈动脉-海绵窦瘘的经颅多普勒超声研究

7.A Detecting Analysis with Magraine in 80 Cases by Traseranial Doppler Ultra sound经颅多普勒超声对80例偏头痛病人的检测分析


9.Application of Transcranial Doppler in Brain Arteriovenous Malformation经颅多普勒超声在脑动静脉畸形中的应用

10.Application of Transcranial Doppler ultrasound to monitor intravenous thrombolysis with rt-PA经颅多普勒超声在rt-PA静脉溶栓监测中的应用

11.Transcranial doppler sonography on 28 cases of acute carbon monoxide poisoning28例急性CO中毒的经颅多普勒超声分析

12.Clinical study of TCD enhanced thrombolysis in acute cerebral infarction during urokinase infusion经颅多普勒超声辅助尿激酶溶栓的临床研究

13.Value of transcranial Doppler in detection of intracranial vascular in ischemic cerebrovascular disease经颅多普勒超声检测缺血性脑血管病患者颅内血管病变的价值

14.Application of Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography and Color Doppler ultrasonography in diagnosis of subclavain steal syndrome经颅多普勒超声及彩色多普勒超声联合检测在诊断锁骨下动脉盗血综合征中的应用

15.SETTING Department of Neurology? CT Room and Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography Room in a municipal hospital.单位:一所区级医院神经内科、CT 室、经颅多普勒超声室。

16.Transcranial Doppler study of blood flow states of female middle school students with menstrual migraine经颅多普勒超声在女中学生月经期偏头痛血流状态的检测价值

17.Selection of decibel threshold for Detecting Doppler Embolic signals经颅多普勒超声微栓子检测技术中分贝阈值的选择

18.Application of Transcranial Color Doppler Ultrasound in Diagnosis of Ventebrobasilar Artery Insufficiency经颅多普勒超声在推基动脉供血不足诊断中的应用



1.The predicting value of cerebral apoplexy or cerebral ischemia attack for intracranial artery blood flow abnormalTCD in the elderly;老年人经颅多普勒超声检出颅内动脉血流异常对卒中或缺血发作的预测价值

2.Correlation on Vs ofTCD with ADC of MRI and their roles on the outcome of thrombolysis therapy;经颅多普勒超声收缩峰值流速与磁共振表观弥散系数的相关性及对溶栓预后的意义

3.Diagnostic Value of Combining CDFI withTCD in Vertebral Artery Stenosis经颅多普勒超声与彩色多普勒血流显像联合应用对椎动脉狭窄的诊断价值

3)transcranial Doppler sonography经颅多普勒超声

1.Objective: To observe the effects of electric stimulation on patients with vertebral-artery-type cervical spondylosis by means oftranscranial Doppler sonography(TCD) and brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEP), and to explore the mechanism of electric stimulation on mastoideas in treatment of cervical spondylosis by means of blood velocity and neuroelectrophysiology measurements.目的:观察电刺激治疗椎动脉型颈椎病患者的经颅多普勒超声(TCD)和脑干听觉诱发电位(BAEP)变化,从血流速度及神经电生理角度探讨电刺激双耳后乳突部的作用机制。

2.Objective To investigate the correlation of hypertension duration with asymptomatic cerebral arterial pathologic changes throughtranscranial Doppler sonography (TCDS) in patients with hypertension.按病程分为<5年、5-和>三组,应用经颅多普勒超声(TCD)评介病人脑动脉病变,SPSS10。

3.To explore the diagnosis and assessment values oftranscranial Doppler sonography (TCD) for vertebrobasilar insufficiency (VBI), 80 patients with BVI based on the criteria of clinical diagnopis and 54 healthy volunteers were examined by MT-1000 type TCD.为探讨经颅多普勒超声对椎-基底动脉供血不足患者的诊断及评定价值,按临床诊断标准收集椎-基底动脉供血不足患者80例,对照组为年龄相近的健康人51例,采用MT-1000型彩色经颅多普勒超声仪对基底动脉、椎动脉、大脑后动脉、大脑前动脉和大脑中动脉的血流速度、搏动指数及血流频谱图像进行检测分析。

4)Transcranial Doppler ultrasound经颅多普勒超声

1.Application ofTranscranial Doppler ultrasound to monitor intravenous thrombolysis with rt-PA经颅多普勒超声在rt-PA静脉溶栓监测中的应用

2.Objective To determine the effect of transcranial Doppler ultrasound (TCD) combined with focal mild hypothermia on cerebral infarction treated with thrombolytic unokinase (UK).目的评价经颅多普勒超声(TCD)联合局部亚低温辅助尿激酶溶栓治疗脑梗死的有效性。

3.Transcranial Doppler ultrasound(TCD)performed for all.目的分析颈内动脉严重狭窄或闭塞(ICA SO)后颅内血液动力学的改变,以提高经颅多普勒超声(TCD)对ICA SO的检出率和准确性。

5)Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography经颅多普勒超声

1.Value of transcranial Doppler ultrasonography on diagnosing the cerebral vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage;经颅多普勒超声检查对蛛网膜下腔出血后脑血管痉挛的诊断价值

2.Methods Thirty-five elderly patients with essential hypertension were treated with 2 to 6 mgperindopril daily for 12 weeks, to observe the changes in blood pressure and of mean velocity(υm), pulsability index(PI), resistant index (RI) of the main medium and large cerebral arteries using transcranial Doppler ultrasonography (TCD).方法对35例老年原发性高血压患 者,予培哚普利治疗,剂量为2~6mg/d,疗程12周,观察治疗前后血压的变化,并用经颅多普勒超声(TCD)观察主要大 中型脑动脉的平均血流速度(υm)、搏动指数(PI)、阻力指数(RI)的变化。

6)Transcranial Doppler经颅超声多普勒

1.Early transcranial Doppler monitoring of cerebral homodynamic in early diagnosis and outcome of intraventriclar hemorrhage in preterminfants;早期经颅超声多普勒监测脑血流动力学预测早产儿脑室内出血及神经发育预后



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