糖尿病康复 > 国槐 sophora japonica英语短句 例句大全

国槐 sophora japonica英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-29 22:21:02


国槐 sophora japonica英语短句 例句大全

国槐,sophora japonica

1)sophora japonica国槐

1.Study on the spatial distribution of entering tree hole and emergence hole of Apriona swainsoni Hope on the Sophora japonica;锈色粒肩天牛侵入孔、羽化孔在国槐上分布规律的研究1

2.Planting Status,the Major Pests and Control Measures of Sophora japonica Street Trees Planted in Linxia City;临夏市国槐行道树栽植现状、主要虫害及防治对策


1.Study on Transformation of BADH Gene in Sophora Japonica and Sophora Japonica Var GoldenBADH基因转化国槐及黄金槐的研究

2.Study on flower and fruit thinning effectiveness of NAA for Chinese scholartree萘乙酸对国槐疏花疏果作用研究分析

3.Analysis of Alkaloids of the Apriona germari Resistant Tree in Japanese Pagodatree,Sophra japonica抗锈色粒肩天牛国槐优株的生物碱含量测定

4.Physiological Responses to Salt Stress in Transgenic Sophora japonica L. in Virto with Transformed rd29A Gene转rd29A基因国槐试管苗对盐胁迫的生理响应

5.Studies on the Establishment of Salix Regeneration System and the Sophora Japonica Transformation with rd29A Gene by Agrohczcterium Tumefaciens;沙柳再生体系的建立和农杆菌介导的rd29A基因转化国槐的研究

6.The Diversity Investigation and Selection of the Ornamental Trees Sophora Japonica and Platanus Orientalis in Liaocheng City;聊城市园林观赏树种国槐和法桐的多样性调查和选择

7.Ants on the locust tree assume a great-nation swagger; and mayflies lightly plot to topple the giant tree.蚂蚁缘槐夸大国,蚍蜉撼树谈何易

8.ISSR Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Robinia Pseudoacacia Populations from China;中国刺槐群体遗传多样性的ISSR分析

9.Locust trees in the North, as a decorative embellishment of nature, also associate us with autumn.北国的槐树,也是一种能使人联想起秋来的点缀。

10.Studies on Genetic Structure and Genetic Diversity in Provenances of Black Locust (Robinia Pseudoacacia L.) in China;中国刺槐次生种源遗传结构及遗传多样性研究

11.Ecological Characteristics and Risk Analysis of Obolodiplosis Robiniae (Haldemann) in China;刺槐叶瘿蚊生态学特性及其在中国的风险分析

12.Any of several other leguminous plants, such as the rose acacia.刺槐,毛洋槐豆科植物的一种,如毛洋槐

13.According to the legend of the big pagoda tree in Shanxi province, its background was that the country had the control of developing the north of Shaanxi province.来自山西大槐树的传说 ,其背景是国家掌握了开发陕北的控制权。

14.Genetic Diversity and Geographic Variation of Cold Resistance of Robinia Pseudoacacia Populations from China;中国刺槐遗传多样性和抗寒性地理变异规律的研究

15.Analysis of fatty acids from flower,bud and leaves of Sophora japonica L. by GC-MS槐花、槐米和槐叶脂肪酸成分的GC-MS分析

16.small rough-barked locust of southeastern United States having racemes of pink flowers and glutinous branches and seeds.美国东南部的一种小而树皮粗糙洋槐,有开粉红色花朵的总状花序和粘的树枝和种子。

17.Further Study on Fixed Factors of Criminal Concept of Chinese Criminal Law--to Exchange Views with Professor Zhu-huaizhi and Doctor Wang-yongle;也论我国刑法中犯罪概念的定量因素——与储槐植教授和汪永乐博士商榷

18.A New Species of the Genus Systasis Walker,1834 (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) Parasitizing an Important Invasive Alien Insect Pest Obolodiplosis robiniae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from China寄生外来有害种刺槐叶瘿蚊的毛链金小蜂属(膜翅目:金小蜂科)中国1新种(英文)


Sophora japonica L国槐

1.Influence of plant growth regulator on transpiring water consumption ofSophora japonica L.;植物生长调节剂对国槐蒸腾耗水的影响

2.Influence of plant growth regulator “Shifengle" on transpiration water consumption ofSophora japonica L;植物生长调节剂对国槐蒸腾耗水的影响(英文)

3.Effects of antibiotics on induction and growth ofSophora japonica L. callus.;抗生素对国槐愈伤组织诱导和生长的影响

3)pagoda tree国槐

1.Effect of salinity on membrane lipids inpagoda tree and poplar ‘zhonglin-46 .;盐胁迫对国槐和中林46杨幼苗膜类脂的影响

2.Effect of salinity on stomata inpagoda tree and walnut seedlings.;盐胁迫对国槐与核桃气孔的影响

3.Photosynthesis of half year seedlings ofpagoda tree and walnut were determined after different time treatment of 50,100 and 200 mmol·L -1 NaCl.研究了国槐与核桃半年生蛭石盆栽苗在盐 (NaCl溶液处理浓度为 5 0 ,10 0 ,2 0 0mmol·L- 1)胁迫条件下光合作用的变化。


1.A new insect pest of Anarsia squamerecta onpagodatree Sophora japonica.;国槐新害虫——竖鳞条麦蛾的初步研究

2.A new pest Dendrophilia sophora onpagodatree.;国槐新害虫——国槐林麦蛾的研究

5)Sophora japonica国槐树

1.Lead in city air accumulated be the green tree,Sophora japonica;城市空气中铅在国槐树体内的积累

6)Sephora japonica Liaohong聊红国槐

1.Determination Method of Natrate Reductase Activity in the Leaves ofSephora japonica Liaohong;聊红国槐叶片硝酸还原酶活性测定方法的研究


国槐国槐介绍 国槐 (Sophora japonica)科属: 豆科 别名: 槐树形态特征: 落叶乔木、树冠圆形、树干、叶、小枝春季淡黄色,夏季淡绿色,落叶后,树干、小枝呈金黄色,单羽状复叶、互生、卵状披针形,叶形比国槐大1/3、枝条金黄色,5月后枝条逐渐变绿。分布与习性:国槐是国槐的变种,在北部、长江及黄河流域都适宜栽培,在瘠薄土地上仍能生长、对二氧化硫等有害气体及烟尘有一定的抗性是城市、化工厂附近的优秀绿化、环保树种。阳性,耐寒,抗性强。耐修剪。它耐旱、耐寒,能在零下25℃的严寒越冬。繁殖与栽培:一般用播种法繁殖。龙爪槐为中国庭园中常用的特色树种,传统上多用枝接法,后改为用方块芽接法。接穗以休眠芽为好,在4月下旬至5月中旬自龙爪槐的去年生枝上采取休眠芽作接穗,接于槐树的1~2年新枝上;此外亦可在7月上、中旬用当年的新生芽行芽接。应用:苗干通直、粗壮、光滑、秋末落叶后似金梁玉柱、甚是壮观美丽,观赏价值极高。是街道、庭院美化、绿化、改善生态环境的优良品种。国槐是北京市树,也是北京的绿化常用树种,该树种生长速度快,树型高大,树冠茂盛,年均生长1.5米,最适合行道绿化。用金枝国槐枝条嫁接改造大型国槐可使老树换新装,对改善城市绿化景观可起到良好效果。图片:

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