糖尿病康复 > CT尿路造影 CT urography英语短句 例句大全

CT尿路造影 CT urography英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-24 11:02:03


CT尿路造影 CT urography英语短句 例句大全

CT尿路造影,CT urography

1)CT urographyCT尿路造影

1.NegativeCT urography technique;输尿管压迫阴性CT尿路造影技术

2.CT urography in the detection and staging of renal pelvic and ureteral carcinoma;CT尿路造影在肾盂输尿管癌诊断和分期中的价值

3.16-sliceCT urography in 136 cases of urinary tract diseases16层CT尿路造影在136例泌尿系疾病患者中的应用


1.Clinical evaluation of multislice computerized tomography urography in the diagnosis of upper urinary tract neoplasms多层螺旋CT尿路造影对无痛性血尿的上尿路肿瘤的诊断价值

2.MDCT Urography:Initial Experience of a Modified Protocol多层CT尿路造影:一种改良尿路显影法的初步应用

3.Diagnostic value of CT urography in subtypes of renal cell carcinomaCT尿路造影对肾癌病理亚型的鉴别诊断价值

4.Clinical Evaluation of Multi-slice Spiral CT Urography in the Diagnosis of Obstructive Diseases of upper Urinary Tract多层螺旋CT尿路造影在上尿路梗阻性疾病中的诊断价值研究

5.Dual energy virtual nonenhanced CT detection of urinary stone in dual source CT urography双源CT尿路造影中双能量虚拟平扫检查尿路结石

6.The effect of CT urography in the diagnosis of non calculus urinary obstruction diseasesCT尿路造影在非结石性尿路梗阻病变中的诊断价值

7.Clinical evaluation of IVP,CTU and MRU in the diagnosis of urinary system stones静脉肾盂造影、CT尿路造影及磁共振尿路成像在诊断泌尿系统结石中的价值

8.16-slice CT urography in 136 cases of urinary tract diseases16层CT尿路造影在136例泌尿系疾病患者中的应用

9.Application of multislice spiral CT urography in the diagnosis of stricture of ureteropelvic junction多层螺旋CT尿路造影诊断肾盂输尿管交界部狭窄

10.The value of spiral CT and CT urography in the diagnosis of hydronephrosis螺旋CT及尿路造影对肾积水疾病的诊断价值

11.The Optimization and Clinical Value of the Multi-Detecter Spiral CT and CT Urography for upper Urinary Tract Disease;多排螺旋CT泌尿系统造影方法学及在上尿路疾病中诊断价值研究

12.Value of 16 Multiple-Slice Spiral CT Low Tension Urography in Diagnosis of Renal and Uretal Obstructive Disease16层螺旋CT低张尿路造影在肾脏输尿管梗阻性疾病中的应用价值

13.Optimization of 64-detecter CT urography of normal upper urinary tract:effect of compression,prolongation of acquisition delay,and oral water on images64层螺旋CT正常上尿路造影:腹带加压、增加延迟时间及大量饮水对显影的价值

14.Radiography of the urinary tract.尿路造影术尿路的射线照相术

15.intravenous urography静脉注射尿路造影术

16.Diagnostic value of computed tomography angiography of coronary artery in patients with diabetes糖尿病患者CT冠状动脉造影的诊断价值

parison of Angiographic Characteristics of Coronary Artery Disease in Diabetic Patients with Different Courses不同病程糖尿病患者冠状动脉CT血管造影特征

18.Research on dynamic X ray intravenous urography动态静脉尿路造影在泌尿系统中的诊断价值



1.Objective To explore whether multislice computerized tomography urography(MSCTU)is sensitive and specific for detecting upper urinary tract neoplasms in patients with painless hematuria.目的探讨多层螺旋CT尿路造影(MSCTU)在无痛性血尿的上尿路肿瘤患者中的诊断价值。


1.Clinical Value of Multislice Computed Tomography Following Intravenous Urography for Diagnosing Urinary Tract Obstructive Disease;尿路造影后立即做CT尿路成像诊断输尿管梗阻性病变

2.A Clinical Observation of Adverse Effects in Excretory Urography;分泌性尿路造影不良反应的临床观察

3.CT Urography in the Diagnosis of the Uropathy;尿路病变CT尿路造影的临床应用

4)CT urographyCT泌尿系造影

parasion of split-bolus 2-phaseCT urography and classical single bolusCT urography in normal collecting system正常集合系统分次团注双期与传统单次团注多期CT泌尿系造影的比较


1.In order to select appropriate methods to locate non opaque stones of the upper urinary tract, 63 cases with non opaque stones of the upper urinary tract were identified by using retrogradeurography (RGU) and intravenousurography and then were treated with extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL).应用国产HX90 2型碎石机 ,采用静脉尿路造影术 (IVU)和逆行尿路造影术 (RGU)定位法 ,X线双重定位碎石机行体外冲击波碎石术 (ESWL) ,治疗泌尿系阴性结石 6 3例 ,首次碎石治愈率为 87。




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