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热舒适 thermal comfort英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-15 15:51:49


热舒适 thermal comfort英语短句 例句大全

热舒适,thermal comfort

1)thermal comfort热舒适

1.Effects of air movement onthermal comfort:a literature review;空气流动对热舒适影响的实验研究:总结与分析

2.Evolution and evaluation of research in room airflow and humanthermal comfort;气流运动及其与热舒适关系研究的进展与评述

3.Prediction of indoor climate andthermal comfort for cooling in ventilated residence rooms;通风降温建筑室内热环境模拟及热舒适研究


1.Influence of Human Body Heat Storage and Adaptation on Thermal Comfort人体蓄热与热适应能力对热舒适性的影响

2.Discussion on Thermal Sensation and Thermal Comfort关于“热感觉”与“热舒适”的讨论

3.An Adaptive Thermal Comfort Model for Hot Summer and Cold Winter Context;夏热冬冷地区人体热舒适气候适应模型研究

4.Research on the Rural Residential Thermal Environment and Thermal Comfort in Hot Summer and Cold Winter Climate Zone夏热冬冷地区村镇住宅热环境与热舒适研究

5.Evaluation model for indoor thermal comfort based on neural network基于神经网络的室内热舒适评判模型

6.Thermal Comfort Prediction Model for Cloth Wearing Condition and Its Application穿着服装热舒适性的预测模型和应用

7.Study on Dynamic Thermal-Based Air-Conditioning Control Scheme;基于动态热舒适的空调控制方案研究

8.Research on Thermal Comfort of Light Ceramics "Crystal Sandstone"轻质陶瓷“晶立方砂岩”的热舒适性研究

9.Thermal Comfort Index Computing Based on BP Neural Networks基于BP神经网络的热舒适性指标计算

10.Study on Relationship between Indoor Thermal Environment,Thermal Comfort and Productivity室内热环境、热舒适与工作效率关系的研究

11.The Study on Thermal Environment and Comfort for Desktop-based Task-ambient Air Conditioning;桌面工位空调系统室内热环境与热舒适性研究

12.The Study of Energy Saving and Indoor Thermal Comfort in Air-conditioning System Using Heat Pipe;热管在空调系统节能与室内热舒适的应用研究

13.Thermal Comfort Analysis in Departure Lounge at Railway Station in Hot Summer and Cold Winter Zone夏热冬冷地区客运站候车室夏季热舒适性

14.Thermal Sensing and Thermal Comfort of the Infant in the Kindergarten Building托幼建筑中的幼儿热感觉和热舒适研究

15.Study on thermoelectric refrigeration and thermal comfort小型热电装置制冷特性及人体热舒适性研究

16.Study on the Relation of Indoor Thermal Environment in Summer-Hot and Winter-cold Areas with Human Comfort and Thermal Health;夏热冬冷地区室内热环境与人体热舒适及热健康的关系研究

17.The Investigation of Thermal Comfort and Thermal Adaptation in Residential Buildings during the Summer Season of Hot Summer/Cold Winter Region;夏热冬冷地区住宅夏季热舒适状况以及适应性研究

18.Study on the Indoor Thermal Environment and Human Thermal Comfort in Natural Ventilation Building in Summer-Hot and Winter-cold Zone;夏热冬冷地区自然通风建筑室内热环境与人体热舒适的研究


thermal comfortable热舒适

1.This paper have been analyesed relation of people s move about type andthermal comfortable along with influence Of people s move about type tothermal comfortable.本文通过分析人的活动模式与热舒适的关系及其人的活动模式对热舒适的影响,提出了在住宅设计时应注意和研究的几个问题。

3)thermal comfort热舒适性

1.The influence of water containing rate on thethermal comfort of fabric;含湿量对织物热舒适性的影响

2.Assessment of indoorthermal comfort;室内热舒适性的评价方法

3.Study on optimal energy control of VAV air-conditioning system based on on-line indoorthermal comfort control;采用室内热舒适性控制的变风量空调系统节能控制研究


1.According to the layout of modern garden offices, which are separated into several zones, a jet distribution is introduced to the separated working zone in order to realize the individual ventilation and the improvement ofcomfortableness and indoor air quality.实验研究表明这种送风方式能有效地改善室内空气品质和提高热舒适性。

2.According to the layout of modern garden offices, which are separated into several zones, a jet distribution is introduced to the separated working zone in order to realize the individual ventilation and the improvement of indoor air quality andcomfortableness.结合现代花园式办公室多个隔断单元的实际情况 ,提出利用多点射流送风方式单独控制每个隔断单元 ,通过理论分析和实验研究表明 ,多点射流送风方式能实现隔断单元内个性化送风 ,改善室内空气品质和提高热舒适

3.Pulse ventilation is different from the traditional ventilation with stable velocity, improves thecomfortableness and health.脉冲送风方式,不同于传统空调送风风速稳定的模式,有利于改善人体的热舒适性和健康状况。

5)Thermal Comfort热舒适度

1.The results show that the indoor air-flow distribution is more uniform without feeling any wind,and the temperature gradient in vertical direction is smaller with a better thermal comfort.对采用热水地板辐射供暖系统的办公室的速度场、温度场进行了数值模拟,室内气流分布比较均匀,没有吹风感觉,竖直方向温度梯度较小,热舒适度较好。

2.According to the measure results,the indoor thermal comfort in different fresh air supply modes is analyzed and compared by PMV-PPD evaluation method.通过使用PMV-PPD热舒适度评价方法,分析比较了不同新风引入方式对室内热舒适度的影响,指出了采用低位小新风量空调低风速引入方式时室内热舒适度最好,为以后进行户式空调系统新风引入设计提供了设计方向。

6)thermal amenity热舒适度

1.But, in most cases of design,thermal amenity of atrium space is seldom taken into consideration.中庭在建筑设计中是常用的一种空间形式,它具有良好的采光、通风效果,并起到了丰富建筑空间的作用,但从人对中庭的热舒适度方面考虑甚少。


PASSAT领驭1.8T手动舒适车型名称:PASSAT领驭 1.8T 手动舒适报价(最低价):21.48万(21.48万)品牌:上海大众级别:中型车发动机:1.8T 150马力 L4变速箱:5挡手动长×宽×高:4789×1756×1470车体结构:4门5座三厢车“PASSAT领驭 1.8T 手动舒适”的详细参数车身 | 发动机 | 变速箱 | 底盘转向 | 车轮制动 | 配置基本信息车型名称PASSAT领驭 1.8T 手动舒适推出年份最高车速2080-100加速时间10.8100-0制动距离-百公里经济油耗 7.1车身长度4789宽度1756高度1470车重1458轴距2803前轮距-后轮距-最小离地间隙-车身结构三厢车车门数4座位数5油箱容积62行李箱容积475发动机排量(cc)1781排量(L)1.8工作方式涡轮增压气缸排列型式L汽缸数4每缸气门数5压缩比9.3气门结构DOHC缸径81冲程86.4马力150最大功率(kW)110最大功率转速5700最大扭矩(N·m)210最大扭据转速(rpm)1700发动机特有技术气门正时控制燃油汽油燃油标号93号供油方式多点电喷缸体材料铁缸盖材料铝环保标准欧IV机油容量4.5变速箱名称5挡手动挡位个数5变速箱类型MT底盘转向驱动方式前置前驱前悬挂类型多连杆式独立悬架后悬挂类型纵向托臂式扭力梁助力类型电子液压助力车轮制动前制动器类型通风碟后制动器类型碟式前轮胎规格205/55R16后轮胎规格205/55R16前轮辋规格7JX16后轮辋规格7JX16备胎全尺寸

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