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英文 English英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-06 14:11:02


英文 English英语短句 例句大全



1.Implications ofEnglish Trade Name for Drug;从药品英文商品名了解药品信息

2.Application of personal pronouns in introduction section ofEnglish medical research articles;人称代词在中外医学作者撰写的英文医学科研论文前言部分中的使用

3.Cognitive neural substrates for Chinese-English languages studied with functional MRI;中英文认知神经基础的功能核磁共振研究


1.Differences Between American And British English美式英语与英式英语的差异(英文)

2.On Writing English Titles and Abstracts of Academic Papers;学术论文英文题名和英文摘要的写作

3.Stylistic Analysis of Advertising Language英文广告语言的文体学分析(英文)

4.A young goose is a gosling.小鹅英文叫gosling。

5.I"m taking special courses in English."我要专门学英文。”

6.Weak M-Armendariz rings弱M-Armendariz环(英文)

7.The Moore-Penrose inverse of A-XY~*A-XY~*的Moore-Penrose逆(英文)

8.English Working Group [Language Fund]英文工作小组〔语文基金〕

9.He is excellent in English composition.他的英文作文极好。

10.Which do you prefer, one in English or in Chinese?您喜欢英文或中文的?

11.English names and Chinese names英文名字和中文名字

12.The essay will be translated to English.文章将被译为英文。

13.He was a master of English style.他是一位英文文体大师。

14.a rendering of Ciceros treatises into English.西塞罗著的英文译文

15.Both versions are equally authentic.中文文本和英文文本具有同等效力。

16.Internet English--A New Variety of the English Language;网络英语——英语语言的一种新变体(英文)


18.A Study on Language Learning Strategy Use and English Proficiency;英语策略使用与英语水平的研究(英文)


English (United Kingdom)英文 (英国)

3)English paper英文文章

1.Survey and analyses of publishingEnglish papers in Chinese agricultural academic journals;中文农业学术期刊刊登英文文章的调查与分析

2.In view of the way of publishingEnglish papers in the Chinese sci-tech periodicals,the author discusses several disadvantages in the following respects: the aims of periodicals,publication management regulations of periodicals,positioning of periodicals,translation quality and reading.针对一些中文版科技期刊刊发英文文章的做法,从办刊宗旨、期刊出版管理条例、期刊定位、译文的质量和读者阅读几个方面分析这种做法的弊病,阐明中文版科技期刊应适应我国科技发展的需要,要立足国内、找准自己的定位,努力提高期刊的整体水平。

4)English abstract英文文摘

1.The importance is firstly expounded for writing the high-qualityEnglish abstract of scientific and technical litera- tures from different angles.从不同的角度阐述了制作高质量科技文献英文文摘的重要性。

2.The paper analyses existing problems ofEnglish abstracts for scientific and technical periodicals, discusses how to reflect both logical structure and track of thought of the original literature by compilation and translation in an appropriate way, and how to explain accurately the subject, arguments and the reasoning process.分析科技期刊英文文摘编译中常出现的问题,探讨如何通过编译恰如其分地反映原文献的逻辑结构和论文思路,准确阐明其主题、论据及论证过程。

5)english document英文文献

1.ing system for English documents is discussed and the architecture, main components and the design idea of the system are introduced.采用仿人算法对英文文献自动摘要系统进行了研究, 并介绍了该系统的体系结构、主要构成、设计思想及基本原理。

6)English title英文文题

1.The initial probe on writingEnglish title Science and technology in medical papers;科技论文英文文题撰写初探


101个热处理常用英文词汇1. indication 缺陷 2. test specimen 试样 3. bar 棒材 4. stock 原料 5. billet 方钢,钢方坯 6. bloom 钢坯,钢锭 7. section 型材 8. steel ingot 钢锭 9. blank 坯料,半成品 10. cast steel 铸钢 11. nodular cast iron 球墨铸铁 12. ductile cast iron 球墨铸铁 13. bronze 青铜 14. brass 黄铜 15. copper 合金 16. stainless steel不锈钢 17. decarburization 脱碳 18. scale 氧化皮 19. anneal 退火 20. process anneal 进行退火 21. quenching 淬火 22. normalizing 正火 23. Charpy impact text 夏比冲击试验 24. fatigue 疲劳 25. tensile testing 拉伸试验 26. solution 固溶处理 27. aging 时效处理 28. Vickers hardness维氏硬度 29. Rockwell hardness 洛氏硬度 30. Brinell hardness 布氏硬度 31. hardness tester硬度计 32. descale 除污,除氧化皮等 33. ferrite 铁素体 34. austenite 奥氏体 35. martensite马氏体 36. cementite 渗碳体 37. iron carbide 渗碳体 38. solid solution 固溶体 39. sorbite 索氏体 40. bainite 贝氏体 41. pearlite 珠光体 42. nodular fine pearlite/ troostite屈氏体 43. black oxide coating 发黑 44. grain 晶粒 45. chromium 铬 46. cadmium 镉 47. tungsten 钨 48. molybdenum 钼 49. manganese 锰 50. vanadium 钒 51. molybdenum 钼 52. silicon 硅 53. sulfer/sulphur 硫 54. phosphor/ phosphorus 磷 55. nitrided 氮化的 56. case hardening 表面硬化,表面淬硬 57. air cooling 空冷 58. furnace cooling 炉冷 59. oil cooling 油冷 60. electrocladding /plating 电镀 61. brittleness 脆性 62. strength 强度 63. rigidity 刚性,刚度 64. creep 蠕变 65. deflection 挠度 66. elongation 延伸率 67. yield strength 屈服强度 68. elastoplasticity 弹塑性 69. metallographic structure 金相组织 70. metallographic test 金相试验 71. carbon content 含碳量 72. induction hardening 感应淬火 73. impedance matching 感应淬火 74. hardening and tempering 调质 75. crack 裂纹 76. shrinkage 缩孔,疏松 77. forging 锻(件) 78. casting 铸(件) 79. rolling 轧(件) 80. drawing 拉(件) 81. shot blasting 喷丸(处理) 82. grit blasting 喷钢砂(处理) 83. sand blasting 喷砂(处理)

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