糖尿病康复 > 镜头长度 length of the lens英语短句 例句大全

镜头长度 length of the lens英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-05 12:40:23


镜头长度 length of the lens英语短句 例句大全

镜头长度,length of the lens

1)length of the lens镜头长度

1.First,must act according to the style of the work,second,need the audience ratings as the basis,in accordance with the sentiments expressed and the performance of the content,such as the main body position and motion,the picture shot,brightness and so on,finally confirmlength of the lens also in accordance with the rhythm of the video.镜头长度的确定是视频剪辑工作中的一个重要内容。

2)telephoto lens长镜头

1.so long as particulars are well chosen,telephoto lens are rationally increased,the coincidental records are emphasized,news of current affairs could be excellent pieces.采、拍、编人员要把握住其特点 ,抓住采访工作的各个环节 ,充分发挥电视媒体的特长 ,即选择好的细节 ,合理地增加长镜头的运用 ,注重同期声的录制 ,时政新闻是可以出好新闻


1.a photograph made with a telephoto lens.用长镜头拍摄的照片。

2.Dolly Short and Long Take:the Characteristics of Li Bai"s Capture of Sceneries in his Landscape Poems“移动镜头”和“长镜头”——试论李白山水诗的取象特征

3.The Truth of the Long Camera Lens --The real narration of the real problems;长镜头的真实——兼论纪实的真实性问题

4.A serene snow dusts the grounds of Britain"s Windsor Castle in this long-lens view.在长镜头中,一场恬静的雪给温莎堡穿上了银装。

5.I"ve got a long lens Pentax and a cassette recorder.我带了一个长镜头宾得相机和一个收录机。?

6.She had just mounted a distance lens on her camera, drawing it forward, and had adjusted the aperture and shutter speed.她刚刚给照相机换上一个长镜头,带好遮光罩,调整了光圈和速度。

7.long focus lens长焦距(望远)镜头

8.There" s a long mirror at the end of the corridor.走廊尽头有一面长镜子。

9.This is a long focus lens.这是个长焦距镜头。

10.The Study of Zoom Telephoto Lens and Single Lens Reflex;长焦连续变倍单镜头反光照相镜头技术研究

11.They appear, they disappear.镜头闪现,镜头又消失了。

12.a telephoto lens远距照相镜头, 摄远镜头

13.Wide-angle lens: Lens with wide covering power. It has a focal length which is less than the diagonal of the film format with which it is being used.广角镜头:覆盖范围广阔的镜头.它的焦距长度短于所用菲林格式的对角线长度。

14.CAMERA TRACKS down a long table, moving from one JUROR to the next.“镜头沿着长桌,从陪审员身上一个接一个的扫过。

15.How long does it take to animate a shot?给一个镜头做动画,一般来说需要多长时间?

16.Design of hybrid refractive-diffractive f-θ lens with multi-wavelength,large working area多波长、大工作面折-衍混杂f-θ镜头设计

17.The cameras all said "Nikon" on them. So did the black lenses, short ones and middling ones and a longer one.相机上都标着“尼康”,黑镜头也是如此。 有短距离、中距离,还有一个长距离的镜头。

18.This lens is in focus only for a single wavelength, so that the throughput of the system is wavelength-dependent.镜头只对单一波长聚焦,这样系统的处理能力就依赖于波长。


telephoto lens长镜头

1.so long as particulars are well chosen,telephoto lens are rationally increased,the coincidental records are emphasized,news of current affairs could be excellent pieces.采、拍、编人员要把握住其特点 ,抓住采访工作的各个环节 ,充分发挥电视媒体的特长 ,即选择好的细节 ,合理地增加长镜头的运用 ,注重同期声的录制 ,时政新闻是可以出好新闻

3)VLS Very Long Shot特长镜头

4)Long Take长镜头

1.There are a number of cinematic features in Hardy’s works, such as the plastic feature of vision of his novels, the filmic dialogue, plot, theme and characters, as well as the use of Montage andLong Take and so on.比如,电影式视角,电影式对白,电影式情节安排,电影式的人物创作,以及蒙太奇和长镜头,特写等等的运用。

2.With the perspective of theories of film shot in the west,the author thinks that Li Bai has always captured the sceneries by using dolly shot and long take,thus the landscape is vivid,complete and with a color of his own feelings "I" being the focus and the scenery is used for the expression of "my feelings".借鉴影视镜头理论来看,李白的山水诗常常使用"移动镜头"和"长镜头"取象,因而山水景物富于动感、完整连贯,并表现出强烈的主观感情色彩。

5)long shot长镜头

1."Long shot, Anti-modernist color" has become an important Rohmer film characteristics.“长镜头,反对现代派存在主义色彩”成为侯麦电影的重要特色。

6)long lens长镜头

1.Marginal figures,long lens photography in recording style and the use of dialect are the main characteristics in the films directed by JIA Zhangke,which sensitively reveal these missing characters\" inner world and their embarrassing position.边缘人物、记录式的长镜头拍摄、方言的运用是贾樟柯电影的特色,运用这些手法可为观众细腻地展现被遗忘、被忽略的人的内心情感与尴尬处境,表现出对"人"的高度关怀,进而引起人们对这一孤独群体的关注。


长镜头用一个镜头连续地对一个场景、一场戏进行拍摄而形成的一个比较完整的镜头段落。长镜头的胶片尺数,一般最短的约50米左右,最长的大致在900米左右,拍摄时间约在30秒到10分钟之间。长镜头分固定长镜头、变焦长镜头、最深长镜头、运动长镜头 4种。后者包括摄影机的推拉摇移升降运动。长镜头不破坏事件发生、发展中空间与时间的连贯性,具有较强的时空真实感。观众面对长镜头可以自由地进行审美判断,发挥自己对影片中某一事物的思考和评价的主动性。

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