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动物性食品 animal food英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-14 04:20:15


动物性食品 animal food英语短句 例句大全

动物性食品,animal food

1)animal food动物性食品

1.Analysis on theanimal food safety and controlling measures;动物性食品安全性分析及控制措施

2.Detecting of chloramphenicol inanimal food;氯霉素在动物性食品中的检测

3.The methods of determination of residual tetracyclines inanimal food;动物性食品中四环素类药物残留的检测方法


1.Is there any proof that the food of plant differs from that of animals?(同位语从句)没有什么证据说明植物性食品不同于动物性食品?

2.Residues and Hazards of Melamine in Animal Foods动物性食品中三聚氰胺的残留及危害

3.Exploration & practice of qualified course construction about animal derived food hygiene;动物性食品卫生学精品课程建设的探索与实践

4.Study on the Mutagenicity of Traditional Cured and Fermented Animal Food;传统腌制和发酵动物性食品致突变性研究

5.HPLC Analysis of Macrolide Antibiotic Residues in Animal Derived Food;动物性食品中大环内酯类抗生素残留的HPLC分析

6.Study on the Determination of Residual Contamination of Estrogens in Animal Derived Food and Water;动物性食品和水中雌激素残留污染检测的研究

7.The Export of China Animal Products is Facing Challenge and Strategy after China Entering into WTO;入世后我国动物性食品出口面临挑战及对策

8.Reform on Curriculum"s System of Animal Derived Food Hygiene in Universities高校动物性食品卫生学课程体系改革探讨

9.Harm & Control Methods about Veterinary Medicine Remains of Animalistic Food动物性食品中兽药残留的危害与防治措施

10.HPLC Determination of Chlorpromazine Residue in Animal-derived Foods动物性食品中氯丙嗪残留的液相色谱法检测

11.Investigation of veterinary drug residues in raw meat in Harbin哈尔滨市售动物性食品中兽药残留量检测

12.Reasons & Harm of Animal Medicine Remainderr to Animal Material Food动物性食品中兽药残留的危害及其原因分析

13.Study on The Reasons,Hazards and Control Measures of Veterinary Drug Residues in Animal Food动物性食品中兽药残留的原因、危害及控制对策

14.Study on the Analysis of Medicine Residues in Animal Origin Food;动物源性食品中药物残留检测的研究

15.Study on Determination of Verterinary Drugs Residues in Animal Origin Foodstuffs;动物源性食品中兽药残留的分析研究

16.Detection of components of animal origin in food by double PCR双重PCR检测食品中的动物源性成分

17.Determination Research on Nitrofuran Antibiotics and Their Metabolites Residues in Animal Foods Type;动物源性食品中硝基呋喃类药物残留分析研究

18.New Trade Technical Barriers(TBT) and Countermeasures on the Export of Food of Animal Origin;出口动物源性食品新技术贸易壁垒及对策


Animal derived food动物性食品

1.Detection of fluoroquinolones residue in animal derived food;动物性食品中氟喹诺酮类药物残留检测研究

2.Development of Methods for Determination of Multi-residues of Penicillins, Tetracyclines and Aminoglycosides in Animal Derived Food;动物性食品中青霉素类、四环素类和氨基苷类多残留分析方法建立

3.The aim of this paper is mainly to give a comprehensive overview of methods of determination of Avermectins residues in animal derived food and offer us some references when develop the methods.为了对动物性食品中阿维菌素类残留研究有更深入、全面的了解,并为我国开展阿维菌素类残留检测提供参考,文章综述了阿维菌素类药物(包括阿维菌素、伊维菌素、多拉菌素、依立菌素和莫西菌素)在动物性食品中的单残留和多残留检测方法,包括薄层色谱法、酶联免疫法、高效液相色谱法、液质联用法和液相色谱?质谱?质谱联用法。

3)animal-derived food动物性食品

1.Harm and control of antibiotic residues inanimal-derived food;动物性食品中抗生素残留的危害及防控

2.Antibiotic residues inanimal-derived food and countermeasures;动物性食品中抗生素的残留及对策

3.The detection limits of determination methods of chloramphenicol residues inanimal-derived food have become new technical barriers in international trade.动物性食品中氯霉素残留检测方法的检出限已成为国际贸易合作中新的技术性壁垒。

4)animal products动物性食品

1.The source and harm of sulphonamide residues in edibleanimal products are discussed.介绍了动物性食品中磺胺类药物残留的来源和危害,着重对动物性食品中常见的磺胺类药物残留的分析方法进行了综述,为研究最有效的检测方法奠定了基础。

2.In order to investigate the situation of drug residue inanimal products, we collectedanimal products randomly from several piggeries,broiler farms and supermarkets in the suburb of Beijing.为了解北京地区动物性食品中兽药残留情况,随机抽查北京京郊几家猪场、鸡场和商场,检测4种药物(盐酸克伦特罗、氯霉素、磺胺类、氯羟吡啶)的残留情况。

5)food of animal origin动物性食品

1.the security problem offood of animal origin became the focus what was concerned by the society, as far as the situation was concerned, the problems of the residues of drugs infood of animal origin, epidemic disease, the poor security were very obvious.动物性食品安全问题现已成为当今社会关注的热点之一,就目前来讲,动物性食品药残超标、产品染疫、安全性差的问题十分突出。

6)animal derived food动物源性食品

1.Damage caused by drug residues inanimal derived food and control measures;动物源性食品药物残留的危害与监控措施

2.Simultaneous determination of nine β-agonist residues inanimal derived foods by ultra performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry;超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法检测动物源性食品中残留的9种β-受体激动剂


动物性食品兽医卫生检验与监督动物性食品兽医卫生检验与监督veterinary sanitary inspection and supervision of food from animaldongwuxing shipin sPmuyi weishengjianyan yu jiandu动物性食品兽医卫生检验与监督(Veterl‘nary sam’ta*y inspection and supervisionof food ftom animal) 为保证动物性食品卫生安全所采取的兽医卫生管理和技术措施。兽医勤务的一项重要工作。主要内容是:根据国家和军队有关法规,对部队自宰的食用动物实施宰前检查和宰后检验;对自产和外购的肉、鱼、乳、蛋等动物性食品兽医人员做肉食品检验实施感官检查,必要时进行兽医病理学、微生物学、寄生虫学及化学毒物和生物毒素的检验;对动物性食品中的污染物质、抗生素、激素、微量元素等含量定期进行监测;对不合格但可利用的动物性食品进行无害化处理;对病死动物尸体及被污染环境灾施消毒处理;对动物性食品生产、加工、运输、储存过程实施兽医卫生检验、监测与监督。战时,采取措施防止军队人员食用受放射性物质、毒剂、生物战剂沾染或污染的动物性食品。(沈启新)

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