糖尿病康复 > 复方龙胆碳酸氢钠片 Compound Gentain and Sodium Bicarbonate Tablets英语短句 例句大全

复方龙胆碳酸氢钠片 Compound Gentain and Sodium Bicarbonate Tablets英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-28 19:20:39


复方龙胆碳酸氢钠片 Compound Gentain and Sodium Bicarbonate Tablets英语短句 例句大全

复方龙胆碳酸氢钠片,Compound Gentain and Sodium Bicarbonate Tablets

1)Compound Gentain and Sodium Bicarbonate Tablets复方龙胆碳酸氢钠片

1.Content determination of gentiopicroside inCompound Gentain and Sodium Bicarbonate Tablets by HPLCHPLC法测定复方龙胆碳酸氢钠片中龙胆苦苷的含量


1.Content determination of gentiopicroside in Compound Gentain and Sodium Bicarbonate Tablets by HPLCHPLC法测定复方龙胆碳酸氢钠片中龙胆苦苷的含量

2.bicarbonate of soda (sodium bicarbonate)(小苏打) 碳酸氢钠

3.bicarbonate of soda碳酸氢钠, 小苏打

4.Kinetics of Making Formic Acid and Sodium Bicarbonate by Gas-Liquid-Liquid Double Decomposition气液液复分解法联产甲酸和碳酸氢钠的机理(Ⅱ)

5.The Study on Analytical Method of Na_2CO_3、NaHCO_3 and Total Alkality in Natural Alkali;天然碱中碳酸钠、碳酸氢钠、总碱度的分析方法研究

6.Sodium hydrogen carbonate for industrial useGB/T1606-1998工业碳酸氢钠

plete equipment of sodium hydrogen carbonate plant碳酸氢钠工厂成套设备

8.Determination of the content of sodium copper chlorophyllin in compound maagel tablets复方氢氧化铝镁片中叶绿素铜钠的含量测定

9.Study on Enteric-Coated Tablets of Compound Alendronate Sodium and Vitamin D_3;复方阿仑膦酸钠VitD_3肠溶片的研制

10.The impact of Carnosine complex and new sodium bicarbonate preparation administration on anaerobic capacity;肌肽复合物、新剂型碳酸氢钠补充对人体无氧运动能力的影响

11.Effect of Potassium Carbonate and Sodium Bicarbonate on Anatomical Structure of Alfalfa碳酸钾与碳酸氢钠对苜蓿茎叶解剖结构的影响

12.Sodium hydroxide for industrial use--Determination of sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate contentGB/T4348.1-1984工业用氢氧化钠中氢氧化钠和碳酸钠含量的测定

13.Food additive sodium hydrogen carbonateGB1887-1998食品添加剂碳酸氢钠

14.Chemical reagent Sodium hydrogen carbonateGB/T640-1997化学试剂碳酸氢钠

15.Fire extinguishing agent--Sodium bicarbonate dry chemicalGB4066-1994碳酸氢钠干粉灭火剂

16.inorganic carbonate of metals (excl, neutral sodium carbonate, natural carbonates and double or complex carbonates)无机金属碳酸盐(不包括中性碳酸钠、天然碳酸盐和复或综合碳酸盐)

17.Effect of Sodium Bicarbonate Solution on the Acid Resistance of Human Enamel碳酸氢钠溶液对人牙釉质的抗酸性作用

18.Methods (1) After being rinsed with physiological saline solution, the injured eyes were then washed with 2% of sodium bicarbonate solution (if burned by acids) or with 3% of boracic acid solution (if burned by alkalis).方法(1)生理盐水冲洗后,酸性烧伤用500ml2%碳酸氢钠,碱性烧伤用3%硼酸水冲眼;


tabellae natrii bicarb compositae复方碳酸氢钠片

3)Compound Sodium Bicarbonate Suppository复方碳酸氢钠栓

1.Treatment of Functional Constipation withCompound Sodium Bicarbonate Suppository: A Multi-center, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Clinical Study;复方碳酸氢钠栓治疗功能性便秘的多中心、随机、双盲、安慰剂对照临床试验

4)compound sodium phosphate tablets复方磷酸氢钠片

1.Urinary retention caused bycompound sodium phosphate tablets;复方磷酸氢钠片致尿潴留


1.Gentamycin combined with sodium bicarbonate for prevention of irinotecan-induced diarrhea: an analysis of 52 cases;庆大霉素联合碳酸氢钠片预防伊立替康所致腹泻52例

6)sodium gentisate龙胆酸钠



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