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药物疗法 Drug therapy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-04 00:33:13


药物疗法 Drug therapy英语短句 例句大全

药物疗法,Drug therapy

1)Drug therapy药物疗法


1.Treatment of disease through the use of drugs.药物疗法通过用药来治疗疾病

2.Drug resistance Property of a disease-causing organism that allows it to withstand drug therapy.抗药性:致病生物的属性,使其能够抵抗药物疗法。

3.On the Prophylactico-therapeutic Mechanism of Non-drug Therapy in Inner Cannon《内经》非药物疗法的防病治病机理初探

4.These can be just as useful as drugs, and have the added benefit of being nonpoisonous.这些疗法与药物疗法具有同等的作用,并且另有无毒性的好处。

5.Nonpharmacological treatments include psychotherapy and electroshock therapy.非药物治疗则包括心理疗法及电疗法。

6.anti-hallucination drug therapy抑制幻觉之药物治疗法

7.Clinical observation on the treatment of 32 cases of onychomycosis by pharmaceutical occlusive;药物封包削法治疗甲癣32例疗效观察

8.Clinical Effect of Antihistamines Combined with Physical Therapy in Treatment of Pityriasis Rosea抗组胺药联合物理疗法治疗玫瑰糠疹疗效观察

9.Observations on the Efficacy of Acupoint Application plus Medicine in Treating Constipation穴位敷贴疗法配合药物治疗便秘疗效观察

10.Effect of Combined Recombinant Human Interferon α 2A in Suppository Form and Microwave Therapy on Cervical Erosion with Human Papillomavirus Infection药物结合物理疗法治疗宫颈HPV感染临床观察

11.Chemotherapy drugs kill cancer cells.化学疗法的药物能够杀死癌细胞。

12.a potent charm,cure, medicine很有效的符咒、 治疗法、 药物.

13.Determination of Phototherapy Medicine Hypocrellin B by HPLCHPLC法测定光疗药物竹红菌乙素的含量

14.Radiotherapy combined with some medicine is usually attended with good results.放射疗法配以某种药物治疗通常效果良好。

15.This precludes placing therapeutic levels of drugs in the feed as a method of treatment.这妨碍在饲料中按治疗法放入治疗量药物。

16.TCM Enema Combined with Physical Therapy Treat Chronic Pelvic Inflammation 53 cases中药灌肠结合物理疗法治疗慢性盆腔炎53例

17.Feasibility of ATP-tumor chemosensitivity assay in primary breast cancerATP生物荧光法在乳腺癌化疗药物筛选中的应用

18.A drug used to treat malaria.疟疾药治疗疟疾的药物



1.A wide variety of cessation treatment of nicotine dependence are commercially available,yet only two general approaches have received empirical validation;behavioral intervention(including 5 As brief intervention)and pharmacotherapy.有很多治疗方法在商业中用于治疗尼古丁依赖,只有两种证实的确有效:一种是行为治疗(包括5A简单干预)干预,另一种则是药物疗法。



5)drug treatment药物疗法



药物疗法药物疗法用药物治疗疾病的方法。是临床不可缺少,极其常用的治疗方法之 一。

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