糖尿病康复 > 转基因昆虫 insect transgenesis英语短句 例句大全

转基因昆虫 insect transgenesis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-28 17:17:29


转基因昆虫 insect transgenesis英语短句 例句大全

转基因昆虫,insect transgenesis

1)insect transgenesis转基因昆虫

1.Advances on piggyBac transposon and its applications ininsect transgenesispiggyBac转座子及其在转基因昆虫中的应用


1.Advances on piggyBac transposon and its applications in insect transgenesispiggyBac转座子及其在转基因昆虫中的应用

2.But deploying it would mean releasing swarms of altered insects into the wild.但利用这项技术就意味着将大量的转基因昆虫释放到野外。

3.Studies on Effects of Transgenic Corn Expressing Cry1 Ab Toxin on Chrysopela Sinica (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) and Trichogramma Ostriniae (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae);转Bt基因抗虫玉米对天敌昆虫的影响

4.Impact of Transgenic Bt Cotton on Non-target Insects转Bt基因抗虫棉对非靶标昆虫的影响

5.A Study on Influences to Insect Community of Transgenic Cotton;转基因棉对昆虫群落演变影响的研究

6.Study on Transformed Insect Cell Lines with SV40 LT Antigen;转SV40大T抗原基因昆虫细胞系的研究

7.Effects of the Transgenic Bt (Bacillus Thuringiensis) Cotton on Insect Community;转Bt基因棉对棉田昆虫群落的影响

8.Study on Transfected p~(35) Gene Insect Cell Lines;转p~(35)基因昆虫细胞系的研究

9.Effects of Transgenic Bt Cotton on the Insect Community Biodiversity in Dezhou;德州地区转基因抗虫棉对棉田昆虫群落的影响

10.Effect of Transgenic Cotton on the Population Dynamics of Insect in Sichuan Cotton Region四川棉区转基因抗虫棉对棉田昆虫群落的影响

11.Effects of Transgenic Bt Cotton on Non-target and Beneficial Insects;转Bt基因棉花对非目标昆虫的生态效应

12.Functional Characterization and Genetic Transformation of Insect Antifreeze Protein Genes;昆虫抗冻蛋白基因的功能鉴定及遗传转化研究

13.The Study on Cold Tolerance of Insect Antifreeze Protein Gene Transformation to Tobacco;昆虫抗冻蛋白基因转化烟草抗寒性功能的研究

14.Cold Tolerance of Transplastomic Tobacco Lines Carrying Insect Antifreeze Protein叶绿体型转昆虫抗冻蛋白基因烟草的耐寒性

15.Analysis on Insect Community Structure Character of BT Transgenic Pest-resistance Cotton Field and Studies on Integrated Management;转BT基因抗虫棉田昆虫群落结构特征分析及综合防治研究

16.The Study on Resistance to Pests of the Transgenic Bt Rice and Effect on Insects of the Biotic Community in Field;转Bt基因水稻抗虫性研究及其对田间昆虫生物群落的影响

17.The Development Status and Effect of Transgenic Bt Insect Resistance Corn on Non-target Insect转Bt基因抗虫玉米发展状况及对非靶标昆虫的影响

18.The Study on Changes of Important Materials in Transgenic Bt Rice and Effect on Insect Population Dynamic;转Bt基因水稻重要成分的变化及对昆虫种群动态的影响研究


Insect genome昆虫基因组

1.The piggyBac element is capable of precise excision and shows high frequency of transformation in insect genome,and its activity is less restricted by host factors.piggyBac可在昆虫基因组中准确切离,转化频率较高,并且不受宿主因子的限制,是目前转基因昆虫研究中应用最广的转座子载体。

3)insect-specific toxin gene昆虫毒素基因

1.Advances ininsect-specific toxin genes for recombinant insect virus;应用昆虫毒素基因构建重组病毒杀虫剂研究进展

4)Insect antibacterial peptide genes昆虫抗菌肽基因

5)Transgenic mosquitoes转基因蚊虫

6)Transform insect-resistant gene转抗虫基因


转基因分子式:CAS号:性质:将外源基因DNA转移至一生物的受精卵内或体细胞内,并整合在受体生物的基因组中,并在受体生物细胞内部得到表达的全部现象,包括基因的传递、保存、转录、翻译,以及代谢功能的表达。若该基因在被转移生物体内能稳定地存在和表达,并能传递给下一代,就形成了带有新生物特征的生物,叫做转基因生物(transgenic organism)。所用基因可以来自任何生物,或人工合成。作为受体生物一般为高等动、植物,也可以是较低等的生物。

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