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碘缺乏症 IDD英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-25 16:33:35


碘缺乏症 IDD英语短句 例句大全




1.Another major problem is iodine deficiency disorders (IDD). Iodine deficiency remains the single greatest cause of preventable brain damage and mental retardation worldwide.碘缺乏症(1DD)是另一个主要问题,也是导致全球可预防性脑损伤和智力落后的唯一重要原因。

2.After iron, the most widespread mineral deficiency condition occurring in man is that of iodine.除了缺铁以外,在人类里流传最广的第二位缺乏的矿物质症就是缺碘症。

3.Regulations on Edible Salt Iodization as a Means to Eliminate Iodine Deficiency Disorders食盐加碘消除碘缺乏危害管理条例

4.Review and Philosophical Thoughts on Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control of Iodized Salt;加碘盐防治碘缺乏疾病的回顾与思考

5.17,20-desmolase deficiency17,20-碳链酶缺乏症

6.reductase deficiency5α-还原酶缺乏症

7.hydroxylase deficiency17α-羟化酶缺乏症

8.21-hydroxylase deficiency21-羟化酶缺乏症

9.18-oxylase deficiency18-氧化酶缺乏症

10.International Council for the Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders国际防治缺碘症理事会

11."Severe, prolonged deficiency can cause hypothyroidism. Eating seafood regularly or using iodized table salt will prevent iodine deficiency. Some countries have made dietary iodine additives mandatory. "严重或长期碘缺乏会造成黏液水肿,婴儿期碘缺乏会引起呆小

12.The divided districts of eco-geological environment reveals the relation between of IDD and ecosystem.反映贵州碘缺乏病分布区生态地质环境普遍碘缺乏。

13.Study on Reasonable Iodine Concentration in Iodized Salt and Overall Intervention Strategy for Elimination of Iodine Deficiency Disorders in a Mild Iodine Deficiency Area;轻度缺碘地区碘缺乏病适宜食盐加碘浓度及干预策略研究

14.Audition state of children who was born after universal ioldized salt in IDD regions碘缺乏病区供应碘盐后出生的儿童听力状况

15.The Effect of Iodized Salt on Improvement in Intelligence of Children in IDD Areas碘缺乏病病区食盐加碘对儿童智力发育的影响

16.The Experimental Study of IDD Control by Adding Iodine to Local Salt Water土盐水加碘防治碘缺乏病现场实验观察

17.Evaluation of the Universal Salt Iodization Preventing Iodinr Deficiency Disorders over 8 Years in Chongqing;重庆市普供碘盐8年防治碘缺乏病效果评价

18.Study on the Effects of Different Iodine on Antioxidative Ability of Iodine Deficient Rats;不同碘剂对碘缺乏大鼠抗氧化能力影响的研究



1.Analysis on iodized salt monitoring results of the fifthIDD survey in Jilin Province;吉林省第五次碘缺乏病监测碘盐质量结果分析

2.A survey and anlaysis on the present ofIDD in Mianyang City;绵阳市碘缺乏病现况调查

3.Analysis on the progress of eliminatingIDD in Fujian Province in ;福建省消除碘缺乏病进程分析

3)Iodine deficiency disorder碘缺乏病

1.Analysis of Iodine Deficiency Disorders Surveillence in Qujing City in 2002;2002年曲靖市碘缺乏病监测结果分析

2.Analyzing the effect of iodine deficiency disorder prevention and control of Chongqing;重庆市碘缺乏病防治效果分析

4)iodine deficiency disease碘缺乏病

1.Data Analysis of Iodine Deficiency Disease in Zaoyang City in ;枣阳市碘缺乏病监测资料分析

2.Taking experiment among patients takingiodine deficiency disease,dividing them to 3 groups,and supplying them with algae iodate salt everyday.选择碘缺乏病人群、分三组试验,每日供给海藻碘盐,三个月后测定结果表明,合格海藻碘盐能起到有效的补碘作用,可起到碘酸钾碘盐同样的补碘效果。

3.The authors study the fluorine and iodine content in geological environment and foods in epidemic fluorine andiodine deficiency disease area in Guizhou,in order to find out the pathology for the two endemic diseases.为查清贵州地氟病与碘缺乏病病源 ,对这两种地方病区地质环境及食物中氟与碘的含量进行研究。

5)iodine deficiency碘缺乏病

1.OBJECTIVE To investigate the condition ofiodine deficiency and the integrate control effect of salt iodized,after the stage goal thatiodine deficiency was eliminated in Hangzhou has been come true.目的了解杭州市实现消除碘缺乏病阶段性目标后,碘缺乏病病情及食盐加碘综合防治措施效果。

2.Objective:To evaluate effectiveness of prevention ofiodine deficiency among students of primary school in Jiujiang Area.目的:通过对碘缺乏病监测点监测结果分析,评价其防治效果。

3.Objective To master the dynamic change of the content of iodized edible salt in Shenyang City, and to provide evidence to prevent fromiodine deficiency.目的掌握沈阳市食盐碘含量水平的动态变化,为碘缺乏病防治提供依据。

6)Iodine deficiency碘缺乏

1.Investigation of intelligence quotient,psychomotor development,and subclinical impairment in schoolchildren from areas with various degrees of iodine deficiency;碘缺乏病区学龄儿童智商、精神运动及亚临床损伤的调查

2.Effect of iodine deficiency and hypothyroidism on long-tern potentiation in hippocampus;碘缺乏甲状腺功能减退对仔鼠海马LTP的影响

3.Analysis on children s psychomotor state among different IQ levels in iodine deficiency disorders regions;碘缺乏病区不同智商儿童精神运动功能状况


Ⅻ因子缺乏病Ⅻ因子缺乏病factor Ⅻ deficiency即凝血因子Ⅻ缺乏。先天性者极少见,为常染色体隐性遗传。后天获得性者见于严重肝肾病及新生儿。一般无出血症状,外伤或手术后出血也不严重。确诊需用已知缺乏Ⅻ因子的血浆作交叉试验。治疗:少量输血即可。

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