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过程性考核方式 the process-oriented examination methods英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-01 19:24:33


过程性考核方式 the process-oriented examination methods英语短句 例句大全

过程性考核方式,the process-oriented examination methods

1)the process-oriented examination methods过程性考核方式

2)process assessment过程性考核

1.The learningprocess assessment of courses is an important part in the quality guarantee system of distance education and also an important embodiment of distance education characteristics.针对目前远程教育过程性考核面临的现状和问题,探讨进一步实施和完善远程教育过程性考核的若干对策,有利于更加科学有效地推进此项工作。

2.The assessment of Metrologic Instrument Calibration and Maintenance should be a formative assessment system focusing on competency and combiningprocess assessment and comprehensive assessment.《计量仪器检定与调修》课程考核应是"以能力为中心"、"过程性考核"与"综合性考核"相结合的"形成性"考核评价体系。


1.Research and Design of the Network Grant Program Process of Appraisal System网络助学课程过程性考核系统的研究与设计

2.Relationship of process assessment with Business Accounting Practices in technical colleges;浅谈过程性考核在高职“企业会计实务”课程教学中的应用

3.Preliminary Study on the Process Checkup Ways in Distance Education;远程教育中形成性(过程)考核方法的初步研究

4.The Controling Function of Formative Examination in Comprehensive Teaching;浅论远程教育形成性考核对教学全过程质量的控制

5.An audit programme shall be planned, taking into consideration the status and importance of the processes and areas to be audited, as well as the results of previous audits.考虑拟审核的过程和区域的状况和重要性,以及以往审核的结果, 组织应对审核方案进行策划

6.Formative Assessments and Quality Control in the Process of Open Learning and Teaching;形成性考核管理:开放教育教学过程质量控制的重要手段

7.Reflection on the Issue of Shaping Evaluation System in Distance Open Education;远程开放教育形成性考核问题的思考

8.Research and Application of "Process Assessment" of College PE;高校体育课“过程评价”考核研究与实践

9.The Application of Decision Method in Formative Assessment Reseach of Distance Education;决策树方法在远程教育过程考核中的探索

10.The KPI Index and Method of Performance Assessment in the Project Process Management;工程项目过程管理的绩效考核KPI指标及方法

11.Study on Progress Assessment System of Distance Education Using Clustering Analysis;基于聚类分析的远程教育过程考核体系研究

12.I"d like to do some checks on the procedures-standard lab checks, that is.我想对实验过程做些考核,也就是标准的实验考核。

13.University sports curriculum teaching formation inspection;高校体育课程教学形成性考核的研究

14.Thinking on Core Curriculum Construction of National Model Higher Vocational Colleges示范性高职院校核心课程建设的思考

15.A General Equation of Indexes for Appraising the Thermodynamic Performance of a Steam Turbine汽轮机热力性能考核指标的通用方程

16.Effective Communication:the Indispensable Step during the Civil Servant Examinational Process;有效沟通:公务员考核过程中不可或缺的环节

17.A Probe into the Curriculum Design and Successful Assessment of "the Three Kinds of Handwritings" of Normal School Students;师范生“三笔字”课程设置与过关考核方案研究

18.Conduction,Convection and radiation can bring heat influxes.计算过程考虑了核热沉积以及热传导、热辐射、对流引起的换热过程。


process assessment过程性考核

1.The learningprocess assessment of courses is an important part in the quality guarantee system of distance education and also an important embodiment of distance education characteristics.针对目前远程教育过程性考核面临的现状和问题,探讨进一步实施和完善远程教育过程性考核的若干对策,有利于更加科学有效地推进此项工作。

2.The assessment of Metrologic Instrument Calibration and Maintenance should be a formative assessment system focusing on competency and combiningprocess assessment and comprehensive assessment.《计量仪器检定与调修》课程考核应是"以能力为中心"、"过程性考核"与"综合性考核"相结合的"形成性"考核评价体系。

3)evaluation process Incentive激励性过程考核

4)Course-Appraisal Mode课程考核方式

1.A Research onCourse-Appraisal Mode of Web Page in Higher Vocational Education高职网页课程考核方式改革探索

5)process assessment过程考核

1.In order to promote students’ interests in courses,and enhance teaching design for management,theprocess assessment system is applied to students’ whole learning process,such as attending lectures,assignments,discussions and examination.远程教育中为了促进学习者学习, 改进教学设计, 对学习者从听课、作业、讨论到考试一整套学习过程进行过程考核, 但过程考核评价体系的参数指标通常是根据经验来设定。

2.The examination and appraisal system can be established by the integration of theprocess assessment and performance evaluation through the co-examinations of student performances by the school and the enterprise.根据顶岗实习的目标和要求,建立考核体系和可量化的评价标准,通过校企结合综合评定成绩的方式,将过程考核与结果考核相结合,构建顶岗实习的评价体系。

6)testing method考核方式

1.In view of the problem in the course "The Principle of Microcomputer and Its Interface",this paper discusses how to conduct teaching reform from the aspects of theory teaching methods,experiment teaching methods andtesting methods based on teaching practice.针对目前"微机原理与接口技术"课程学习中存在的学习内容枯燥、学生基础薄弱等问题,结合作者的教学实践,从理论教学、实验教学和考核方式3个方面对如何改进教学方法进行了探讨。



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