糖尿病康复 > 皮肤缺损 Skin defect英语短句 例句大全

皮肤缺损 Skin defect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-30 05:13:27


皮肤缺损 Skin defect英语短句 例句大全

皮肤缺损,Skin defect

1)Skin defect皮肤缺损

1.Anatomy and clinical application of finger side quadrate island flap and vein skin flap in the repair of digital replantation with skin defect;指侧方皮瓣和静脉皮瓣解剖及在皮肤缺损型断指再植修复的应用

2.Clinical study of reconstruction of the total upper lip skin defect;全上唇皮肤缺损修复的临床研究

3.Repair of skin defect of palm with four kinds skin flap;4种皮瓣修复手掌部大面积皮肤缺损


1.Establishment of Skin Defect Animal Models and Study on Skin Defect Restoration by Transplantation of Tissue Engineered Composited Skin;皮肤缺损动物模型建立及组织工程皮肤修复皮肤缺损的实验研究

2.Index Finger Dorsolateral Flaps Applied to Repair Thumb Defects食指背侧岛状皮瓣修复拇指皮肤缺损

3.The effect of island skin flap plantaris medialis in repair of heel skin defect足底内侧岛状皮瓣修复足跟皮肤缺损

4.Experimental Study on the Repair of Skin Defect in Rat with Tissue-Engineered Skin;组织工程皮肤修复大鼠皮肤缺损的实验研究

5.Experimental Study on the Repair of Skin Defect by Transplantation of Tissue-engineered Skin;组织工程皮肤修复急、慢性皮肤缺损的实验研究

6.Effect of Resina Draconis on the Repair of Skin Defect Treated with Tissue Engineering Skin龙血竭对组织工程皮肤修复皮肤缺损的作用

7.The kite flap on a subcutaneous pedicle for facial skin defects“风筝”皮下蒂皮瓣在眶周皮肤缺损修复中的应用

8.Clinical application of the nasolabial island flaps with subcutaneous pedicles for nose skin defects鼻唇沟皮下蒂岛状皮瓣修复鼻部皮肤缺损

9.Repair of the soft tissue defect of extremity with fasciocutaneous flap incorporation the nutrifying vessel of cutaneous nerves皮神经营养血管皮瓣修复四肢皮肤缺损

10.Clinical Study of Shengfuling on Skin Defect Healing of Human Body生肤灵促进人体皮肤缺损修复的临床研究


12.Use of PHBV to repair skin defects:A preliminary study in groatsPHBV补片修补羊皮肤缺损的初步研究

13.The Primary Repair of Traumatic Skin Defect in Multiple Fingers Treated with Pedicle Skin Flaps of Opposite Upper Arm上臂带蒂皮瓣修复多个手指创伤性皮肤缺损

14.The Clinical Research on Repairing Finger Skin Defect by Link-Pattern Dorsal Metacarpal Flap;掌背链型皮瓣修复手指皮肤缺损的临床研究

15.Clinical Application of Using a Series of Flaps of Dorsum of the Finger;指背系列皮瓣修复手指皮肤缺损的应用研究

16.Free Transplantation of Anterolateral Femoral Skin Flap Forrepair of Soft Tissue Defects in the Distal Part of Lower Extremities;游离股前外侧皮瓣修复下肢远端皮肤缺损

17.Thinking of Skin Defect and Skin Flap;皮肤缺损与皮瓣修复治疗的分析与思考

18.Facial reconstruction using local flaps after geometry segmenting the defect on the face面部皮肤缺损几何分解后局部皮瓣修复


Cutaneous deficiency皮肤缺损

1.Repair of cutaneous deficiency of first metatarsophalangeal joint with reverse first dorsal metatarsal artery flap;第一跖背动脉逆行皮瓣修复第一跖趾关节处皮肤缺损

2.Background: Free skin flap is an important method for manus cutaneous deficiency treatment and the skin flaps from feet are most frequently used with satisfying results as its color, quality and elasticity are similar to those of manus.背景:游离皮瓣移植为修复手部皮肤缺损的重要方法,而与手部皮肤颜色、质地、弹性相似的足部皮瓣最为常用,并获得了很好的效果。

3)skin defects皮肤缺损

1.Repair of small areaskin defects secondary to reconstruction of achilles tendon rupture with distal pedicle sural neurovascular island flap;腓肠神经营养血管逆行岛状皮瓣修复跟腱断裂术后小面积皮肤缺损

2.Methods 20 cases were performed with free anteriolateral thigh flap with vascular anastomosis to repair skin defect, of which 11 were foot dorsumskin defects, 5 leg bone exposures, and 4 hand dorsumskin defects.目的探讨游离股前外侧皮瓣移植修复四肢皮肤缺损的临床效果。

4)Defect of skin皮肤缺损

5)porcine skin defect猪皮肤缺损

6)Maleolar skin defect踝部皮肤缺损


阴茎干全周皮肤撕脱后阴囊皮肤埋藏术阴茎干全周皮肤撕脱后阴囊皮肤埋藏术手术名。阴茎皮肤撕脱伤修复术之一。硬膜外麻醉 、腰麻或全麻。清创,尽可能多保留阴茎皮肤缺损近侧有生机之皮肤,剪除缺损远侧之皮肤及包皮,达近阴茎冠2~3mm处,以防术后淋巴水肿。在阴囊前壁做两平行横切口,深及内膜,距离同阴茎皮肤缺损。自两切口向中间分离形成皮下隧道,将阴茎自隧道穿进,遮盖阴茎皮肤缺 损,露出阴茎头。将隧道之近远二缘与阴茎皮肤间断缝合,留置气囊导尿管。待愈合后,将阴茎自阴囊上移下,并以两侧皮瓣包绕阴茎两侧及腹侧缺损,皮片两缘对合成锯齿状,以免日后因瘢痕挛缩影响勃起。术后加压包扎,用抗生素预防感染,雌激素防止阴茎勃起,1周后拆线并拔除导尿管。 

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