糖尿病康复 > 旅游酒吧文化 travel bar culture英语短句 例句大全

旅游酒吧文化 travel bar culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-27 04:23:31


旅游酒吧文化 travel bar culture英语短句 例句大全

旅游酒吧文化,travel bar culture

1)travel bar culture旅游酒吧文化

1.From the trans-culture influence angle,this article attempts to establish atravel bar culture interaction model of the tourist-destination,and tries to explain the Dali Foreigner Street\"s bar culture and the phenomena.从跨文化影响的角度,试图通过建立基于旅游者-目的地的旅游酒吧文化互动模型,去解释大理洋人街旅游酒吧的文化与现象。


1.Travel Bar Culture Discussion Based on Tourist-Destination Interaction Pattern--Taking the Travel Bar of Dali Foreigner Street as a Case基于旅游者—目的地互动模式的旅游酒吧文化探讨——以大理洋人街旅游酒吧为例

2.The SWOT Analysis of Developing the Silk Road Cultural Tourism in Jiuquan;酒泉丝路文化旅游开发SWOT分析

3.The Explore to Geographical and Cultural Symbols of Resort Hotel Design旅游酒店设计的地域及文化象征探讨

4.Exploitation of the Potential of National Liquor & Manipulation of the Cultural Resources Investigation on the Development of the Tourism in the Birth Place of the National Liquor挖掘国酒潜力 打造文化品牌——国酒之乡旅游业发展刍议

5.Tourism Subject is the Center of the Study of Tourism Culture;旅游文化主体是旅游文化研究的中心

6.On the Tourism Culture of Chenzhou and the Development of Cultural Tourism;论郴州的旅游文化及文化旅游的发展

7.Tourism of Shaanxi Culture and Culture of Shaanxi Tour;陕西文化的旅游化与陕西旅游的文化化

8.Cultural Tourism Resources Evaluation of AAAA Scenic Areas in Shanxi Province;山西4A级旅游景区文化旅游资源评价

parative Study of Myths and Legends in Context of Cross-cultural Communication in Tourism;从旅游地神话传说看旅游跨文化传播

10.Discussion about the status of tourism culture in the industry development;论旅游文化在旅游产业发展中的地位

11.Culture Tourism:Tourism Trends of Sichuan After the Earthquake;文化旅游:震后四川旅游业发展的方向

12.Effect of the Change of Traditional Culture on Tourism in our Country;文化旅游的变异对我国旅游业的影响

13.Exploring Tourist and Cultural Connotation, Promoting Tourist Development in Chongzuo;发掘旅游文化内涵 推进崇左旅游发展

14.Ethnic Tourism and Cultural Tourism:a Theoretical Overview;文化旅游与民族旅游:一种理论概观

15.Fair Tourism, A Kind of New Farm for Tourism Development in Ethnic Culture;集市旅游——民族文化旅游开发的新形式

16.Researches into the Socio-cultural Impacts of Tourism;旅游对旅游目的地社会文化影响研究

merce-tourism Combined Culture: A Totally New Theme of Wenzhou Tourism Culture;商旅文化:温州旅游文化的全新主题

18.Beijing International Culture Tourism Festival北京国际文化旅游节


pub culture酒吧文化

3)Changyu Wine Tour张裕葡萄酒文化旅游

4)Cultural tourism文化旅游

anization model and organization integration in the development of cultural tourism;文化旅游开发中的组织模型与整合

2.National Songs and Dances:the new force of cultural tourism in Guizhou——Considerations on the development of minority song-dance products of tourism in Guizhou Province;民族歌舞:贵州文化旅游的生力军——对贵州民族歌舞旅游产品开发的思考

3.Developing cultural tourism,building cultural Dalian;发展文化旅游,打造“文化大连”

5)Culture tourism文化旅游

1.The development of the culture tourism and the protection of the nationality culture:the case of Gannan Tibet Autonomous State;论发展民族文化旅游与保护民族文化——以甘南藏族自治州为例

2.Discussion on culture tourism development of Sibao engraving;四堡雕版印刷文化旅游开发探析

3.The design of the culture tourism resource information system of Quanzhou will promote the development of its tourism industry.利用组件进行二次开发是目前最主流的GIS二次开发方式,泉州拥有丰富的文化旅游资源,利用MapObjects+Visual Basic开发泉州文化旅游资源信息系统可以更好地发挥信息系统对于旅游业的推动和促进作用,泉州文化旅游资源信息系统实现了信息查询、旅游线路设计、相关信息查询等功能,但在系统数据更新、与WebGIS结合等还有待进一步研究开发。

6)tourist culture旅游文化

1.Some planning measures for Yinchuan City to be built and become a famoustourist culture city;银川市建成旅游文化名城的几点规划措施

parison of Types of the Tourist Culture of Ancient China and Western Countries;中西古代旅游文化类型比较

3.On the construction and protection oftourist culture in the development of tourist industry in minority regions;民族地区旅游业发展中的旅游文化建设与保护刍议



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