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临证 Clinical英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-16 23:14:22


临证 Clinical英语短句 例句大全



1.Studying Experience:Clinical Experience of learning from Renowned physician-Prof.Li Zhenhua;跟随名医李振华教授临证学习心悟


1.Essential Contemporary Chinese Acupuncture Clinical Experience当代中国针灸临证精要

2.A Little of Application of some Prescriptions in Yuan-Henges selection《元亨疗马集》部分方剂临证应用一得

3.Provisional Regional Council borrower"s card临时区域市政局借用证

4.I assure you next time you come.我保证您下次光临时

5.Provisional Certificate of Receipt of Estate Duty遗产税收讫临时证明书

6.licensing permit [temporary housing area]安置证〔临时房屋区〕

7.Gordon Henry Guyatt: Evidence-Based Practitioner;Gordon Henry Guyatt——循证临床实践者

8.Evidence-Based Medicine,Clinical Epidemiology and Clinical Study of Modern Chinese Medicine临床流行病学、循证医学与现代中医药临床研究

9.Evidence based medicine(EBM),the medical science in compliance with the g ood clinical evidence,has boomed since its inception.循证医学,即遵循当前最佳临床证据的医学。

10.Research Initially and Quantitatively on Functional Indicator of Deficiency of Spleen-QI of Pedo-eczema;小儿湿疹脾气虚证辨证体征临床初步量化研究

11.The Clinical Research on the Physical Signs of TCM of "Blood Stagnation in Collaterals" of the Vascular Dementia;血管性痴呆瘀血阻络证中医辨证体征临床研究

12.A Clinical Study of the Relationship between TCM-syndrome of Perimenopausal Syndrome and Trace Elements;绝经前后诸证临床证型与微量元素相关性研究

13.The Expert Testimony System in Anglo-American Evidence Law;英美证据法上的专家证言制度及其面临的挑战

14.To Think the Evidence in Clinical Practice for Dispute to Invert Evidence Duty;举证责任倒置与临床实践中证据的思考

15.The Clinical Research about Pattern of Syndrome and the Rule of Differentiation of Symptoms and Signs of Essential Hypertension高血压病中医证候与辨证规律的临床研究

16.Clinical Study on Du-Moxibustion in Treating Ankylosing Spondylitis of Deficiency of Yang督灸改善AS肾阳虚证辩证因子的临床研究

17.Treatise on Febrile Diseases in the "Three Chengqitang" Dialectical Thinking and Clinical Application《伤寒论》中“三承气汤证”的辨证思维与临床运用

18.Application of Evidence-Based Medicine in the Syndrome Differentiation of Traditional Chinese Medicine循证医学在中医临床辨证论治中的应用


Clinical experience临证经验

1.The Research of Jin-rui Academic Thought and Clinical Experience Inheritance and Tremble Three Needles Therapy Which Treatments Parkinson Disease;靳瑞学术思想和临证经验传承暨颤三针治疗帕金森病的研究

2.This article introduces the clinical experience of Professor WANG Xin-zhi who cure the ischemic apoplexy.介绍王新志教授治疗缺血性中风临证经验:在中风急性期多痰热腑实,当通腑化痰,升清降浊为首务,对于痰瘀胶结,祛瘀化痰,勿忘调气,对于中风急性期毒损脑络,解毒通络,善用虫类,中风病急性期常瘀水互结,注重活血利水;中风病未病先防,勿忘滋阴填精,慎温燥太过,中风病后遗症期,调理气血,重用藤类,治疗时纵观整体病情,并重视个体化,祛瘀化痰、活血利水、解毒通络、化痰通腑等法互相配合,辨证应用,取得较好疗效。

3.This article introduces his clinical experience in application of Radix Aconite for epidemi.并介绍运用附子治疗温热病、痛证、血证、失眠的临证经

3)Clinical evidence临床证据

1.In recent years, as clinical evidence of large-scale randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials have been obtained and the thinking of drug intervention in metabolic syndromes has already produced the clues--positively ameliorate blood glucose control, by.随着近年来大规模多中心随机双盲安慰剂对照临床证据的获得,代谢综合征治疗的思路已出现端倪—积极改善血糖控制,用血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂和利尿类药物有效地控制血压,采用他汀类药物调整血脂,用像雷米普利这样的血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂来减少微量蛋白尿,用高强度生活方式干预、噻唑烷二酮类药物来增强胰岛素敏感性,最终改善代谢综合征患者的预后,降低代谢综合征患者心血管疾病的发病率和死亡率。

2.Objective To evaluate the clinical evidence of treatment for unexplained infertility.方法运用循证医学基本原理和方法检索ACP Journal Club(1991至)、Clinical Evidence(1995至)、Cochrane图书馆()、Pubmed(1951至)和中国生物医学文献数据库、中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)(1979至),收集与原因不明性不孕治疗相关的临床证据。

4)clinical validation临床验证

5)clinical patterns临床证型

1.Objective To investigate the interrelation between differential expression of nuclear proteins in peripheral lymphocytes andclinical patterns in patients with untreated nasopharyngeal carcinoma(NPC).目的探讨初诊鼻咽癌患者临床证型与其外周血淋巴细胞核蛋白差异表达的相关性。

6)thought of syndrome differentiation临证思维


《临证医案笔记》《临证医案笔记》 《临证医案笔记》 医案著作。六卷。清·吴箎撰。刊于1836年。本书将医案归纳为中风、咳嗽等37门,以内伤杂病为主,兼及妇科、儿科。每门后并附常用诸方,间附历代医家的有关论述,以供参阅。现存清刻本和石印本。

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