糖尿病康复 > 消渴病 Diabetes英语短句 例句大全

消渴病 Diabetes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-22 00:28:20


消渴病 Diabetes英语短句 例句大全



1.Recognize ofDiabetes in Internal Canon of Medicine of the Yellow Emperor;《黄帝内经》对消渴病的认识

2.Observation on Kidney-Replenishing and Liver-Clearing Decoction in Treating 32 cases ofDiabetes;滋肾清肝汤治疗消渴病32例

3.Analysis of the Association Rule in the Composition ofthe TCM Formulas forDiabetes;消渴病复方配伍规律的关联规则分析


1.The TCM Literature Study of Syndrome and Therapeutic Principles Research on Xiao Ke (Diabetes Mellitus);消渴病(糖尿病)证治的中医文献研究

2.Study on TCM Document and Regulation of Syndrome-Treatment and Prescription-Drugs of Diabetes;消渴病中医文献与证治方药规律研究

3.Discussion of etiology and disease-bit of diabetes mellitus by laws of using drugs试从临床用药规律论消渴病的病因病位

4.Discussing mechanism and therapeutic principle of wasting thirst from view of vigor从元气角度论消渴病的病机与证治原则

5.Study on Syndrome-Treatment and Prescription-Drugs of Diabetes of TCM by Ancient and Modern Medical Records Date;基于古今医案数据分析的消渴病证治规律研究

6.The Chinese Medicine Treats Diabetes the Peripheral Nerve Pathological Change Medication Rule to Search Micro;中医治疗消渴病并发痹证用药规律探微

7.Approach of Application to the Polyidrosis Caused by Diabetes of Classical Prescription of Zhongjing;仲景经方治疗消渴病多汗症的应用探讨

8.The Theory Research of Supporting Vitality Treating Diabetes;扶助元气法治疗消渴病的理论研究与实践探讨

9.The Study of the Relations Among the Classification of TCM, the Rheology of Blood and the Course of Xiaoke;消渴病(2型糖尿病)中医证型与血流变学及病程的关系研究

10.Theory Investigate and Experiment Study on Treating XiaoKeBing (Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus) Through Therapeutic Method of Tonifying Spleen Yin;滋补脾阴法治疗消渴病(2型糖尿病)的理论与实验研究

11.Influence of Xiaokekang on Renal Function in Diabetic Nephropathy Rats消渴康对糖尿病肾病大鼠的治疗作用

12.Study on the Mechanism of Treating Rat Diabetic Nephropathy with XIAOKEKELIJI;消渴颗粒剂治疗糖尿病肾病的机制研究

13.Study of renoprotective effect of LXC in type 2 diabetic rats复方连芪消渴胶囊对糖尿病肾病大鼠的影响

14.Qi Yao Xiao Ke Capsule in the Treatment of Qi-Yin Deficiency Diabetic Nephropathy芪药消渴胶囊治疗气阴两虚型糖尿病肾病47例

15.Clinical Study on Xiaoke Pill in Treating Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with Qi and Yin Deficiency消渴丸治疗气阴两虚证2型糖尿病的临床研究

16.Study of "Xiaoke" Eye Disease s Quality of Life and Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM) Syndrome;消渴目病的生存质量与中医证候的关系研究

17.The Clinicial Study on Treatment of Diabetes by Combination of Acupuncture with Xiaoke Pill;针刺加配合口服消渴丸治疗糖尿病的临床研究

18.Wasting and Thirsting Disorder: TCM term nearly equivalent to Diabetes. Characterized by frequent urination, excessive thirst a/or hunger, and possibly emaciation.消渴:在中医名词中相当于糖尿病.表现为尿频,烦渴,或者善饥,并可能伴有消瘦.


diabetes mellitus消渴病

1.Discussion of etiology and disease-bit ofdiabetes mellitus by laws of using drugs试从临床用药规律论消渴病的病因病位

2.The stagnated heat syndrome in the liver and stomach also exist indiabetes mellitus except traditional differential diagnosis of Three Type of Diabetes.消渴病除传统的三消辨证外 ,还存在着肝胃郁热证。

3)Xiaoke eye disease消渴目病

4)wasting-thirst disease secondary to nephropathy消渴病肾病

5)Diabetes heart accumulation消渴病心积

6)XiaoKe Disease/Diabetes消渴病/糖尿病


小儿消渴小儿消渴 小儿消渴 病证名。又名痟渴、三消。《幼科铁镜》:“三消之症,实热者少,虚热者多,不足之症……始而心肺消渴,或脾胃消中,或肾水消浊。传染日久,则肠胃合消,五脏干燥、精神疲怠,以致消瘦四肢。”临床以津液枯燥,虚热内盛而出现口渴、饮多、食多、尿多、消瘦为特征。一般分消上、消肌、消浊。详各条。

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