糖尿病康复 > 神经科老年患者 elderly patients in department of neurology英语短句 例句大全

神经科老年患者 elderly patients in department of neurology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-24 17:38:04


神经科老年患者 elderly patients in department of neurology英语短句 例句大全

神经科老年患者,elderly patients in department of neurology

1)elderly patients in department of neurology神经科老年患者

2)Patients with neurological disease神经科患者

3)elder mental patient老年精神病患者

1.Conclusion Untying rope training can improve the congnitive level, self - care ability and quality of life of theelder mental patients and promote mental rehabilitation.目的探讨解绳训练对老年精神病患者康复的效果。


1.Analysis and nu rsing to old mental Patients" cause of death住院老年精神病患者死亡原因分析及护理

2.Effect of untying rope training among elder chronic mental patients解绳训练对老年精神病患者康复的作用

3.Case-Control Study And Nursing Strategy of Nosocom Ial Infections in Senior Patients with Psychiatry Disorders老年精神病患者医院感染的对照研究及护理对策


5.Abnormal mental status and vision produced by moxifloxacin莫西沙星致老年患者精神和视觉异常

6.Incidence rate of inpatients in senility psychiatry老年精神科住院患者意外发生率分析

7.Retrospective Analysis of Psychiatric Patients Admitted for the First time During the Period of 1966 to 20001966~2000年首次住院精神病患者病史资料分析

8.Effects of Penehyclidine Application before Operation on Postoperative Mental Function in the Elder盐酸戊乙奎醚对老年患者术后精神功能的影响

9.He" s certifiable, ie mad.可证明他是精神病患者.

10.Declaration on the Protection of Mentally-Ill Persons保护精神病患者宣言

11.Intended for treatment of people affected with disorders of the mind.治疗精神病的旨在医疗精神病患者的

12.Mental illness usually strikes adults and the aged,but children may also suffer from it.Patients with mental illness occupy about half the hospital beds in the United States."神经病通常侵袭成年和老年,但儿童也可能患精神

13.International Psychogeriatric Association(IPA)国际老年精神病学会

14.Effect of antipsychotic drugs on life quality of schizophrenic patients:one year follow-up study抗精神病药物对精神分裂症患者生活质量影响的1年随访研究

15.A person affected by psychosis.精神病患者一个精神错乱的人

16.Family Burden from Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms in Patients with Alzheimer Disease Living at Home and in Nursing Home居家与养老院阿尔茨海默病患者精神行为症状对家庭负担的影响

17.Four victims of very serious mental illness:四种患有严重的精神疾病的患者:

18.an institution for mentally ill offenders为患有精神病的违法者设立的精神病院


Patients with neurological disease神经科患者

3)elder mental patient老年精神病患者

1.Conclusion Untying rope training can improve the congnitive level, self - care ability and quality of life of theelder mental patients and promote mental rehabilitation.目的探讨解绳训练对老年精神病患者康复的效果。

4)Senile patient老年患者

1.Analysis of risk factors influencing morbidity and motality after pancreaticoduodenectomy in senile patients;37例老年患者胰十二指肠切除术手术风险因素探讨(附6例死亡病例分析)

2.Analysis of mycotic superinfections and the use of antimicrobials in senile patients;老年患者二重真菌感染与抗菌药物应用分析

3.Administration of esmolol during operation decreased the consumption of fentanyl in senile patients and its safety;艾司洛尔降低老年患者全身麻醉中芬太尼用量及安全性探讨

5)Elderly patients老年患者

1.Influence of different PETCO_2 on the heart rate variability of elderly patients during the period of general anesthesia;全麻期间调控呼气末二氧化碳对老年患者心率变异性的影响

2.Retrospective analysis of delayed emergence in 15 elderly patients from general anesthesia;老年患者全麻后苏醒延迟原因及处理

3.Analysis of the related factors of falls in elderly patients and investigation on their recognition to the prevention of falls;老年患者跌倒原因及对预防跌倒的认知调查

6)elder patients老年患者

parison of Penehyclidine Hydrochloride and Atropine used as premedication of total intravenous general anesthesia inelder patients;老年患者全凭静脉麻醉术前静脉应用长托宁或阿托品的比较

2.Influence of acute high capacity hemodilution in induction period of general anesthesia on blood biochemistry ofelder patients;全麻诱导期急性高容量血液稀释对老年患者血生化的影响

3.Application of Clindamycin Hydrchloride treatingelder patients with respire infection;克林霉素在老年患者呼吸道感染中的应用



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