糖尿病康复 > 目标—价值评估体系 Purpose-Value evaluation framework英语短句 例句大全

目标—价值评估体系 Purpose-Value evaluation framework英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-25 14:05:59


目标—价值评估体系 Purpose-Value evaluation framework英语短句 例句大全

"目标—价值"评估体系,"Purpose-Value" evaluation framework

1)"Purpose-Value" evaluation framework"目标—价值"评估体系

2)target value evaluation目标价值评估

1.Study of Target Value Evaluation Indexes;目标价值评估指标的研究


1.Target Value Evaluation Model Analysis Based on Improved AHP;基于改进AHP的目标价值评估模型分析

2.Research on the Assessment of Value in Strategic Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions;战略并购中目标企业的价值评估研究

3.The Goal Company s Value Appraisal in the Enterprise M&A;企业并购中目标公司的价值评估研究

4.Value Appraising in M&A;并购中目标企业的价值评估问题研究

5.The Study on Assessment of Objective Enterprise Value in Merger & Acquisition;企业并购中目标企业价值评估的研究

6.Study of market comparative method value assessment of target company in purchasing companies;公司收购中目标公司价值评估法研究

7.Option Pricing Analysis on Value Appraisal of the Target Enterprise in Mergers and Acquisitions;兼并收购中目标企业价值评估的期权定价分析

8.A Study on the Valuation of Target Enterprises in China s M & A;我国企业并购中目标企业价值评估研究

9.Case Analysis on the Selection and Valuation of Target Enterprises in Merger&Acquisition;并购目标企业选择及价值评估案例分析

10.Enterprises Merge and Acquisition the Research of Value Assessment of Target Enterprise in the Course;企业并购过程中目标企业价值评估的研究

11.Research on Integration and Value Evaluation of M&A Target Enterprise;企业并购的目标企业价值评估与整合研究

12.The Research on the Methods of Objective Corporation Valuation in Merger & Acquisition Activity;并购活动中目标企业价值评估方法研究

13.Evaluation of Target Enterprise in M&As Based on Growth Option;基于增长期权的并购目标企业价值评估

14.Study on Objective Corporation Valuation Model in M&A based on Real Option Theory;基于实物期权方法的并购中目标企业价值评估

15.A Study on the Evaluating Method of Enterprise in Acquisition;企业战略并购中目标企业价值评估方法研究

16.A Shallow Talk About the Value-assessing Method to the Target Enterprise in Business Merging and Acquisition;浅谈企业并购中目标企业价值评估的方法

17.Value Evaluation Method for Object Enterprise in Mergence;关于并购中目标企业价值评估方法的探寻

18.Value Evaluating of an Objective Enterprise in M & A;并购中基于期权模型的目标企业价值评估


target value evaluation目标价值评估

1.Study of Target Value Evaluation Indexes;目标价值评估指标的研究

3)value appraisal system价值评估体系

1.By series of succeed cases, based on E-b value chain, many inspiration are gained, a E-bvalue appraisal system is built and the development strategy and creative tactics are pointed out which fit for Chinese companies engaged.同时,基于电子商务的价值链从实证角度分析,得到系列成功电子商务案例对我国开展电子商务的若干启示,进而初步建立了一套适用于我国企业的电子商务价值评估体系,系统地提出了从国家到企业的电子商务发展战略以及企业在实施电子商务过程中应采取的相关创新策略。

4)Value estimation of protected targets掩护目标价值评估

5)Business Appraisal for Target Enterprise目标企业价值评估

1.The Research on theBusiness Appraisal for Target Enterprise in M&A;并购目标企业价值评估研究

6)Multiobjective decision system多目标评价体系



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