糖尿病康复 > 水疗法 hydrotherapy英语短句 例句大全

水疗法 hydrotherapy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-17 14:05:33


水疗法 hydrotherapy英语短句 例句大全



1.Conclusion: Hydrotherapy combined with massage is beneficial to the growth and development and physical and mental health development, and is considered as a health care campaign of infants and children worth being generalized.目的:探讨水疗法配合抚触对新生儿生长发育的影响。


1.packing sheet(水疗法用的)湿布

2.of or relating to hydropathy or its administration.属于或关于水疗法或水疗法的运用的。

3.External use of water in the medical treatment of certain diseases.水疗法对某些病症外用水的医疗方法

4.The water treatment was new, now,时下,水疗法是个新玩意,

5.She dropped the water treatment and everything else,她丢下水疗法和别的,

6.Experience in nursing constipation patients using hydrotherapeutics in large intestine大肠水疗法治疗便秘患者的护理体会

7.Modern medicinal bathing or hydrotherapy first became popular in the United States.现代沐浴疗法和水疗法首先开始在美国流行。

8.Internal and external use of water as a therapeutic treatment for all forms of disease.水疗法水的外用和内服,作为各种病症的治疗方法

9.An Introduction to Valley Water Therapy:Chinese perspective on counseling;涧水疗法要义——心理咨询的中国阐释

10.whirlpool bath【医】旋流温水浴疗法

11.On the Mechanism of Treating Ascites due to cirrhosis with Abdominal Acupuncture腹针疗法治疗肝硬化腹水的机理探讨

12.Healing Effect Evaluation on Amniotic Replacement Therapy to Preterm Premature Rupture of the Membranes羊水补充疗法治疗未足月胎膜早破疗效评价

13.Most crystal healing is guided to the healer by Spirit.治疗者用精神方法指导大多数的水晶治疗。

14.Clinical Study on Nerve-Root Cervical Spondylosis with Acupoint Injection;水针法治疗神经根型颈椎病的临床疗效观察

15.Effect of Different Materials of Bandages on Heat and Bandage Treatment for Lymphedema不同绑带材料对淋巴水肿烘绑疗法疗效影响

16.Sinusitis: Bench to Bedside, Kaliner MA et al. Otolaryngology June 97; 116:6 Part 2 Study of Sinusits.脉动式鼻腔水疗是鼻窦炎建议使用的疗法之一,也可当作其它疗法之辅助疗法.

17.Methods From May 1999 to April 2002, the diagnosis of 10 newborns with hydronephrosis were confirmed by ultrasonogram, IVU or CTU and ECT examinations.方法总结 10例新生儿肾积水的治疗。

18.Curative Effect Research of Nourishing Yin and Alleviating Water with Putting Ascites and Inputting Albumen Through Vein in Curing Refractory Ascites of Liver and Kidney Yin Asthenia;养阴利水法为主治疗肝肾阴虚型肝硬化顽固性腹水的疗效观察



1.Clinical Study of Therapy ofDehydration Combined with Massage and Acupoint-injection for Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Herniation;脱水疗法配合推拿穴位注射治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床研究

2.Clinical Observation of Therapy of Pinprick,Dehydration, and Glucocorticoid Impact for 32 Patients with Facial Neuritis;针刺加激素冲击、脱水疗法治疗面神经炎32例疗效观察


1.The curative effect ofhydrotherapy to treat oligohydramnios during the late pregnancy;饮水疗法治疗晚期妊娠羊水过少的疗效分析

4)cold water treatment冷水疗法


6)ssalt cure盐水疗法


冰水疗法冰水疗法ice water treatment热力烧伤后立即用冰水湿敷或浸泡受伤部位,以降低创面及其深部的组织代谢和余热对组织的继续损害,使局部血管收缩,减少渗出,减轻水肿,有较好的止痛作用。一般持续0.5~1h,适用于中、小面积的Ⅱ度烧伤。

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