糖尿病康复 > 社会-生态系统(SES) social-ecological system(SES)英语短句 例句大全

社会-生态系统(SES) social-ecological system(SES)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-05 23:07:18


社会-生态系统(SES) social-ecological system(SES)英语短句 例句大全

社会-生态系统(SES),social-ecological system(SES)

1)social-ecological system(SES)社会-生态系统(SES)

2)SES (Social-Ecological System)SES(社会—生态系统)

3)social-ecological system社会-生态系统

1.Future scenarios analysis ofsocial-ecological system in semiarid areas of Northwest China:A case study of northern highlands in Yuzhong County of Gansu Province半干旱区社会-生态系统未来情景分析——以甘肃省榆中县北部山区为例

2.Social-ecological systems refer to the linked systems of people and nature, which are dynamic, non-equilibrium, hierarchical and with multi-stable state mechanism.社会-生态系统是由人类社会系统和自然生态系统耦合的复杂自适应系统,具有自组织、非线性和阈值效应等多种特征。

4)social ecological system社会生态系统

1.By analysing the index system of Hebei provincesocial ecological system,state that the social ecological environment of Hebei province is losing its balance.通过对河北省社会生态系统指标体系中各指标的具体分析,认为目前河北省社会生态环境处于一种失衡状态,通过对人口、资源、经济、环境等主要因素的分析,找出其中存在问题,依此提出创建河北省优良社会生态系统的对策和建议。

2.Bysocial ecological system analysis of an autism tendency child,the study attempt to find out the cause which influence his autism tendency.本研究通过对一例自闭倾向儿童进行社会生态系统分析,尝试找出影响其自闭倾向的原因,研究者、家长、教师等共同致力于创造一个安全、轻松、自由的游戏环境,对研究对象进行生态化游戏治疗,试图探索生态化游戏治疗方案的可行性,研究实施生态化游戏治疗过程中的问题,尝试分析游戏治疗对自闭倾向儿童的作用机制。


1.Research of Net Social Ecology System Theory and System Evolvement Model;网络社会生态系统理论及系统演化模型的研究

2.Correction in the Community Based on the Society Ecosystem Theory社会生态系统理论视角下的社区矫正与和谐社区建设

3.Defining the Backgrounds of Ecological Politics and Harmonious Social System生态政治与和谐社会系统背景的界定

4.The coordinative development between the ecologic-environmentalsystem and the socio-economic system;论生态环境系统与社会经济系统的协调发展

5.According to the view of pansystems, society is a great active system for super-complicated and interpromotion-conflict.从泛系观来看,社会是一个超繁生克动态大系统.

6.Study on Synergetic Development"s Mechanism of Economic-Ecological-Social System in the State-Owned Forest Area;国有林区经济生态社会系统协同发展机理研究

7.The City Ecological Planning Based on the Nature-economy-society Complex System;基于自然—经济—社会复合系统的城市生态规划

8.To Establish the Preventing and Treating System of Public Mental Disease and Harmonious Society;构建国民心理疾病生态防治系统与和谐社会

9.Social Order Ecology System in Rural Areas;新农村治安纵横之二 农村社会治安生态系统

10.The Contribution of the System Ecological Theory to the Social Work and its Limit;试论系统生态理论对社会工作的贡献与局限

11.Establishing Resources Efficiency and Ecology Harmonious System within the Entire Society Participation;创造全社会参与的资源效率与生态和谐系统

12.Evaluation of the Harmony Degree of Ziyang District s Ecologic-Economic-Social System;湖南资阳区生态经济社会系统协调度评价研究

13.Technical Innovation and System Effect of Economy,Society and Ecology;技术创新与经济、社会和生态的系统效应

14.Building up the city ecosystem with the nature and the society in harmony;构造自然与社会相协调的城市生态系统

15.Co-evolutionary study on the ecological environment and the social economy multiplexed system生态环境与社会经济复合系统的协同进化

16.Redeclare the Backgrounds of Ecological Politics and Harmonious Social System对生态政治与和谐社会系统背景的再明确

17.Dynamic ecological niche of complex social-economical-natural ecosystem in Fujian from 1996 to 1996~福建省社会-经济-自然复合生态系统生态位变化分析

18.Relationship between Topic for World Expositions and Construction Problems for Shanghai City Area Compound System of "Ecosystem-Economic System-Social System";世博会主题与上海市市域“生态-经济-社会”复合系统建设问题


SES (Social-Ecological System)SES(社会—生态系统)

3)social-ecological system社会-生态系统

1.Future scenarios analysis ofsocial-ecological system in semiarid areas of Northwest China:A case study of northern highlands in Yuzhong County of Gansu Province半干旱区社会-生态系统未来情景分析——以甘肃省榆中县北部山区为例

2.Social-ecological systems refer to the linked systems of people and nature, which are dynamic, non-equilibrium, hierarchical and with multi-stable state mechanism.社会-生态系统是由人类社会系统和自然生态系统耦合的复杂自适应系统,具有自组织、非线性和阈值效应等多种特征。

4)social ecological system社会生态系统

1.By analysing the index system of Hebei provincesocial ecological system,state that the social ecological environment of Hebei province is losing its balance.通过对河北省社会生态系统指标体系中各指标的具体分析,认为目前河北省社会生态环境处于一种失衡状态,通过对人口、资源、经济、环境等主要因素的分析,找出其中存在问题,依此提出创建河北省优良社会生态系统的对策和建议。

2.Bysocial ecological system analysis of an autism tendency child,the study attempt to find out the cause which influence his autism tendency.本研究通过对一例自闭倾向儿童进行社会生态系统分析,尝试找出影响其自闭倾向的原因,研究者、家长、教师等共同致力于创造一个安全、轻松、自由的游戏环境,对研究对象进行生态化游戏治疗,试图探索生态化游戏治疗方案的可行性,研究实施生态化游戏治疗过程中的问题,尝试分析游戏治疗对自闭倾向儿童的作用机制。

5)Social Ecosystem社会生态系统

1.The building of “ Green Civilization” is an effective way to quicken the development of the economy and the society because it can guarantee a normal revolving of the natural ecosystem and the social ecosystem and guarantee a sustained development .建设绿色文明 ,走绿色文明之路 ,能使自然生态系统和社会生态系统得到最优化和良性运行 ,实现可持续发展 ,顺应时代发展潮流 ,是加快经济和社会发展的正确选择和有效途径。

6)SES-96 systemSES-96系统



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